Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 1354: True feelings

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"It's okay, everyone, don't worry, hold up the defense, I swear, I will kill this guy before your tears fall on my corpse..."

Yes, Ivey is now able to kill this guy, but it’s not enough to just kill this guy. He needs to "eat" this guy as a whole to give everyone back a wave of blood, and that is, this universe ( The barriers of the prison must be broken through, using this guy's achievements to the key points, and then through some kind of power, there is a high probability of success, right?

Ivey is like a hard-working little worm, trying to hollow out this behemoth, maybe it will succeed thousands of years later, he can't wait, so he evolved himself. Now, he is a hard working excavator, working hard to dig a certain corner, but this mountain-like building is not something his excavator can dig down. He can only evolve. Now, he is a black hole like an abyss, invisible, with great suction, eating stars and not spitting out bones... Facing this behemoth, it seems that... it is still lacking.

He will evolve again...

The law of double helix structure is fighting for destiny, and the power of genes has made him swallow this huge black hole much faster.

More importantly, Ivey suddenly discovered that his guardian stars are actually black holes that can be replaced by home. In this way, these black holes, which he had not paid attention to, suddenly became more important, because their absorption seemed to be unlimited, everything could be absorbed, and the efficiency was relatively strong.

What Ivey changes is the soul energy. He is like a loose earthworm, like a worker bee collecting honey... Through a certain skill in the body, the soul energy undergoes essential changes.

Now, a considerable part of these soul energies have become unowned, only a small part of what I have absorbed, and more of them are gathered together due to certain rules and constraints, and become Ivy’s soul in the sea of ​​knowledge. Part of energy. This part of the huge soul energy, he still has no ability to mobilize, but these are his wealth and represent huge potential. In fact, this is also a kind of talent, and it is impossible for others to achieve this.

"Battlestar", can you help me absorb a little? This is an idea Ivey had long ago, however, it is difficult, in addition to the Battlestar does not possess his abilities, there is another point is trust.

The original fortress was a kind of object, completely belonged to him. The current fortress still seems to belong to him completely, but before that, it belongs to himself more, because he has his own consciousness, he is already a living body, which makes him extremely powerful, with unlimited future and potential. But in terms of credibility, it is much worse. However, it is still possible to share part of it, everyone has a reputation, as long as the limit is not exceeded.

The "limits" of these girls seem to be high enough, and Ivey has long gained complete trust here, but they also have their own limitations. They do not have the size of a battlestar, nor do they have the soul of Ivey. Knowledge of the sea and control, but, fortunately, they have a combined soul small world that is still stable. However, for the dominance of the small world and the future development of the Ivey is biased and must maintain a certain amount of advantage, which requires that the soul energy absorbed by it must be controlled within a certain amount, and their absorption speed is limited.

Ivey had weighed these before he started, but now he feels that he should have a choice, because there is not much time left for him.

The protective shield of "Battlestar" is collapsing, and these girls' own strength will also be affected. Although Ivey was consciously distributed around the fortress when attacking, and brought some changes, which relieved part of their pressure. But after all, the strength gap between them and the giant life body is too great, this is not the time and space and the wheel of fate that Ivey's little arm can block.

"How about, sisters, we can't just sit here and wait for this guy to be rescued. We are not Sleeping Beauty..."

"I know that sleeping guy. She is a powerful magician. She is okay in the castle, waiting for the wisher to get the bait and go fishing for her little boyfriend..."

"Your focus is out of focus."

"Oh, oh."

"Put away your halazi..."

"Oh, oh."

"Well, Avril, what did you think of?"

"Oh, oh."

"Hey, stop making trouble, how are you preparing?"

"No problem. I have come up with my own consciousness."

"Even if it's dead!"

"Actually I am not ready, I don't want to disappear."

"Avril Lavigne!"

"No, Lin is with you, don't force her~lightnovelpub.net~ everyone has the right to choose!"

"I didn't force her, it was destiny that was forcing us! If we don't make choices or work hard, there is only one dead end!"

"Actually, I think you should trust Ivey. I have experienced a lot of things like this. Hasn't he survived?"

"Avril Lavigne, don't be foolish."

"Sure enough, among us, you scold him the most, but when things happen, you still give him the most trust."

"In fact, I think we are not desperate yet."

"No, you don't understand. If we can't merge into one, our soul universe is not strong enough to share more burdens with that man. I am not afraid of death, but why can't we help him once? Why do we always want him Sought our lives to save us? Are we incompetent parasites?"

"Okay, Lin Yu, you are over."

The scene fell silent for a while, but the smell in the air was not the same as before, there was a kind of anxiety, a kind of embarrassment, only the tacit understanding and ease of the past were missing... However, the silence was broken, this time it was very unexpected , Was broken by a girl who didn't participate in the discussion very much.

"Well, that, let me interrupt, you just want a stronger combination of the soul universe and a stronger ability to absorb the soul energy, right?"

"Hey you?"

"Lin Mingmei?"

"How come, we have been together, we don't know each other anymore, introduce myself, my name is Lin Mingmei."

"Seeing you can still joke, it doesn't seem to be bad."

"No, it's the opposite. The situation is very bad. As you can see, if we don't do anything, there is a high probability that that guy will fail and die, although I have confidence in his ability..."