Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 636: Forest walk

The torn sheets were interspersed in the woods at high speed, and now it was more than Ivey's clothes that the branches cut.

He didn’t want to fly so low. Just now, the air above the woods, to be precise, was suddenly showing some signs of high energy ahead of the magic element of the air system. When Ivey’s introduction moved at high speed in it, it seemed to pass through phosphorus The match head on the face, he almost ignited in an instant, no, it should be said that he almost shredded himself. That sharp Qi element has created countless wind blades and dimensional slashes, and perhaps even burst flames in mid-air.

The height was quickly lowered. Fortunately, this kind of elemental agitation seems to only exist in the upper space. But these annoying branches became a problem. They were hard and much, one by one on the face, leaving behind a blood mark.

This is not magic! Ivey knows the strength of his body. Speaking of these woody branches, even the iron branches and leaves of steel shouldn't reach this level. He reduced his speed, but it had no effect. To make matters worse, as the flight deepened, more and more branches were blocked in front of him, and the vast and enhanced perception was still "drawing a map" in the sea of ​​knowledge, but it also Because of this, he found that the map seemed to be changing...

The increase in resistance and the density of branches increase exponentially. This is not magic!

Even the dull people feel strange, but what is the cause of trouble in the School of Life?

Ivey doesn't understand, is this the characteristic of the mainland's first university?

Many academies adopt closed teaching, and they are simply small kingdoms that have existed for a long time in the school, which inevitably increases their sense of group.

However, with the deepening of reforms in recent years, more and more contradictions have erupted, and there has been a sort of undercurrent turbulent situation.

The only good news is that the school's presbytery (board of directors) still controls the overall situation, not for anything else, just because there are twelve four-dimensional wizards there.

Such a luxurious lineup can destroy any empire in an instant.

Fortunately, the second thing is that the Twelve Elements Academy and the Mystery Library are inextricably linked. Although the library looks a little arrogant and doesn't sell the school's face, they are nominally affiliated with the school, a "shadow library" of the school library, a shadow buried in the dark.

The school library seems to be showing the tip of an iceberg, while the mysterious library is an iceberg under the undercurrent, and you can realize how terrifying it is when you think about it.

Under the restraint of these two kinds of powerful forces, those academies that are a little cautious can only lie down if they are dragons. If you hide your little tail, you will have to peel off when caught.

Therefore, the whole has been in peace, singing and dancing.

Ivey was lying on the blanket, a bit undefeated, but his expression was much worse. He frowned, searching in the sea of ​​knowledge, thanking the extraordinary mental power he had just given, otherwise it would be difficult to find the overall situation, and he could only passively stay here, waiting for someone to save. Don't think about waiting for people to collect their bodies. These trees will surely turn every lost person into their fertilizer.

They have planned a way for Ivey and got lost. The entire forest maze has been formed, and there is no such thing as an exit. So Ivey had to break a path by himself and find a weak spot.

The significance of the spiritual exploration just now is very significant.

It could also be that he just flew towards the thinnest edge, stimulating these ferocious tree brothers.

Obviously they were still so behaved and honest little saplings, suddenly turned into black mountain old monsters, which was hard to accept.

Ivey raised his head and looked at the sky. The space blades that hung high in the sky looked more terrifying than the Zhuxian Sword Formation, so let's not die.

Obviously, these arrangements are not aimed at oneself. Compared with them, they are small bugs and not qualified enough. Then don't attract other people's attention and go to the bottom.

So do you want to use some magic like burning city? Still that sentence, don't die.

Set fire to the mountain and sit in prison.

So far, he has been relatively relaxed, and he didn't feel that he was about to die the last time he was hunted down.

Therefore, he is just a little mouse at the right time, the sky here has not changed, and the ground has not shaken, just slip away quietly. If one day, the world will poop, it will also be tall.


A wind blade cut off a big tree in front of it, and the tree fell to one side. With a "bang", it broke a small tree next to it. Sorry, I did it on purpose. You blocked my way.


Another wind blade flew away, and another tree was chopped off. Ivey settled down and thought: You probably don't know the horror of my Sahara forest logger, you will remember it someday.

laugh! One more shot, at this frequency, not to mention my mana reserves, even if I return to demons naturally, I can sustain it without meditation.

Whoosh! when!

It's strange how I hit a big rock, Ivey's heart sank, some mist came up in the woods ahead, and visibility was reduced. He looked at the road he had walked. It was already a long distance, and he was temporarily relieved.

The map in the sea of ​​knowledge is being improved. It doesn't seem to be a problem at the moment. You don't need to spend the night in the dark forest. It's cold and humid. I don't know if there are small animals or monsters. But there is so much life here, Ivey doesn’t want to last until the night, and if he turns around accidentally, it may be a little trouble~lightnovelpub.net~ Ivey’s "special aircraft" moved forward for a short while. Distance, I finally saw that stone, um, bamboo shoot-shaped, with a crack on it, none of these problems.

He tried to persuade himself, but just now, it was clear that there were no stones here, and those fig leaves-like mists could not deceive him. He stayed in a state of super-mental detection that was discernible. At such a close distance, everything was as clear as before, that stalagmite-shaped. The thing has just grown out quickly, and the sound of it pushing away from the soil can be faintly heard, and the slit on it is still too small. The wind blade just now can definitely split two or three trees easily. Giant tree, it is no longer a problem to split this little stone, and it will not only leave a hole of more than ten centimeters.

Moreover, blood shed from this mouth. Is this stone a living thing?

As far as Ivi's eyes can reach, he frowns and swishes! The wind blade is permeating the road ahead. To cast ordinary magic instantly, for the current Ivey, it is as simple as eating and drinking.

Puff puff!

The debris was all over the stone, and it moved slightly. Isn't it a stone, it's a monster? If this is still acceptable, it is far from his most terrifying speculation.

There are many plants that have companion animals, they form a symbiosis system and take care of each other...

Super Dimension Star Wizard

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