Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 1449: The beauty of amethyst

"Super Dimension Star Master (

"For example, in the world of'technology' that you don't know, to realize universal magic, ordinary people can go to heaven and earth and accomplish things that many junior magicians in the magical world cannot do... Of course, I won't say more about this. ."

A look of remembrance appeared in Ivey's eyes. After a while, he said:

"Specifically in this world, magic is detested, and magic power is not easy to recover, which means that it compensates in other ways. At first, I didn't know what compensation was. I think the increase in magic power is a kind of compensation. The ability of the power system to do more is a kind of compensation, and even the professional skill system of the entire planet has been recast...Later when that guy talked about amethyst, I discovered that perhaps, amethyst is magic. A kind of compensation that is easy to recover."

Ivey continued:

"Amethyst is extremely precious, otherwise Fashen Continent won't have an amethyst card, but here, it may not be."

"How did you know?"

"That head didn't say that things like amethyst are very common."

"Of course it's unusual. Amethyst is unusual everywhere, and it's also very precious. I suspect that there must be strong guards around it, perhaps a certain race, perhaps a powerful creature, perhaps an incredible environment, or... It won’t be easy anyway, otherwise, she will just send a team of barbarians... But here, these amethysts are not as rare as our previous world, which means, perhaps, this is the rule of this world, What do you think is a kind of compensation for people in this world for not being able to restore magical energy as they wish."

"What you said is very possible and reasonable. I can hardly find anything to refute, but I don't think it will be that simple."

"Well, it's all our assumptions, everything must be truly felt."

"Shall we set off now? The enemy here..."

"Don't pay too much attention. If she activates one of her hands and can't even deal with these small scenes, then she is dead. We don't have to deal with her."

"How are we going to leave here?"

"Use this." Ivey suddenly opened his hand, and a piece of amethyst appeared in his palm, "This is not our inventory, but the guy gave us..."

"She probably doesn't know how many amethysts we have?"

"Well, we have some, but it's not too many. You know, I am a pessimist. I like more assured battles. I like to be more secure. Therefore, it is not easy to accumulate some amethysts, but if there can be It’s also a kind of luck to add a lot."

"In other words, we don't have to worry too much about the consumption of mana?"

"We still need to be concerned. First, our amethyst is limited."

"A ghost believes in you."

Ivey ignored these remarks and continued: "Secondly, after our mana energy is completely consumed, there is a vacuum of strength. After all, we cannot absorb mana energy anytime and anywhere, resulting in a continuous decrease of mana energy. Although this amethyst has a certain endurance, it needs more stringent conditions for absorption, while it needs to be quiet and safe, and it needs to be far away from the battlefield. In this way, it is not the best guarantee for our safety."

"So, Ge Gou still wants to fight?"

"That's right, congratulations."

"Are there restrictions on the map? Can the location be marked."

"For the time being, there are two reasons. Second, the world is too much for magic suppression, and the range of mental power penetration is limited, so it cannot be covered in a large area. Second, those amethysts have a natural magical protection standpoint and it is difficult to be affected by magic. Locked in with spiritual power, this is also the reason why amethyst mine is so precious, difficult to find, difficult to mine, difficult to store, difficult to transport..."

"I understand that they are difficult to mine. They have a natural magical stealth effect. The anti-invisibility is too strong to be found by the strong. Many famous amethyst maniacs in history were discovered by accident by civilians. After some twists and turns, they were known by the people in power. In the end, competition between the strong is attracted, and multiple forces compete together to form a certain equilibrium, and then... it seems that nothing is wrong with us."

"I just disdain it. People like me who seek to improve their own strength, people like me who have a great future and a journey of stars and seas."

"Okay, well, don't stop Ivey's boasting nonsense."

"I probably understand that it is difficult to mine. The condensate of magic energy has amazing energy storage and is therefore even more dangerous. This amethyst energy is extremely sensitive. Once it breaks out, it will cause a huge mining accident."

"What does it mean to store and transport? I feel like a space ring. Isn't it too easy to store and transport?"

"Have you heard of the Amy Royal Amethyst Mine Transport Team?"

"Of course, so famous? Why do you ask?"

"That's right, why are they famous? If transportation is so easy?"

"Yes~lightnovelpub.net~ It's a simple truth."

"Should be afraid of being robbed?"

"Of course, this is one aspect. If improperly stored, amethysts can easily volatilize their energy and leak out. After all, their energy density is too high and the diffusion effect is too obvious. Even if it is only magical energy radiation, it will cause huge losses... …So during transportation, the higher the level of the space alchemy magic device, the better the preservation effect..."

"Isn't that just a competition of space treasures?"

"Not all, there is also the control of mental power. You know the process of the wizard's spelling. In fact, the magic power is guided and controlled by the spiritual power. Therefore, Amethyst still has high requirements for this aspect. The mental power of the transport personnel The stronger the amethyst, the higher the quality of the amethyst that can be transported, and the greater the transport volume, so that it will not cause huge safety hazards due to'overloading'."

"Well, let's go, this amethyst mine seems to be tailor-made for you."

"Just understand."


"do you have any opinion?"

"No problem, I like it very much."

Ivey opened a piece of sheepskin roll-like thing, with strange magic patterns shining around on it, it was extraordinary at first glance, very exquisite and precious. However, this is not the point. The amethyst mine, the range of various monsters and forces, and even other possible hiding places for treasures, as well as some myths and legends, appeared above.

"Oh, what a good treasure map, which was given to you by that little girl? She was kind to you."

"You said that, um, indeed. However, she also wants to be nice to you, but some people don't appreciate it, like some kind of acidic liquid was overturned..."

"More than being knocked over, I want to turn her face and splash her with sulfuric acid directly."