Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 772: Is there such an operation?

Fried days help Xu lack!

Just five words, understatement, but like a five-thunder roar, instantly shocked in the minds of everyone!

In an instant, the audience was silent!

Everyone is big and unbelievable!

Xu lack?

This... is this guy missing?

How can it be?

Didn't he all disappear for a few years? How did I change my appearance to appear here?

All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the venue became weird.

With Xu’s lack of strength just before, everyone almost dared not suspect that his identity was fake!

After all, this year, in addition to the people who bombed the heavens, they have never seen any Jindan period that can be a strong one in the battle!

"Hey, why don't you talk? Isn't there a round of applause here?"

At this time, Xu lacked a smile to look at the crowd, and at the same time called out the system, removed the effect of the eccentric camouflage.

After all, this day's masquerading has been used overtime, and it has to be deducted every hour, which is too wasteful.


Suddenly, a stream of light passed over him, followed by the dress of the Supreme Treasure disappeared instantly, replaced by a black robe, and the appearance began to change!

The peerless world that made the water Yuanguo and Huoyuan people tossing and turning and nightmare every night... Oh, no, the handsome face that makes countless people have a deep memory and full of suffocation, it appears in front of everyone!


Some people in the whole place took a breath of cold breath and stupid on the spot.


What's special, it's really a lack of it!

What does this guy do? It’s easy to hide his identity and run here to make trouble. Isn’t this a pit person?

All of a sudden, the atmosphere on the field has become more eccentric!

Everyone's gaze, all brushed to the people of the Cangjie gang, the look is also changing, there are sympathy, there are banter, but also gloating!

"Oh, this is interesting! The sky is going to be a mold!"

"Oh, you can only blame them for their bad luck. They often walk around the river to have wet shoes. When they do this, there will always be a time to kick the iron plate!"

"Hey! Can Xu be called a iron plate?"

"He is called a thorn! People kicked it, he was unharmed, but others were bloody!"

"In fact, as long as you don't provoke him, he won't care about us, but if anyone sends it to the door, then the appointment in this life is over!"

"The three cruel death methods in Xiu Xianjie: First, Xu was completely dead! Second, Xu was completely dead! Third, still was Xu died!"

Everyone whispered, holding a look at the lively gesture.

When you like someone, all the shortcomings in him will become advantages!

When you hate a person, even if he doesn't have a problem, he will be picked up a bunch of problems. In short, he can't look good!

The Cangwu gang is now playing the role of the latter. The gangs like them who have been robbing homes have always been harming others, so most people are willing to see them being destroyed.

Xu lacks this, although it is also very crowded, but at least it will not take the initiative to make trouble, and also helped them recover the water Yuanguo, this merit is enough to make everyone feel good about him!

So, at this moment, the sky is like a needle felt!

Even the helper of the baby's change, and his wife, Mo Zhen, are already pale!

In the water country for so many years, who does not know the name of the lack of Xu? Who doesn't know the horror of the bombing?

In recent years, some slogans have been circulated, such as "explosive days, only needles left", "explosive days, no grass", which is enough to prove how powerful this mysterious power is!

"Xu...Xu Daoyou, this is a misunderstanding! Please listen to me!" At this time, Cangfeng finally groaned and opened his mouth, and sweated on his forehead!

Even if he is conceited again, he does not think that he can be an opponent of Xu.

You must know that when Xu was in the infancy, he killed the baby, and now the guy’s cultivation has not even seen him.

"Explain? I don't listen!" Xu lacked his hands around his chest and refused the words of the wind with his face, and then he said in a deep voice: "Today, you must give me a statement!"

Explain not to listen, to say?

Is this not the same?

Everyone in the room suddenly smoked a bit, and there was nothing to say!

But the wind has understood, Mo Zhen also understands, mixed with them, naturally can understand the first thing Xu wants.

"Explanation" and "say", these two words look similar, can not be used completely, the explanation is just a pure explanation, but the statement is not the same, the statement means apology and compensation!


Immediately, Cangfeng took off the storage ring on his hand very decisively, and respectfully handed it to Xu’s face. Sincerely said: “Xu Daoyou, this is our supplies to help all the materials. I am willing to give Xu Daoyou all compensation!”

"Hey! Compensation? Cang Bangzhu, what do you think of me as a missing person? I don't have anything to help you in the sky, will you see this material?" Xu suddenly sneered, and looked proud, then... The goods reached out and took the storage ring.

The crowd almost squirted on the spot.

Mom sells the batch, this guy... It’s really shameless as always!

But the wind is blowing, but the mouth is licking.

Because he feels that he understands it again, Xu lacks this feeling that this compensation is not enough!

But what can I do? Cangwu has been madly killing people in the past few years, and a lot of resources have been accumulated. It is all in the storage ring. If it is not enough, he can only despair!

Huh? Wait, it seems that there is really compensation!

Suddenly, the wind was bright, and his eyes suddenly looked at his wife Mo Zhen.


The next moment, he turned into a virtual shadow, directly swept forward, picked up Mo Zhen, and threw his hand to Xu Xiao!

At the same time, my face said sincerely: "Xu Daoyou, you and my wife are absolutely beautiful, and I will not be able to take advantage of it. After that, she is yours!"

"I rely on! You traitor, even throwing his wife this trick?" Xu suddenly picked up his eyes ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ homeopathic Mo Zhen catch, pick up the hand and throw it back, and swear words: "Come, hurt each other!"


Hurt each other?

What does this mean?

The wind is so dumbfounded, this time I completely can't understand the meaning of Xu deficiency.

Could it be that he is afraid of being in a big court, and he is embarrassed to take a wife, want to be a guest, and give him a courtesy?

All of a sudden, this thought flashed into the wind.

He immediately stunned and screamed: "Xu Daoyou, only the son of Tianjiao, you are qualified to possess such beautiful colors. Please take it, this is a bit of a wish!"

After that, he was in the palm of his hand and threw Mo Zhen to Xu.

"Hey, this kind of color, do you think I really can see it? Take it back, I don't want it!" Xu was short when he snorted.

This time he is telling the truth!

Mo Zhen seems to have a medium color at most, on the beauty, she is completely incomparable with Jiang Hongyan and Zixia Fairy. She is more charming than Yang Jingning and Mrs. Ya.

What's more, it's still a N-handed goods, like Xu's lack of such a straight boy, how could it really go to covet this beauty!

Therefore, he refused again and threw it back.

Cangfeng thought that this was a meaning with the previous storage, or was a symbolic humility, and immediately threw it back.

So, this time, once and for all, one after another, I was looking at everyone in the whole place.

Is there such an operation?

This year, my wife can take it like this?

At this time, Mo Zhen, who was thrown and thrown in the air, was almost collapsed and frustrated!

If she is not allowed to be imprisoned, I am afraid that I will kill the wind before I will go to the wind. Then I will look for Xu’s desperate desperation, hollow out his body and **** him out!