Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 118: Black powder

Jumping out of bed, Catherine waved abruptly, a blood-red robe draped over her.

When the red shadow flashed, she was like a cat, moving forward gracefully on the rope of fate, occasionally revealing the whiteness, and dazzling eyes, fascinating.

She opened the door angrily, and the little servant who had been waiting by the side bowed and waited.

"Pass my order..."


Ivey looked around, nothing wrong, but he clearly felt that he hadn't heard it wrong.

The night was deserted, and there were already a few lights on nearby. He recognized the direction and ran after him.

There was a figure in the distance, hazy, somewhat familiar, and disappeared into the skyline in a blink of an eye.

There is such a big noise here, the school guards can't be all displayed.

Ivey disappeared in the dark and cleared up his mood. After a while, the school guard came.

These guys, why don't they sound a siren? Isn’t it all in TV dramas?

Ivey stepped forward, and Captain Wang asked in surprise:

"Mr. Maori, why are you here?"

Ivey was sleepy and yawned.

"I was awakened. It is inevitable that people like me who have experienced strong winds and waves have become more vigilant. What happened here?"

Captain Wang smiled in his belly, but said:

"According to nearby residents, there seems to be some fighting in this store, let's go and take a look."

The scene was in a mess, there were traces of fighting everywhere, and useful information was blocked.

The plan to investigate and lead the thief out of the hole was half successful, but the biggest suspect, Long Jiang, was howling to death, and many things were unproven.

As the school's detective assistant, Ivey followed me with a fuss.

Sure enough, nothing was found.

At dawn, Ivey sat in a chair in the corner and yawned.

The yawn this time was genuine.

He leaned down, preparing to take a nap on the table.

Huh, what is this?

Out of the eye, I saw the big ant crawling on the ground.

Sure enough, the worldview is different, and ants can become cockroaches.

This thing is big and has a thick carapace. Strength, roar...

Three or two ants moved the table, which is too exaggerated!

Maybe I can grab a few and study it, and start a new era of magic bionics.

Or get an ant-like summoned beast, at a certain time-the ant self-propelled bed shakes, hehe.

Ivey reached out, short oil...

Quite flexible, don’t run if I don’t catch you.

What is this... Ivey's eyes suddenly widened.

Sure enough, the daylight is good and it is easier to find details. This black powder, isn't it...

He watched carefully, and the ants secreted some liquid from their mouths, melting the scattered black powder into small black particles.

Then the ants move, pick them up one by one and leave.

Their home...

Ivey followed the traces and quickly traced it.

But he heard a school guard smile:

"Mr. Maori, would you like to find a magnifying glass for you? Although the effect is not magically clear, it is better than easy to use..."

Captain Wang suppressed a smile. He clearly remembered the advice of Vice President Avril Lavigne-this "Mr. Maori" had a high respect and a deep background, and he should do his best to cooperate. He explained:

"Don't be surprised, Mr. Maori, this kind of ant is probably our Phoenix, um, to be precise, it is a specialty of this campus, and it is everywhere. It is not surprising that this thing should have nothing to do with this case."

"Do you have any flying cats here?" Ivey asked abruptly.

"Mr. Maori, you really can laugh, Owl understand..."

Ivey ignored his mockery.

"I'll take a look at it and get a little more knowledgeable. As a detective, it's best to know everything. Many clues to cases are hidden in the trivial things that we usually see."

The school guard rolled him a glance and ignored it. They collected blood, divided areas, analyzed and inferred, and replayed the case.

It even uses some auxiliary magic such as "Eye of Reality", "Clues", "Floating Light and Glimpse".

The final result seems to have gotten a lot of clues, but found nothing. In other words, the report can be enriched.

As for time retrospect, there is no such thing. Think about it and know that a four-dimensional wizard can't come to you as a forensic proof.

Ivey touched the black powder lightly and twisted it lightly between his index finger and thumb. He concentrated his mental energy and fully realized its physical properties.

After the comparison, it was confirmed that this was the black powder that Lin Xi had collected. This thing was absolutely extraordinary.

He chased a few corners and found that the ant was suddenly gone. It shouldn't be, such a big man, how can I say nothing?

He turned around again, stirring up the dust in the room, and sneezing several times.

Invite more complaints.

There are some messy footprints here. It seems that someone has turned over there. Are you looking for something?

There are a total of footprints, one, two, three... well, there are many kinds, of which this kind only appears in a few fixed locations. There is no front room or back kitchen, which is very problematic.

Out of the store, he patrolled around, and found out a small window, that location... He closed his eyes, UU read www.uukanshu.com and imagined the sound of last night... It should be correct, from the size of the footprint to There is no conflict between body shape and weight.

That person should be unfamiliar, otherwise, even if he is a back, for a person with his mental perception, he should be recognized the first time.

But I must have seen it a few times, and that familiarity can't be wrong.

And... Ivey had an awkward feeling that was puzzled and had to give up.

This black powder must be studied carefully. Ivey's intuition is very important and is a key clue.

Where to verify?

Let’s start with the effect on the body of living beings. The mouse, the flying cat, the ant... are all extraordinary.


A handful of black powder, on a black note paper, the paper is on the table, the table is next to a bamboo chair, and a beautiful girl sits on the bamboo chair. Her eyes are covered with bloodshot eyes. She obviously slept last night. not good.

"Uncle Hong, what are these you got? What I need is requisite, do you understand?"

The girl's tone was not polite, she had endured it for a long time.

She felt that Uncle Hong was totally untrustworthy and made a mess of everything.

With so many talents in Phoenix, is it difficult to find a battery or two?

I believe that many hormonal teenagers are willing to be roommates with beautiful girls like her.

Change one if you die, it's consumable anyway.

As for him, he picked a strange thing at a glance:

Insensitive to beautiful women, selfish and cold, stingy, and mysterious... She would rather have a constipated roommate!

Brother Corpse's resurrection is imminent, no mistakes can be made!

The soul battery is easy to handle, so I can’t find another one!