Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 421: Lord of the Rat Country


   The voice is very crisp, the mechanical comfort with slightly metallic accents, and the sense of accomplishment that fills Ivey's chest all at once.

   He finally understood what the alchemists thought, but from the heart, he didn't want to be an alchemist. The reason is that the alchemist's combat effectiveness relies on foreign objects. In many specific situations, it is like facing the enemy naked. This is the situation that people who have been insecure since childhood and are most afraid of encountering.

   But using alchemy as a supplement is still a good option. The key is not to build a few sets of god-patterned armor or refine a few loyal and powerful puppets.

   Instead, some extra peripheral means are added to serve as a buffer against the enemy.

   This is Ivey’s understanding, which is not necessarily correct.


   After the last rune of the dog was spliced ​​together, his whole person, um, the whole dog suddenly became more positive, and it became a little bigger.

   Full metal shell, Thor's hammer soul, and mysterious rune thinking support system, or "dog brain", but it still feels that the former is a bit taller.

At this point, if you stand up straight and don’t get down, the dog’s height seems to be more than half of Ivey’s body. I don’t know how it did it. If you know the original catwoman’s height, although it’s not shorter, it’s better Worse.

"This is the most amazing metal in the world. Although it is not as good as Lei Jin, it is also precious. It can grow or condense on its own, be damaged, and repair. It seems to be living metal, so we call it living gold... …"

   "Live gold? Your name is too good, you know the astronomy, lower limbs..."

   "Master, you are really lbee...Oh!"

   Suddenly it hugged its dog's head, squatted on the ground, and rolled up the floor. Obviously, this is not as tall as rolling a bed sheet.

   is really a stupid dog. Although you have no malice, you will be punished by the rules of the world for verbal offenses. From the moment I help you upgrade your solid soul...

   Ivey can be completely relieved now, even Tiandao is on his side. Although Catwoman won't have such restrictions, at least she won't be ambiguous in terms of teamwork.

   "Well, dog, is there anything we need to do now, what can be done, and can get more benefits?"

  Master, you are really greedy.

   Gougou's mind turned around, and found that the owner's belly defamation can still be exempted within a certain range, and he took a breath and spit out its red tongue.

   This kind of metal is so magical, not only has red tongues, but also black eyes, yellow skin, and...unambiguous mosaics. Living gold can repair wounds. The broken cylinder has been repaired almost in the meantime.

   Then it put on the clothes and became "humanoid".

   In a non-combat state, it can maintain a human form, and in a combat state, it needs to become a silver head with metallic luster... Erha. If you don't look carefully, you can be considered a copycat wolf.

   "Master, let's do some pre-tasks and activate the task release system."

   "Well, before the task release system you mentioned is activated, will the tasks we do be recognized?"


   "We are not at a loss..."

   The master is really...hehe. UU reading www. Uukanshu.com dog’s brain circuit hasn’t come home yet, and it’s coded by itself at a critical moment, and it hasn’t attracted special care from the Tiandao system.

"Huh..." It took a deep breath, feeling constantly on the edge of death, really refreshing, "In fact, here, if we can find a task that is not on the task list, Only then will you gain greater benefits. It seems that the owner here is a guy who does not play cards according to common sense. For example, he deliberately left a flaw like me and happened to get in by the owner..."

   "Oh, oh, oh..." It hugged its head and shouted, "I really don't mean anything else, no, accidental injury, accidental injury..."

   Ivey is also a little funny, he suddenly remembered the painful setting of "Twenty-Four Mouth Switch" many years ago.

   Pain comes and goes quickly, dogs are a little skeptical, after a few more disciplines, will you like this feeling? Become a thorough...

"If the owner can successfully activate the task system through the pre-tasks, then all the tasks released by the system, the owner has the priority to choose, and only the part that is abandoned by the owner will be flowed down to other guys who are dying... In terms of rewards, the owner has a certain bonus...not only the task release system, but everything in the entire manor has similar settings, so..."

   This is a very important piece of information. With this one alone, Ivey can lead the entire estate of 99 players, even though they have not yet appeared...

   entire wisdom