Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 858: Road friendly craftsmanship

Forgive him?

When everyone listened to the audience, they instantly collapsed.

The kid not only robbed your fiancee in front of you, but also blackmailed your storage ring, and finally ordered you to lead the way. As a result, you forgive him?

Lying in the trough, did you originally be such a person?

Everyone was dull and looked at Wei Zi, who had a serious expression on his face, and his head could not move.

Especially the people of the sage palace, they are dumbfounded.

In their view, this young master is not such a character at all!

If you put it in the past, the young master must have already shot it. It will definitely not be soft, but what is wrong now?

"Less Lord, you are..." A strong sage of the sage palace asked, trying to see if the young master is still normal.

Wei Ziqin immediately sank and snorted: "If the Lord has said this, don't want to repeat the second time, don't you roll on to lead the way?"


Many people in the sacred palaces were so scared that they screamed and confessed their hearts.

Because Wei Zi asked this when the words were cold and the tone was unquestionable, they seemed to see the familiar side of their own masters.

"It seems that the Shaozhuo really has other plans, so I will bear the burden for the time being!"

Several people looked at each other and spoke up even if they stepped forward.

At the same time, Xu Xiao and Jiang Hongyan, who are walking in front, have smiles on their faces.

Jiang Hongyan looked at Xu Xiao, and smiled and asked: "Little guy, what strange things have you done? It can make him become obedient!"

"Haha, there is nothing, it is something similar to knocking black sticks!" Xu lacked a smile, not that he did not want to explain with Jiang Hongyan, but this thing could not explain it at all. It is difficult to say directly to Jiang Hongyan, I will give him Have a green hat?

Jiang Hongyan seems to understand and nodded, and did not ask much. She only cares about Xu deficiency, and the rest of the things are hard to cause her too much curiosity!

Before Xu Xiao came to the front of the barrier, he did not rush into it. Instead, he began to crack the few storage rings that Wei Zi asked.

As early as when he rushed to lick the animal skin, he had already checked the things in the animal skin, and the result was unexpected!

The hide in the animal skin is not a broken space, but a small golden egg, which is even smaller than the egg, but it is very hard, with a faint glow, and the strangest, this golden egg has not yet The law was hidden in the storage ring.

However, Xu lacked the system, and when he was thinking, he immediately wrapped the golden egg into the system, but the system did not give the golden egg an identification. He suggested that he needed to upgrade the system to version 8.0, so that he had enough level to identify the object. .

Xu suddenly decided that this thing is not simple. As for upgrading the system, he is not in a hurry.

After all, as far as the current version is concerned, unless it can be smashed to version 10.0, it is of little significance to upgrade other versions. Therefore, the value of the one hundred million wares is still safer on the body, so as to avoid any danger. It is terrible to use the forced value suddenly.

Therefore, Xu is now a two-pronged solution, or wait until there are more than two million installed value, and the system will be upgraded to 10.0 in one go, or continue to accumulate the value, try to find the broken space.

But now the situation is very obvious. Wei Zi inquired into the cave and brought out a golden egg. As for whether or not he got a broken space, he had to find out from his storage ring to know.


In the end, a muffled sound rang.

Xu Wei successfully wiped out the knowledge of the guards on the few guards, and the soul of the soul suddenly came into it.

Immediately, he was a little bit stunned.

These storage rings are filled with countless rare treasures, all kinds of elixir, countless advanced implements and spirits, and even many days of law.

The added value of these things goes far beyond what Xu lacked in the past few years.

It’s just that for the lack of the system, these things are like dirt in his eyes, not worth mentioning.

What really caught his attention was the black tungsten token that was not black in the autumn. It looked rusty and very old. Even the writing was a bit fuzzy, but it was faintly identifiable with the words "getting started"!

Xu lacks some doubts. It is reasonable to say that such things appear in a pile of rare treasures, which is equivalent to the emergence of an ugly duckling in a group of swans. It is hard not to notice.

Wei Zixun has such a strong foundation, how can it collect such a worn-out piece of tungsten-iron token? What does the word "getting started" mean?

"Little girl, do you know this thing?" Xu lacked the token and handed it to Jiang Hongyan.

Jiang Hongyan looked at it carefully and shook her head slightly: "I have never seen this thing, but it does not seem to belong to this world!"

"Oh?" Xu missed his eyebrows.

What does not belong to this world? That's interesting!

He immediately turned around and asked for advice from Wei Zi: "Xiao Wei! Come over, I have something to ask you!"

Xiao Wei?

When the audience heard the name, they suddenly straightened their eyes.

