Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 663: Magic Research

It allows girls to insert angel wings, and other things. But it must be based on the actual situation. Ivey understands that the key to this time lies in the strength of the souls and spiritual cohesion of the beauties, and of course some art and music skills are needed.

The problem now is that he doesn't know magic, which is a bit embarrassing. But it doesn't matter, some people will, like Avril Lavigne, but Avril Lavigne didn't give it to him, so I can't give him a seduction, eh, harem surgery, right? This is even more embarrassing.

It doesn't matter, the mysterious library is about to open its doors. Just the day after tomorrow.

What are you doing these two days?

Carry out assault training for soul strength and spiritual strength.

If there is such a method in the world, I am afraid it would have been popular in the mainland for a long time, so this is Ivey's exclusive secret method-just researched out, I don't know if it will work: there is no meaning of human experimentation.

It is undeniable that Ivey does have some selfishness in it, confirming something, he feels like he has broken through some barriers of the world. Swim from a small river ditch to the sea. Although the coast is full of submerged reefs, as long as you pass this dangerous period, the sea will leap and the sky will be high enough for birds to fly.

All signs indicate that the world is about to change drastically. In this change, the original imprisonment is broken and the crisis is turned into an opportunity.

Can the soul not be strengthened? Yes, even the original theory supports soul strengthening. But the conditions are extremely harsh. Ivey did not want to challenge these conditions. However, even if you can do something within your own capacity. Even if they cannot be promoted permanently, even temporarily, as long as they don't cause any damage to the target, they will always benefit. As for the spiritual power, it is even easier. Many spiritual power cultivation techniques can achieve this. Many spiritual power cultivation advanced techniques, even top black card-level techniques, can do more, but it is not enough.

For now, the selection time for the next level is too tight. The tightness of the body can be exercised. The tightness of the time is useless. Time is like the water in a sponge...however you squeeze it, it will not be larger than the volume of the sponge.

In a short period of time, the soul and mental power can be improved by some evil techniques, but in the long run, the gains outweigh the losses. Moreover, people still have tests for the potential of the body, if your body is taken out Empty, there is only one empty shelf left, it will be brushed down the first time.

cheat? Cheating is impossible to cheat, it is impossible to cheat in this life. Ivey is innovating a way of not cheating, which is a scientific research, um, magic research.

There are still some people on this continent who insist on some magic research, even if the Kelvin Master said that the magic building has been built, they still like to do a luxurious decoration instead of tinkering.

Among them, the best thing to do is to count the various magic schools, among the best, the twelve elements. The twelve elements divide magic into twelve basic research elements-of course, magic is not just twelve series, they have more variants, but the research on these twelve basic magics is relatively mature and has more results. This is where the strength of the twelve elements lies. They can always get newer and more powerful magic, more powerful rules, more ingenious spellcasting skills... As for more determined qualities, richer combat skills, especially those tempered between life and death Fighting skills...These were very lacking in the past, and are now being fully supplemented.

Therefore, even if more people learn about some of the works of the School of Life Sciences that cannot be made public, they should help to cover them up. This is the reason.

Twelve elements, only magic theory.

Ivey's research didn't tell anyone, even now, it's still not said. He didn't want to be taken away for research before doing research.

It's okay to help these people now. There are many ways to go to the mysterious library.

The magical institution with the strongest research atmosphere in the world-if it is an institution, it is the mystery library. Nominally, the shadow library of the Twelve Elements Library.

The first level is the appearance, the second level is the physical condition, and the third level is the magical qualities, that is, the potential. It includes the soul and spirit. If Ivey participates in this test, I believe it can burst the table all at once.

Of course, before that, he needs to accept some transgender magic passed down from Taicun.

Two levels have passed, and the beauties are full of trust in him, so even if they meet in such a closed and hidden place, there is no slightest discomfort.

Another reason is that the girls are gregarious animals. They are crowded, courageous, and they are all star wizards. They are the proud of the twelve elements. I have never seen any disciples or licking dogs. Raised, what kind of Ivy—well, this man is indeed the only one.

He just stood in the beauties and didn't express anything. The expression on his face was solemn, and even the beauties slowly felt this emotion and calmed down.

"First of all, it needs to be explained that some of the following magical behaviors may cause some discomfort to you. But these discomforts are only temporary, and will gradually disappear within a few days. You will experience the most Nice feeling, the sky is blue, the grass is green, the air is sweet, and the smiling face is bright... It's like, to make an analogy, there is a feeling of love, great, trust me."

The beauties suppressed the whispers, and after only a few minutes of buzzing, they stopped because Ivey continued his preoperative instructions.

"This technique is permanent. It can increase your soul strength..."


There was a cry of exclamation, this can’t be blamed on them~lightnovelpub.net~Everyone is a person with identities. When you come into contact with these, you naturally understand what it means for the soul to become stronger. The soul can become stronger and what needs to be done. ?

This is an increase in potential value, and this is an increase in the upper limit of the path of practice. This alone can make them pay the price that many men dream of.

But Ivey did not make any requests, he is still adding chips.

"In addition, it can also improve your spiritual cohesion and total energy..."


There was another wow, a bit smaller than the sound just now, and it seemed that the spirit involved was much smaller than the 13 blocks that involved the soul.

However, many people have overlooked one point. If you don’t talk about the toxicity of the dose, you are playing a hooligan. The same reason is that the soul and the spirit are also hooligan if you don’t talk about the quantity. There is no comparison.