Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 423: Kill the world

Black and white is a simple thinking, but it is a complicated magic.

   Even if the magic is so powerful that the world loses its color, there are many gray levels between black and white. How to completely separate them without affecting the world is an...impossible question. Ivey just used his own understanding to do one thing simply and rudely. He didn't create a perfect world, he just needed a perfect murder.

The black and white world includes everyone in it. Such a world is difficult to be self-consistent. It is destined to not last too long, but because it is pure enough, simple and crude enough, it has incredible explosive power, plus Ivey dualizes the world , So that the probability of the original even distribution was suddenly concentrated on the two elements of black and white, and the increase and decrease of this magic were randomly divided into the two, so that the original 1% chance of causing 10,000 times damage increased to 5% Ten chances. If this fails, then he immediately revokes the magic, as if it had never been cast.

   Fortunately, he succeeded, so he has the ability to turn corruption into magic.

   The increase in all staff was 10,000 times, and the sudden expansion of strength made several people almost demented. Including Ivey, he has not really tried.

   It is a pity that in actual combat, it is not as good as originally expected. It seems that this is a bu-like magic that will gradually adjust the attack to 10,000 times over time.

   However, it still doesn’t work. Once attacked, bu will pause or even go backwards. In addition, the bonus is also limited by the will of the world. After all, the strength of this magic is limited. Although there is a large lever to adjust it, if the attack strength is too high, it will still collapse.

   Ivey sighed, this magic needs too much to strengthen, there is still a lot of room for improvement. At least for now, we need to work **** stability.

   In terms of the law, if you can add the double law, or upgrade the one-dimensional law to the two-dimensional law, without increasing the singing time too much, it will be a good choice. This explosive power can give a strong enemy a surprise.

   But now, these are not needed. Although the enemy is powerful, it is far inferior to Ivey and others. Therefore, in Ivey's eyes, this battle is at most a quick copy.

   "Kill them!"

   There is not much time left for a few people.

   After the whole world became black and white, it became much purer. For example, all the walls were adjusted to white by Ivey, so a hundred boxes appeared immediately around them. So the black shadows running and fleeing were immediately out of place.

   They were ridiculously pasted on the wall, like pieces of dog skin plaster. Although the melanin seemed to penetrate into the wall and tried to escape, under the attack of 10,000 times, they were still broken into black scum, some of which were even connected to the wall.

   The dog's attack and the catwoman's attack are very strange.

   First of all, a dog is a kind of color blindness, and there is no color in his eyes. In this world, he immediately becomes bones like a dog, and Sa Huan'er wags his tail to vent all emotions.

   "Wow!" I didn't need to translate the dog language to Ivey, he knew it was happy. Especially its black nose, which is very eye-catching on its shiny silver face. It only moved slightly and sniffed its nose. All the smell, like a painting, floated into its mind. He was better than others. Know more quickly and accurately ~lightnovelpub.net~ the enemy's actions and goals.

   It showed off immediately and used its attack methods all over.

   First of all, its body, this powerful life metal "living gold", graves like a muscle, full of explosive power of metal, sharp claws attack, dog teeth biting, sound waves breaking the enemy, effective and rich methods.

Then there is its magic rune attack. This is the trump card carefully prepared for it by its original owner. It is naturally unambiguous. Various combinations of runes and the language of runes spur all kinds of magic attacks, with the aid of boosting itself to curse enemies. Magic, there are elemental magic of ice and flames, and some incredible magics such as transformation and summoning...As the dog’s soul and body gradually merge, these controls on runes are still improving, and the power of magic is also rising, Ai Wei didn't even dare to easily guess where the ceiling was...

The last and the strongest is the Thor's Hammer soul given to him by Ivey. This soul can not only promote the two strong, greatly strengthen their strength, but also can be proposed as a special soul attack method. .

Thor’s Hammer, this world-famous artifact, the dog’s soul is actually him, which also shows its deep thoughts. Although Ivey’s guidance and manufacturing are indispensable here, it is in his heart. The deep desire cannot be ignored.

   It is the spirit and soul that are shining with thunder and lightning that really cause huge damage to this group of enemies.

   There are a lot of desperadoes among the enemies, and some of them, in pursuit of pure power, transform themselves to the likes of ghosts that are not recognized by the **** or even the Creator. Many magic attacks are ineffective.