Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 748: 7 love 6 desire!

"Seven emotions and six desires?"

Xu lacks a word of truth.

Seven loves six desires to know that it belongs to the emotions that many people will have more or less!

For example, there are many sayings about the seven sentiments. Among them, the most widely spread is "greed and hate love and evil" and "sentimental sorrow and sorrow."

Only the former in the Buddha, also known as the seven bitter, are "corruption, jealousy, idiots, resentment, love, separation, refusal, glory."

As for the six desires, it is very clear, referring to the needs or desires of "eyes, ears, and tongues", thus becoming the "color and fragrance touch"!

As long as it is a person, more or less will have these seven passions, if all are cut off, then it can not be called a person!

Today, Zixia Fairy said that this array of law is related to "seven emotions and six desires", Xu suddenly reacted.

Combining the things that those people in the picture have experienced, it is clear that they are all experiencing the test of seven emotions and six desires!

"I don't think that there is such a **** in the world! The so-called "greed, hate, love, desire, evil, scent, scent, touch". These seven emotions and desires, everything is red dust, the world is persistent and difficult to get rid of, I am afraid no one can cross this level "Zi Xia fairy shakes his head, his face is dignified, and he said quietly.

"It is not necessarily true. If there is a law, there will be a life and death door. If it is a person who has gone to the seven passions and desires, there is no desire to ask for it, then it is impossible to enter here, so I think there must be a way to break this line, but we must first find Out of his birth!" Xu said, his eyes have been watching the ground.

However, with his realm of battle, he did not see any clues!

"Look, the two brothers and sisters are in a state of affairs!" At this time, there were monks on the wall exclaiming.

Xu Wei and Zixia Fairy heard the words and turned their heads to look at the picture on the ceiling.

The previous few brothers and sisters who entered the family and became emperors and princesses left only one man and one woman at the moment.

The battlefield is over, the man has won, killed his brother and brother, and finally with the younger sister!

However, when he returned with a triumphant return and went to the big country to marry the princess with countless gifts, he was told that the wedding was cancelled.

The emperor assigned the only princess to the prince who came from a distant country.

The prince was very handsome, tall and mighty, and the appearance of the prince was eclipsed.

The princess also agreed with the emperor's arrangement on the spot, abandoning the emperor, and abandoning her brother, to be with the great king prince!

"No! No, Princess Royal Highness, have you not said that you have to live with me forever?" The whole prince was stunned, and he fell to his knees and sat down on the ground, incredulously questioning.

The princess immediately frowned and scolded: "Let's go, this time the palace said this!"

"You..." The emperor's face changed instantly!

He seems to recall that on the battlefield, several other emperors also claimed that the princess had made love for them, but at this moment, the princess turned his face and did not recognize it!

"You are this 贱-人!" Finally, the emperor was angry and screamed out loud.

The entire hall was suddenly stunned, and countless people moved, including the emperor, and were angry on the spot.

He ordered the people to leave the emperor, but the prince was already mad, rushed forward, twisted the princess's neck, and then he was also rushed into the guards, slashing!

The picture ends here!

In the secret room, the two brothers and sisters have already fallen, and gradually sink into the ground!

Everyone, including Xu, was silent after watching this scene.

They watched these brothers and sisters who grew up from a young age and walked with confidence. But I didn’t expect that the ending would be like this.

"What did they experience in the years that didn't appear in the picture? Why have you forgotten their relationship in just a few years?" Xu was puzzled and couldn't help but export.

Zixia Fairy shook her head slightly: "I am afraid this is also the detachment of this array of law. It can make people slowly forget their past identity and gradually indulge in it and let them believe that the world is real!"

Xu lacked the face and said: "If this is the case, how can we get out of the law? There is no chance to find a living!"

Zixia fairy is silent, her eyes are looking at Xu, and some regrets let him come over!

Because the current situation is far beyond her control, a complete dilemma!

She does not care about herself, because if she falls here, she will only lose a body, and she will be excluded at most.

But Xu is not the same. If you die here, you really die.

"No, I don't want to wait any longer. We have been in for a few months, and then wait until this, and sooner or later!" At this time, someone shouted at the entrance and exit of the opposite wall.

The person who is with him also nods: "Yes, instead of being trapped here, don't go for a fight!"

"You found out that they didn't. They went down together and walked in the same place, so they would kill each other. We can do the opposite!"


"After we go down, don't walk together, go separately, enter different illusions, and think of ways to survive."

"Hey, this is a try!"

"Life and death, we rely on ourselves!"

After that, several people chose to leave and plundered below.

If they plan, a few people are far apart, and each goes to the central area.

The next moment, the person who walked in front suddenly became stiff, and there was a fascination at the foot, followed by the person who came over, and also appeared in this situation!

In the end, a few Huimeng plundered over the Chamber of Secrets, each forming several pictures.

"They succeeded and entered a different fantasy!" Xu said.

He looked at the picture and several people appeared in different scenes.

Some people have become scholars, some have become big officials, some have become emperors, and some have become embarrassed...

As before, the picture flashed and the time changed!

The book has been hard to read for many years, from young people to middle-aged people, but never able to high school!

The **** from a clean and honest style, and finally became a person who is insatiable and arrogant.

The emperor changed from Ming Jun to a faint, intoxicated, and intoxicated after the palace was ruined.

It’s getting worse~lightnovelpub.net~ It’s a disease, it’s a miserable!

In the end, the scholars exhausted the silver in the house, fell into a broken temple, and chose to hang!

The big official was assassinated.

The emperor was uprising, subverted the dynasty, and died in the palace!

Because of stealing food, I was injured by a stick and died in the cold night!


The ending is still very bleak, no one can survive.

At this time, everyone has also understood, they are all in their own hands!

The scholars are obsessed with the career path, so they have chosen to kill themselves after losing all their skills!

If he is not attached to this, turning books into a pleasure, to enjoy life, but to live.

If the official is insisting on the cleanliness at the beginning, it will not be assassinated!

If the emperor continues to be a Mingjun, the rebel army's uprising will not be so smooth!

If you don’t steal it, stick to it, even if it’s too hard, you won’t die in the chaos!

They have been wrong from the beginning. The people who entered before seem to kill each other. In fact, it is because their own choices are wrong, which leads to the follow-up of those things. It can be said that they are all in their own hands and die in the seven passions and desires!

"Supreme treasure, you... what should we do?" At this time, Zixia fairy turned his head and worried about looking at Xu.

In fact, what she wants to ask is just what Xu should do!

"No way, read so much, there is no useful discovery! Now only enter the battle, you can know what to do!" Xu shook his head.

He really didn't notice anything, including the system, and the system didn't give him any useful response.

The only thing that is useful is that the system tells him that there is a function that allows him to keep his memory and never forget it!

Therefore, Xu Xiao decided to enter the battle, and then borrowed the ability of the system, see one step, and finally broke the battle!