Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 1163: Easy to know

This magical world has some unique attributes and is therefore different from the modern scientific world. Factors such as magic circle, magic casting structure, etc., make one, two, three, four, five, six... these things are especially popular, and there is a powerful genre of five elements magic, plus five-star magic circle, magic Models and the like, people generally have a high awareness of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth... It runs counter to science after all... It is characterized by stability, something that must be followed, from top to bottom, from ancient times to the present...

However, modern science pays attention to breaking the tradition and constantly denying the theories of predecessors, so as to quickly iterate, evolve higher-end theories and clearer cognitions. Everything can be verified by experiments, rather than just slap your head. Think about it, come up with a theory, and then future generations must follow it, otherwise it would be deceiving the teacher and destroying the ancestor.

Fortunately, magic is inherited and promoted. It is somewhere between the two, so it pays more attention to traditional things than modern science. Including the five elements.

Therefore, even Lin Mingmei did not feel that there was anything wrong with the five elements' high status.

"No, there is nothing wrong with it. Just say stone. It can be condensed from soil, or metal can be extracted... So, each of you condenses a five element element. What is the truth? It's too wasteful... …Go back, take out the stone, and I will refine it for you. It may not be iron, it may be gold ore, or even platinum... It’s very valuable. Of course, if it’s silver, don’t sell it. It’s cheap. ."

"How do I feel a little bit of malice?"

"Yeah, it doesn't feel wrong, let me tell you where that guy is, you go and beat him?"

"No, it's important to go back and save the sisters."

"Well, although this guy has a bad mouth, many of his ideas are indeed innovative and can give us a lot of inspiration."

"So this kind of guy must be disciplined in the future, with a stick in one hand and a carrot in the other..."

"Use it for yourself?"

"You are really looking for death."

"Go back quickly, I don't think they can hold on for long."

"Don't think I won't be able to clean you up when I go back."

"You will definitely die from this mouth in the future."

"Humans all die from their mouths. The difference is that some misfortunes come from the mouth, and some diseases come from the mouth... hey."

"Intuition tells me that this is not a good thing. If I don't tell you, I have to be busy for a while."

The goddesses are probably busy taking a bath easily, but Lin Mingmei has her own things to do.

She felt that Ivey's absorption of the will of the world had slowed down, perhaps because this guy had absorbed too much and could not digest well, so let's sort it out slowly now.

The remaining surging will of the universe needs them to digest and absorb.

There is a clear difference from Ivey, Lin Mingmei is calm and breezy. Perhaps it was her experience that calmed her down, or perhaps the instinct engraved in her genes has not been forgotten. Lin Mingmei’s cosmic will has become extraordinarily obedient in her sea of ​​consciousness, with high efficiency and utilization. Of course, these It is invisible to outsiders.

It just feels that everything is under control. If it weren't for a beautiful woman like her to do this, then it would be as stable as an old dog.

"Welcome back, your actions are so fast, you can come over before we collapse, amazing..."

"Why do I seem to feel a smell of sarcasm against my face?"

"Be more confident and remove the seemingly. If you are in my position, you will be ridiculed. You are really exhausted. Why are you so slow?"

"Oh, I forgot, the flow of time here is different from outside, but I still rushed back as soon as possible."

"But, how come you are the only one, can this work?"

"That must be, I'm a genius and beautiful girl."

"This time you are overconfident."

"Oh, but they can't come over, they only teach me a way..."

"It's good to have a way, at least better than coming over naked."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, the ground here is not very stable."

"Of course, I'm all to blame. I'm so eager for quick success and quick profit. I actually think that the four of us can make up the five elements."

"However, Sister Haili's idea is indeed very attractive, showing us a sky city-style defense with the five elements...If the enemy comes over, you will know what a genius is."

"Do you need new people to join? I have always wanted to know which one can nurture the attributes of gold..."

"No, just the four of us. In fact, the guy Ivy provided us with an idea, a subversive idea. For example, some magical theories that we take for granted can be overturned...About the Five Elements In this regard, his thoughts are..."

After careful explanation, several people still looked confused, "Oh my god, it's all my fault, let you go out, sorry."

"Yes, even if there are a little more cells in the brain, reaching the level of a dinosaur, you can understand that this kid is just talking the vernacular... What kind of stone extracts metal... Isn't this just a method of alchemy?"

"So, is it feasible to use alchemy to guide magic practice?"

"We don't have time to raise the bar, even if what you say is really feasible, how many attempts and failures will it take to reach from theory to practice?"

"It is very simple to extract a piece of metal from stone, but it is difficult to make such a metal a natural innate thing in the world... Well, you don't make gold, you don't understand..."

"You mean this guy is fooling us?"

"It's not a flicker, I have a feeling of being stunned, but his method is too difficult, and we don't have a clue~lightnovelpub.net~ Can we do nothing without him? I am not convinced ."

"Yeah, I am not convinced, so let's work hard."

"Actually, magical practice with theoretical guidance is completely different from without theoretical guidance."

"I also understand the truth. I just complained. After all, we were exhausted after so long. As a result, you brought us an uncertain method for us to break through, instead of a practical solution or direct help. , It will inevitably be a little emotional."

"So I think, sisters, our thoughts like this are unhealthy. Why do we have to rely on others for everything? Why can't we leave that guy?"

"Uh, maybe that guy is always buzzing around like a fly, he's used to him."

"The power of habit is terrible, are you ready?"

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