Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 120: Mystery project

"I don't have much information, because there is only so much information. After all, my identity...huh, unlike your poor student, I am a superior vice principal..."

"Well, don't talk about these useless things, Master Vice Principal."

Although she is the vice principal, Avril Lavigne is essentially a teenage girl. It was the age of that.

It's rare that Ivey has no identity difference, or pretends that there is no identity difference, and becomes one with her, becoming an existence similar to a male girlfriend and a bad friend.

After a few more laughs, Avril said:

"This is a laboratory project of Phoenix, led by the Potions Department, and has been secretly researched for forty-two years.

"This project is mainly to develop a special medicine for medical treatment, which aims to treat those soldiers who have been injured and physically disabled on the battlefield, especially some veterans of the war-if they can restore their disabled bodies, or even go further, it will be extremely The Empire’s military is greatly enhanced, so the Imperial Command attaches great importance to this, and they have sent some capable personnel to participate in the research and development work."

"Why not use healing magic?"

"There are many injuries that cannot be cured by magic."

"Who participated in this project?"

"I don’t know the people in the empire. Many files have been destroyed. It is said that the project has had some problems and has been terminated. Of course, people with an IQ of one-half of the dinosaur can understand that things will not look like this. simple……

"The people of the empire have already been withdrawn, and the materials have been destroyed cleanly. After I came here, I occasionally learned about the situation from a few pieces of paper, so it was not too much.

"There is a very powerful researcher in the Potions Department. He is a little handsome and well-mannered. It's a pity that it's too boring, a bit nerdy. He has only three hobbies..."

"Smoking, drinking, hot hair?"

Ivey got a boss's blank eyes.

"1, delve into the literature, 2, play with the corpse, 3. lick the cat."

"This is purely single by hobby, ha ha, ha ha..."

Ivey suddenly couldn't laugh, he thought of the cat flying out.

"Is there anything special about the cat?"

Avril gave him a deep look:

"A cat with wings and a flying ability. It is said that he created a new species inspired by the corpse..."

She exhorted, "Don't talk nonsense everywhere, this kind of thing is very taboo."

"Later, the minister of the Potions Department died of a sudden illness, and Quan Xian became the new minister. Within two months, he mysteriously disappeared."

"Quan Xian is..."

"It's the researcher who loves cats, Huo Hong's uncle, Quan Li's... father."


Both Ivy and Lin Xi were taken aback, "Well...Would you like to be so messy? Huo Hong and Quan Li are not relatives?"

"Hehe, gossip, just listen to it."

"Please, don't be so happy, hey, what's the matter with your eyes bright?"

Sure enough, women are most interested in such "short-term parents".

"After Quan Xian disappeared, the vice principal alone supported the research of the entire project and worked hard..."


"Of course not, Long Aowu, the vice-principal of Phoenix Intermediate Magic Academy, Baodi branch school..."

"Is this Long Aowu..."

"Yes, you guessed it right, this man is the father of Long Jiang Howl."

"You have a big deal, you have a big deal, hahaha."

"You two, don't be gloating, it's a big deal, I will run away."

"That's not necessary, this Long Aowu is also missing..."

"The group is missing?"

"Maybe disappearance is more fashionable. If your suspicion cannot be cleared, after a period of time, under pressure from the empire, 80% of you will also disappear."

"Don't mention my troubles."

"I've seen the vice principal before. At that time I was a student in Phoenix... The vice principal was very nice and kind, and he was completely different from his domineering son..."

"So, another genetic mutation?"

"You just hurt your mouth too much. Sooner or later, you will be unlucky on this."

"Ivey don't make trouble, go on, is there anything special about that person?"

"I'm not very impressed with him, I haven't seen him a few times, so...oh, wait a minute, that person is a bit wretched, in fact, he looks so-so, just a mouthful of black teeth... It is said that he loves sugar ..."

"It's also possible that his lover has diabetes..."

"Hey, you are enough, if I don't teach a lesson today..."

"Okay, stop making trouble." Lin Xi grabbed the two overage babies.


Ivey lay on the bed, panting, the two women pressed against him.

After a while, they finally realized that this posture was a bit indecent, and their faces blushed to the side.

The bed is big and soft, and it feels good now. and so……

Ivey got up abruptly and looked straight ahead. It's like being caught in bed by the original wife...

"There is a problem with that dessert shop."

"Please, your reaction is too slow, right?"

Avril Lavigne is angry and funny.

"The victim was sneaking with others in the middle of the night at a private meeting in a dessert shop closed for rectification~lightnovelpub.net~ where black powder, unknown creatures, and the biggest suspect, Long Jiang, were also found. died……"

Lin Xi pointed her fingers to help Ivey count.

Feeling Lin Xi's little tenderness, Ivey smiled.

"I don't think that dessert shop is open randomly. Long Aowu likes desserts...Of course, this is our guess, or what he likes is not desserts... what would it be?

"We don't fully understand the black powder. It is currently estimated that it can regenerate limbs, strengthen the body, and produce some unpredictable mutations..."

"Monsterization, damage to the brain and other nervous systems, and great damage to the soul..." Avril Lavigne added, "This is the description of the project termination document."

"Then it will be easy, now we divide the work."

Ivey was passionate and generous, but the other two ladies didn't buy it.

"Why do you decide, you execute it, and our two beauties are responsible for directing."

Avril Lavigne looks very interested in directing Ivey to do things.

"Where...you can do this?"

Ivey looked depressed and went out again.


The black sky and the black face complement each other.

He decided to go to the dessert shop off campus to investigate again.

There are some residents around, presumably those mice hiding in the dark need to be a little taboo.

This time, he was searching for big items.

Maybe there will be gains.

The lights on the campus were dazzling and he walked in a hurry.

At the corner, I met...

The cat, a black cat, a black cat with wings, kept looking at him as if a flower had bloomed on his face.