Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 327: make persistent efforts

   Avril leaped high, like a flying fairy, um, or a mermaid or something, swimming in the space of a water dragon, she kept sending out various handprints, controlling the water dragon to rampage, and clearing out a dried monster.

   The parrot flew away, and the summoning stopped. The scene was in a mess.

   Avril said hello, go! So go together...

  Defensive team, urban management headquarters, a man suddenly somersaulted into a chair. The chair seemed to be unable to withstand the huge force generated by the fat body, cracked, and then the man fell to the ground.

   "Captain, Captain!"

   Several people hurriedly stepped forward to help him.

   "Go away!"

   He just lay on the ground and couldn't get up. His chest fluctuates violently, **** it, this is the first time a robber has been released... well, well, this is also the first time a town bank has been robbed!

   Damn these bastards!

   He smashed his bones, got up, rushed to the corner, laboriously turning the safe around and around, damn, who, it made it so complicated, he cursed.

   The people next to him didn’t dare to take the trouble, I thought, didn’t you make it?

  We have been guarding us like anti-thief...Well, maybe we are not qualified enough, maybe we are guarding the lord of the city...

   Finally, he opened the magic safe, carefully held out a box, and opened the box. It was a group of mutton tallow and white jade, crystal clear small animals... figure? toy? or……

   "Holy beast spirit medium! This time, I will tear these people to pieces!"

There are four forces in Bulwark No. 290. Among them, the City Lord’s Mansion is the strongest among the four, and the other alchemist Zhuge Mo is the most widespread of the four. The brother-in-law of the Great City Master of the City Management Team, the strange blood summoner, is among the four The most unreliable in the middle-in fact, it is mainly because he is unreliable. Having said that, his strength is extremely high, mainly due to these holy beast spirit mediums, through which you can summon the legendary holy beast. There is also the last mysterious force, the most mysterious of the four-no one has seen them yet, but it vaguely feels that there is such a group of people.



   Ivey panted, he adjusted his breath in front of the treasure mall, stepped inside, and saw an army of puppets facing the enemy...

   So, what kind of sheep is this...

   Just grab it, no need to go through the program, no need to give me face!

   The two girls could not help smiling when they saw Ivey like this.

   The man took off the ring and necklace, and the woman took off her **** and apron. I don't know why Ivey suddenly remembered this line of the second elder Huashan, but he didn't dare to say it.

   The treasure mall is still relatively normal, which means that in addition to the expensive puppet security forces, there are actually many little beauties and wizard guards.

   These mages were obviously hired with high salaries, and they have many functions.

   Jianbao, this is incapable of a puppet;

   Reception, many high-end items are sold, but the puppets are not good at it;

   Picking up girls, this belongs to their own job. Many beautiful women are crying and crying, and they come to work here regardless of salary, just for those high-handed masters. So, it's hard to say who will be who.


   is to deal with today's things flexibly.

  If a group of puppets are in charge, they may not have such quick vigilance and determination.

   is now ready to face the enemy. As early as when something happened at the opposite bank, this side had already made a response. Starting

   It is a pity that the stall is still too big and it is already being protected and transferred, but the progress is not smooth and it takes time. They didn't expect that the powerful security force on the opposite side of the Magic Bank would be defeated in an instant, which made everyone's heart heavy.

   Fortunately, those girls don't think so. The strong in this world are respected, and morality and everything can be aside.

   Looting property is nothing. To get rich overnight, who doesn't want to, the key is whether they can succeed. If they are robbing money, it will be better to rob them again.

Wow! What a handsome little guy!

   Ivey has entered the arena, and many girls’ eyes lit up. This person, yes.


   How come this guy brings his own dry food! Two more!

   "Transformation! Battle mode!"

  It's really ironic. Before the puppet was the main defensive force, I didn't have the opportunity to learn. Instead, I tried to deal with the war puppet for the first time.

   Puppets generally turn on the alert mode or patrol mode, and the battle mode will only start when the fierce battle begins immediately.

  The reason is simple: energy saving.

   It's like the bow and crossbow are wound and opened before the enemy. It's like the cavalry only mounts before the war. Normally, the horsepower needs to be saved. The puppets also need maintenance and energy saving.

   Exactly like this, Ivey saw a spectacular scene!

   is like a neat square array, and it cures obsessive-compulsive disorder like an assembly line. These puppets unfold their magic outfits uniformly and uniformly!

   Of course, depending on the function, there are long-range, melee, command, and supply...If it is a large-scale battle, there will be maintenance, logistics, and reserve...

   "Arcane Missile! The law...no."

  Probably the only drawback of puppets is that they are not star wizards, because they have no souls!

  Magic is only ordinary magic. It is stimulated by magic crystals, magic circles, runes, predetermined programming, etc. The power of magic is not as powerful as star magic.

   But wins in stability ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ fast, a wide variety, huge number, coordinated operations...

   is nothing like arcane missiles, but they fire fast and fire at the same time, have a cluster bombing effect, carpet the floor, and can be maintained unless the energy is exhausted.

   Ivey has a headache, really, who would have gotten this kind of... a big battle?

   is a large-scale battle for the human mage. For the puppet army, it is not even a small one, at most it is a miniature encounter.

   The vast and vast arcane missiles, indiscriminate and dead-angle attacks, just when Ivey is holding his head and scurrying...

   "Water curtain sky, law, hard!"

   "Holy light, blessed, law, lasting!"

  Avril Lavigne, Lin Xi, both hold up defense magic, each of them can be distracted and counted, but they all release only one defense magic.

   Ivey quickly understood the reason-consumption.

   Water and light magic are powerful defenses, and star magic is far superior to ordinary magic. Even so, in a one-to-many situation, it is still not optimistic. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   The water curtain Tianhua has a wide defense range, flexibility, and after being hardened by the law, only a layer of water curtain can guard against a huge number of arcane missiles!

   Holy Light Blessing is the same, Lin Xi is not relieved, and has added lasting elements, and is already preparing for an arduous battle.

   They all handed over the responsibility of counterattack to Ivey, but Ivey was also complaining in his heart.
