Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 422: Black and white

What kind of sword is that?

  The person holding the big sword is very handsome, with a smile on his face. There seems to be something special in that smile, which seems to be laughing at himself short-sighted or timid?

  Who is this guy?

   Okay, his ridicule is correct. Lao Tzu is as timid as a mouse. Lao Tzu is a mouse... Help me up and I can run! In this world, anyone who can kill me is not born yet!

   Ivey put away his smile and shook his head.

   "You are right, this guy is really hard to deal with..."

   "Master, you have chosen the hardest way..."

   "Yes, people are always like this. You can't be reconciled if you don't try. In some ways, it's not as good as a mouse."

   Gougou introduced him to several routes, the most difficult of which is this one, but if these tasks are successful, they will have a task release system to the greatest extent, which is the key to mastering the entire castle.

   Ivey still chose this one because he swelled.

  Although the strength is already very strong, mentally speaking, it is still impossible to achieve God’s perspective and is considered as an exhaustive strategy. In many cases, it is impossible to get rid of some human weaknesses.

   But in fact, it doesn’t matter much. When advantages and strength are both dominant, the fault tolerance rate is actually quite high...

   As it is now, although the mouse king has escaped, but the key item of the mission, the mouse tail has been cut off by him. He has the rapid impact of a lead dog, has his own formidable strength, and an indestructible super-artifact Qingsi sword, all of which is a matter of course.

"It's a pity that the heart of the king rat is also a good thing. The top-level strengthening material will be used to build the armor of the gods in the future. Alas..." Ivey decided not to think about it anymore. He could not ask for the pain, he actually understood very well. Especially in the previous life.

As the soul grows stronger, some long-lasting memories are gradually awakening. Just like archaeologists, polishing the patterns on some ancient utensils, comparing them one by one, slowly studying, some vague truths are being guessed clearly... …

   "Well, contentment is always happy, with the tail in hand, let's go to the next goal!"


   The dog turned into a stream of light and walked away along the wall. At the most critical moment, Ivey gently grabbed his tail, exerted a little force, and his body was already firmly seated on it...

   Hehe, it's really an unruly dog. The more you do this, the stronger the potential. Take your time, don't worry.

   The shadow of the dog suddenly lightened, and the feeling of falling and dragging disappeared.

   Damn sister, the guy who eats inside and out.

   It is angry with his sister, even though he was very clear in his heart just now, even if there is no shadow restraint technique of the sister, my master, ah! Pooh! That little white face can also grab himself, but it will hurt more from the base of the tail to the tip of the tail.

   Alas, do you recognize this dog?

   Hmph, no, dogs cannot be killed or humiliated! How can he be an old dog who has lived for a long time, how can he be enslaved by the grandson of his grandson's grandson who doesn't know how many cycles are older than him!

  Dogs are never slaves!

   But, let's complete the task first, it's good for everyone. Before doing this, first raise the difficulty and weigh the owner's weight.

   Thinking of this, it no longer hesitated, a silver light flashed across its slender body...

  Silver light turn~lightnovelpub.net~ turn again, turn third, still turning......

   "Hey, don't chase your tail anymore, you stupid dog!" Ivey knocked the dog on the head hard.

   Many runes seemed to be shocked, and the dog suddenly woke up, **** it, why was it restricted by the dog’s natural weakness just now?

   There seem to be faint notes floating in the air. These notes cause the rune in the head to vibrate, and the vibration affects the rune algorithm at a certain frequency, and then...

   It’s just that this song sounds so familiar, so touching... it’s sound attack magic!

   Puppy Waltz!

   Ivey found out...someone was sniping them.

   The silver figure of the dog stopped flashing, and his ears stood up, enduring the discomfort in his head, trying to locate and find the enemy. And his shadow rippled, as if there was a vibration wave, disappearing into the air, and this vibration temporarily offset the power of the sound attacking magic.

   The dog's eyes were red, and soon, one of its talents: the dog sees people and locks the target.

At this time, the black shadow flashed, and Catwoman's body twisted a few times, weak and boneless, but in fact, it can be said that she has no bones. Her body flashed a few sharp edges, and with a heavy blow, she adopted a decisive attitude of changing wounds. , Quickly hit a few people with black blood gurgling from their wounds, and they couldn't live without seeing them.

   Catwoman spewed a few mouthfuls of blood, but she didn’t care, she reached out and copied it, from a person like the boss, it’s stronger than an object