Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 119: What is a friend

Requiem... She frowned. She had heard that Phoenix has a requiem. There is no news yet, and she is forced to contact the senior management.

She didn't want to showdown so early because the chips were still insufficient.

"This black powder can improve the body's strength to a great extent. We..."

"We don't need it. Brother Corpse's body strength is close to A Grade treasures. As long as those batteries are continuously charged, the spirit is bred in him, and then combined..."

She took a deep breath,

"Requiem is necessary, haven't you found it yet?"

Uncle Hong shook his head.

"I also have to bear some responsibility for the death of Brother White. I have a reason to look for Ivy..."

Xiaowan leaned forward and paid close attention to the middle-aged man. She knew that this man had a little relationship with Ivy, and she wanted to know his attitude.

She was lucky. After getting rid of some shackles, her cultivation base has improved by leaps and bounds, and now she has stabilized the "Uncle Hong" head.

Sometimes she was thinking that she could just find a good opportunity to kill Uncle Hong, which would be regarded as indirect revenge for Big Brother Bai.

But this person can be regarded as kind to himself, hum, what is this, a woman is ungrateful.

Revenge is deep in DNA.

Who dares to say that this lady is a bad person, I will kill him! Hehe. Yes, this is the feeling.


She sighed secretly. Big Brother Bai is the most trustworthy and righteous, he must not like it.

Uncle Hong explained carefully, first he felt guilty, and secondly, Xiao Wan was very troublesome now.

Especially when alone together, always be careful.

"Don't underestimate Ivey. The strength of this man's soul is unfathomable. Other soul batteries provide the white brothers' needs for resuscitation. It requires a lot of people to relay. This kind of thing has been done for a long time, and there are many nights and dreams. It is out of control by Phoenix ."

Uncle Hong gently tasted the "tea" floating with bamboo leaves, and continued:

"Ivey's soul battery will not even endanger his life. What's more important is that the quality of the soul is different. This kind of supreme soul capacity can make your brother Bai go further, and his cultivation level even far exceeds the current you. , This is my consideration."

Xiaowan licked her lips lightly, her eyes showing greed.

"I thought something was wrong with him. It turned out to be a sweet cake."

Her vision is far-reaching:

"What do you think of using beauty tricks?"

"I'm afraid not. There is no shortage of beautiful women around him. Not to mention his strong self-control."

"Does the overlord put the bow hard?"

Uncle Hong shook his head and nodded again:

"This is a bad idea. There is no other way. I have no choice but to do so. But I don't agree. Tonight I met a man whose makeup was very clumsy. I recognized him at a glance, but his strength surprised me. In the time, he has become a two-dimensional first-order star mage."

"Nothing great!"

"I know that his strength is a bit lower than ours, but it gives me a creepy feeling, as if he can kill with one eye, kill with one eye, and realize the great way..."

"how is this possible?"

"Yeah, I thought so too, how could it be possible?"

Uncle Hong sighed, a little discouraged:

"Speaking of which, I still owe him a life. It's better not to conflict if you can't.

The two chatted casually, made some follow-up plans, and then parted ways.

Looking at the back of Uncle Hong backing away, Xiaowan smiled sarcastically.

"Is it funny to guard me like this? You never know how easy it is for me to kill you!"

She lay back on the bed, stroked her chest with her hands, and murmured:

"Beauty tricks, it won't. No one is worthy of my body except for the great corpse brother!"


"I need an explanation!"

Ivey, Lin Xi, and Avril Lavigne, these three groups reunited in private.

"Explain a fart, get out of my bed quickly!"

Ivey sniffed and deliberately said:

"It's not smelly at all, how can you be a fart?"

Avril Lavigne was stunned for several seconds before reacting. (Sister is a fart)

"Asshole, I...you...hey, do you want to die!"

"Okay, stop making trouble." Lin Xi suddenly felt a little lost, how did he feel that the relationship between these two people was so good.

They tacitly declared that they were good friends and buddies.

This involves an old mysterious topic:

Is there a pure friendship between men and women?

Ten hours ago, Ivey dragged his tired body onto Avril's bed.

Of course, Avril Lavigne went to class.

When she came back, she tried to pull the snoring guy up, but she failed several times.

Finally, I can only helplessly say:

"It's a man who sleeps for seven hours, a woman who sleeps for eight hours, a woman who sleeps for nine hours, either a fool or an idiot, and you, you slept for ten hours!"

"So you are a idiot who is neither male nor female?" Even Lin Xi smiled this time.

Ivey ignored them, just sent a look of contempt to kill and was ignored.

He yawned long and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Lin Xi suddenly had a strange feeling.

She grabbed her hair hard but couldn't remember it. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"What's the matter?" Ivey asked concerned.

"It doesn't matter, let's talk business."

"Good." Ivey took out a small crystal bottle with a little black powder in it. He says:

"I found this at the scene of the first crime. What is this? Avril, what secret does your school keep from the public?"

Avril Lavigne's eyes also sharpened, "Don't you believe me?"

"I don't believe your school."

"It's our school!"

"Okay, let's just say a few words, let's seek common ground while reserving differences." Lin Xi made a round.

"Okay, let's reach our consensus first!" Avril said through gritted teeth.

"The first consensus." Lin Xi's mouth twitched, like a smile instead of a smile; Avril raised her chin and pointed at Ivey with her nostril.

"You are a fool (idiot)!" The two girls chuckled.

"Not all, let's say it again. One, two..." The two rushed to the rhythm.

"You are an idiot (a fool)!"

Avril Lavigne: "Because you slept for ten hours."

Lin Xi: "It's probably like this."

Ivey finally looked relaxed:

"It's okay, I don't have any ethics, but I don't want my friends and my alma mater to be a demon.

"It's okay," he added.

"You already feel this thing?"

Avril Lavigne felt like she said something nonsense, "Yes, yes, the effect is so obvious, I was shocked the first time I saw it."

Walking back and forth in the room, she scowled, very serious and arrogant.