Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 1419: 1 Ye Zhiqiu

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It's just that he is now covered in blood, and he looks like a boy in red.

He was severely injured, all plans went wrong, and the expected strong enemy did not come, which was a good thing, but the arrangement left by the enemy killed him almost his entire life.

He escaped from the world in his head, but did not return to the original place, but entered a fantasy world, this world, probably he had just escaped, and now he received the periphery of the world in the ring. He gained a huge treasure through complicated arrangement. But it didn't have the ability to take the treasure out. These spaces and worlds are like parts one after another, running on a huge machine.

I have to say that the guys who design these still have some grand layouts, probably because the height of the station is enough. Ivey didn't expect that the world could still be set up like this. If this is a heavenly arrangement and it is still reasonable, it would be terrifying to be an artificial arrangement.

Could the evolution of humans (or other intelligent creatures) reach such a terrifying height?

Not enough, the space here is really bad enough, there is turbulence everywhere, and such turbulence makes Ivey brains, they hurt a lot, for the four-dimensional powerhouse of the law **** continent, they are also next to each other. You die, you get hurt if you touch them, there is no chance of luck. These turbulences are very dense, almost all over the entire space. There are occasional gaps, which are also changing at any time. Sometimes they are not continuous. They can only rely on their own defenses to resist, and they will inevitably suffer huge damage in the process of breakthrough.

Ivey's defense is fairly strong, although it is a soul body, but the previous Mebis **** pattern magic outfit, the body that has evolved again and again, and some super artifacts. In such a luxurious defense, Ivey relied on the super magic chip in his brain to calculate all paths and design the one that suffered the least damage, and the result remained the same.

Looking back at Lin Mingmei, fortunately, she suffered less damage.

Lin Mingmei's eyes were very special, with some strange lights in them. Ivey couldn't figure it out, but fortunately she didn't.

Lin Mingmei didn’t know what it was like. In this world where the weak and the strong eat the strong, everyone’s first priority must be to protect themselves, even if the "Ivey" in the memory also put this priority on the first priority. Individuals, including Lin Mingmei and Ivey himself, will not think there is any problem.

But now, it seems that everything has changed. Ivey actually tried several times to give Lin Mingmei a safer road, and suffered more injuries. Then, he smiled and said, "It's okay, my skin is thick and fleshy, it's nothing to bleed.

Lin Mingmei felt some impulses in her eyes, but she resisted it. She just forced herself to pass through dangerous areas more carefully and faster, and no longer thought about it, and returned Ivey's kindness with her best state. Regardless of her heart or not, Ivey has already paid a huge price. All she has to do is to use these costs to the extreme so that Ivey's kindness will not be wasted.

At the same time, her heart seemed to be full of power: this time might be really different.

She didn't understand exactly where it was different, maybe Ivey, this guy, really changed everything, including himself.

"What do you think these are?" Ivey suddenly stopped and asked?

"What else can it be? Space turbulence." Lin Mingmei is very strange, this obvious answer is definitely not what Ivey wanted, but her brain is currently a little down, and it is caused by Ivey. So, the cool guy rejected feelings back then. He said that feelings seemed very useless and would affect judgment and combat effectiveness. Lin Mingmei was deeply influenced by him. Until now, she still agrees with his views and thinks about problems with such a value system. However, the current Ivey brought another change to Lin Mingmei. Speaking of it, you guys, can't you be more reliable?

Thinking of this, Lin Mingmei was a little angry, as if she had been under the influence of one person throughout her life, no matter how much she escaped, she would eventually return by different routes and converge on him.

"Do you think this is a bit like blood, um, to be precise, it's like blood in a blood vessel." Ivey frowned and thought about it. It's really beautiful. It's a pity that he now has half of his eyebrows missing, although it doesn't affect much. His handsomeness, his handsomeness is in his bones, even without this body, he is still handsome.

Lin Mingmei shook her head and quickly forced herself to concentrate and deal with the crisis before her.

Ivey is still thinking.

"I don't think things are that simple. Maybe, in our own perception, this guy is completely out of the system, but maybe in another dimension, he is actually a living body."

"Life form?"

"Yes, semi-finished life form."

"Just through the space turbulence here, like the blood in your phenomenon?"

"If I say yes, will you hit me?"

"Yes." But Lin Mingmei said with a smile, and it didn't look so scary.

"In fact, it's not just that, there are also barriers to the world over there. This barrier is like a'vascular wall'."

"Oh, that's interesting, is this your instinct?"

"Not only intuition, but also the magical technique of'Peeping Leopard in a Tube'."

"Speaking of ~lightnovelpub.net~ seems to be attracted by Ivey’s proprietary technical terms. In fact, Lin Mingmei cares more about Ivey’s confidence and combat power, especially the kind of facing difficulties and rising from the ground. Lin Mingmei thinks he will win even if he is now bloody, weak, and has lost most of his life. This is not just pure trust. Now Lin Mingmei is sure. This is even more of a kind to him." faith".

Lin Mingmei flew next to Ivey, the white light flickered in her hand, and used some healing magic to help Ivey stop the blood and heal several larger wounds. I don't know what's going on here, it seems that healing magic is restricted, and attack magic is also restricted. Well, here is only a little stronger than the Forbidden Magic Realm. Fortunately, they are all mages among the masters, the top powerhouses in the mainland, and the distance from the gods is only a name. Such people will be suppressed. Only by being a little smaller can you be able to save a small life in this complex area.

"This is an iteration of a magical technique I got from alchemy. I can see the novels and see the leopard in my eyes. In some super large alchemy devices, complex parts are often required. The difficulty and details of the combination are no more than the birth of a living body. How simple is it."

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