The people of the Shengxian Palace are almost mad at the foot.

Damn, we are the sages of the sages, do you dare to call him Xiaowei? Does this still put our sage palace in the eye?

However, what surprised everyone is that Wei Zixun was not angry. Instead, he was calm and gentle. He came to Xu’s face in a very gentle way. He smiled and said: "It’s down! What problems do you have with your friends? Open your mouth as soon as possible! ”


Everyone in the audience instantly took a breath!

The people of the Shengxian Palace and the Imperial Palace are also stunned.

Once, even if it is forbearance?

What do the Lord want to do?

Many people are full of doubts, but after being warned, no one in their hearts dares to question again.

"Xiaowei, you are going to talk about it, this thing is dry, the entry order, which door is it, the front door or the back door?" Xu lacked the tungsten iron token and asked with a smile.

When Wei Zi asked for a moment, he struggled in his eyes and seemed to be unwilling to tell Xu that he was short of it. He laughed and said: "Dao You, I don’t know much about this order. You can’t use it now. ""

Obviously he does not intend to inform Xu of the origin of this tungsten-iron token.

After all, he brought the forgiveness cap, which can only be used to dispel hatred, and can't really let him listen.

However, in general, people will make some kind behaviors to forgive each other to show that they have forgiven each other.

Just like Xu Xiaoxian first made an unreasonable request, Wei Zizheng forgave him, and in order to show sincerity, he readily agreed to his request.

But now the responsiveness seems to be gone, then...


Xu lacked a slap in the face and asked the defender for a face!

The crisp sound is particularly harsh in this quiet environment!

After a short silence in the audience, I immediately screamed a few anger!

"Let's relax!" The sage of the sages of the sages, the body shape rushed forward, full of killing!

"Bold, what do you want to do?"

Wei Zixun turned suddenly and screamed at the sacred palace. He said: "This little master clearly lets you stay awake. Are you going to reverse it?"

The sages of the sages suddenly changed their faces, and they quickly squatted down and screamed in unison: "I don't dare to swear, please be less angry!"

But some people can't swallow this breath, and they don't want to say: "The Lord, he has to hit your face, do you still want him to do whatever he wants?"

"Budget, this is the main thing to do, but it is your turn to question?" Wei Zixun suddenly squinted and snorted.

"Don't dare, subordinate sin!" The sage of the sages immediately bowed his head.

Wei Zi asked this cold voice: "No matter what, this young master wants to forgive him. No one can stop the Lord from forgiving him. Otherwise, he will be conceited. Do you understand?"

"Yes..." The sages of the sages whispered, and at the same time they felt that something was wrong.

It is too unusual for Wei Zi to ask for such performance, and it is completely different.

The fiancee was robbed, and he said to forgive each other!

The storage ring was blackmailed, and he also said to forgive each other!

Now even his face has been beaten, he still insists on forgiving each other!

Is this to forgive when to go?

Even if there is any big plan, can you not bear such a burden?

"But ~lightnovelpub.net~ Less masters do this, I am afraid there is really a big plan, we don't have any bad things!"

"Yes, the Lord has just licked our eyes and seems to be really killing us. He must blame us for the bad plan!"

"Then we will bear it, and the Lord can bear with such a big humiliation. What can we not bear?"

"Okay, not only forbearance, but also forgive each other!"

"Not bad! That's it!"

Immediately, the sages of the sages of the people discussed the results, and they tacitly agreed to each other.


Just then, a crisp sound rang.

The audience was once again dumbfounded.

Xu was actually a slap in the face of Wei Zi’s face, and then looked innocently to the crowd: “Oh, it’s not the opposite. In fact, it’s a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder. There is no right face, but I feel uncomfortable. I can’t help but fill it up. You see, it looks like it’s pleasing to the eye, and it’s still very symmetrical!”

The people of the Shengxian Palace immediately looked at each other and immediately applauded and shouted: "Good! Friendly craft! We forgive you!"

In an instant, thunder applause, resounding the audience!



[It still fell down! ! I slept very early in the morning and got up a lot. I got a glass of water and my head was still faint. I lie down and continue to sleep. One sleep was a big day, and I woke up in the afternoon to measure the body temperature, and it was a heatstroke fever. I didn't dare to take time off and didn't want to take time off, so I wrote a chapter to tell everyone to say sorry, now I can't help myself, I am going to go to the nearby clinic to make a bottle infusion!

Then this chapter is the first one to make up yesterday. I still owe three chapters and three chapters today. When I come back and continue to write, I will definitely finish it. After all, my battle is not over yet! 】