Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 661: Bulls go hand in hand

Everyone is a genius on the starting line, so there is no way to highlight your special features. Ivey was too lazy to explain and just said a few words casually, to arrange the training of the beautiful girls according to the specific test seven days later.

"Women are going to be cruel to themselves."

"Otherwise men will be cruel to you."

"This cruel short-lived ghost."

"Why do I flirt with this?"

"Whoever flirts with him, I can't wait to kill him."


Facts have proved that not just ordinary women, even beautiful women, can also be transformed into 500 ducks.

Later, the facts proved again that even if there were more ducks, the exhausted ducks could not make a sound.

At this moment, these beauties are probably going to be exhausted. They feel like dogs and can lie down to sleep anytime, anywhere.

Ordinary people would think that Xiaoqian's physical fitness is a little bit worse, she must not be better than the Yellow-blooded Wil, in fact, it is true. But Ivey couldn't stand up to the tailor-made training plan for them, squeezing out every bit of their physical strength.

"Are you the devil?"

"Joke, how can he be merciful to the devil?"


Later, there were no such complaints. Everyone was like a dead body, so numb that they depended on their own will, um, it's not about will, and many will collapse can be maintained mechanically.

Just to increase the value by a little bit, just to have an advantage in selecting department flowers, just to get a slice of the goddess plan...fight.

Fortunately, there is the holy light of Ivey to restore physical strength, but the more significant effect is the supplement of human origin-diet therapy.

Ivey can be said to be the top chef in the world. His carefully prepared meals, matched with cherished medicines, will naturally improve the human body.

Every girl, after a sleep, in the sunny morning, can feel the all-round changes in the body, cheering in their hearts, they know that they are right, even if it is not for the competition, This way of living will also benefit a lot.

In fact, in addition to training the beauties, Ivey is also making his own plans.

The Goddess Project is not completed overnight. It runs through the school reform plan. Even if it is staged, the first phase will take at least half a year. This is why Ivey intervened in the early stage. It seems to be optimistic about a stock. When it has not yet developed, cast the angel wheel.

Then there is the mysterious library. Ivey now found the way to enter some different places in the mysterious library. But the right path still needs to be taken, and now it is almost time to take the right path.

Before that, Lin Yufei had already given him a very good return on investment. Of course, the two parties trade anonymously (masked). At least the two parties have a unified concept in maintaining a safe distance.

Holding a heavy contribution value card in his hand, Ivey paid some money from the small shop at the entrance of the ghost market and entered the lower floors of the mysterious library again to make some investment.

Real estate, network, logistics, e-commerce...These primary forms, or forms that barely connect with primary forms, Ivey is interested in, and there are some guiding suggestions. Even if they develop, they will make a lot of money. .

Of course, what Ivey is most satisfied with is its financial security, such as its guaranteed income and investment failure, there will be no major impact.

Just like this piece of land, it already has a reserve price. Even if this piece of real estate fails to develop, it will not lose money.

These are guaranteed deals, at least small profits are not lost, but what he looks forward to most is the network of the Fashen Continent...

There is no internet in the world where the mysterious library is located, but it is very dependent on the internet.

The reason lies in the economic transformation of knowledge, the sharing and sale of information...

Among these business opportunities, what Ivey looks forward to most is network logistics. The ecosystem of the library is imperfect, especially the daily necessities, which rely heavily on the outside world. This has caused the proliferation of smuggling kingdoms. Of course, he can also engage in Speculation in this area, for example, like a certain Changxing... Later he dismissed this bold plan. Although it was not written into the criminal law, it was a thorn in the eyes of some big people. Do you have the ability to share a cup in the gray world? Soup, all by fist...

Ivey wanted to make his business a little more formal. At first, he might use some special methods. Later, a win-win situation must be formed to stabilize the ecology.

The construction of Master Net is a good access point, but there are some technical difficulties. I don't know that the library has used those space magic rules. The stability, security and privacy of the entire space are much higher than other small worlds, but this connection is much worse. This is a natural "willingness". Only when there is a willingness, there is gain, and a certain balance can be achieved.

These problems will be solved when technology advances. This can be expected, but the time is uncertain.

Is Ivey's technology better than others? No, there are so many bosses, many of whom have knowledge of magic, but they have not been able to solve the problem, how could I have solved it so gently and skillfully?

But Ivey knows that what really promotes technological progress is demand. As long as he puts up the framework and gently guides, everything will come naturally. Only then will the "financial resources" roll in.

He needs his own money, and the cost of the library will not be small; he needs his own power to hide in a forest in the future, so as not to be blown by the wind.

The past few days are really fulfilling. He feels that he has worked harder than those beauty pageants, and the money has been spent, and his heart is empty. Although he is full of confidence, there is still nothing to worry about. A lot.


Ivey yawned ~lightnovelpub.net~ and wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, um, I really want to sleep well. He checked the time, it was late, and the second physical fitness assessment was about to begin, and these beauties had to hand in an examination paper.

He struggled to get up, facing the bright sunshine and breeze, all the way to the assessment site.

The expected interception and madness did not appear. It seemed that his nerves were too tense. Also, Lin Yujing was involved last time. Even when he is walking, even when he is in the world's number one university, which is called the safest area, he does not have a sense of security.

The location of the assessment is a huge training ground, with a lot of personnel, and it is carried out at the same time, focusing on efficiency...all of these factors.

Ivey is very satisfied, at least it seems that the school is full of sincerity.

Do not delay everyone's time, and give full preparation.