Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 699: The train is back

He closed his eyes and opened one again, wow, here is...

On the magic train!

Is this a time backward in the law of time?

It's a bit like, but can it be done to this degree? You know, when Duncan rescued Ivey, it was limited to a small area in front of him, and it was only a short distance back. Ivey's cultivation level cannot exceed the peak existence of this four-dimensional master, so he can basically rule out this situation. If this is the case, what just happened was the effect of quantum magic, Schrödinger’s cat law, did the practice succeed?

Ivey lifted his head from the seat, moved his arm that was not numb, and rubbed it pretendingly, and saw a beautiful **** the opposite side... Ah, it was the daughter of the vice president, the scene the other day. Appeared again. What about the life in the small town and the assassination of Zhang Weili? Or, it's best not to go to Nomi Town and its surroundings. The danger is too great, and you might get yourself in anytime.

Ivey's thoughts flashed by, but he lowered his head in surprise, pretending to fall asleep again. Carefully observe the mutation of the guardian stars in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Knowing the sea... the black holes are shining with deep light. He can't tell which one has an obscure taste. I don't know which black hole the fragments of Schrodinger's cat are entwined with. It is also possible that a black hole is just one. The window of communication...

But Ivey knows that there are already many black holes with "seeds" in them, they can be connected to the real Schrödinger's cat law, and quantum magic has reached the stage where it can be used initially, but it is just like a paragraph in the eight parts of the dragon. The famed Six-Medition Excalibur may play a cheating game that is not effective at all times.

It’s just that he can understand. After all, this path is different from the past. In the past, only ten guarding stars could awaken a one-dimensional law. Now, it is not a problem at all, but that he does not understand one. Fortunately, the degree of this mastery is on the rise, and it does not require all of them to be "quantum guardian stars" before they can use the corresponding laws and magic.

After all, he will still have to upgrade in the future, to improve his three-dimensional magic cultivation base, or ascend to the height of a four-dimensional wizard, the guardian stars will inevitably increase. Therefore, this kind of mastery can be summarized as a matter of concentration.

Don't think so much now, the harvest is still huge. He will have the opportunity to create a new era of magic, or these unexpected magical abilities are the big pen to rewrite the ending.

He stretched, so comfortable. Huh!

Please, it's the age of magic in 9012. Why doesn't this magic train be improved? It's still so old-fashioned. It's really full of feelings and slots.

I was carrying my luggage on my back, and I moved a bit faster. I rushed to the front of the beautiful girl and squeezed to the door of the carriage. I suddenly felt a little discomfort and a sore sensation all over the body, as if I suddenly lost my breath and moved. No.

"Hey, don't block the road, don't you know if a good dog doesn't stand in the way?" The voice behind him was not polite, but it was nice. Ivey knew where it came from and didn't mind. He only looked back, and that silent look seemed to have an unknown magic power, and the girl suddenly fell silent.

Ivey slowed over at this time and whispered softly: "Sorry." Then he walked into the car.

The outside is still sunny as always. In front of me was still the licking dog duo and the ugly maid as always.

Curiously, no conflict broke out.

The girl didn't pay attention to the people who greeted her, but secretly looked at Ivey one after another.

Just as Ivey was walking outside, she suddenly ran over, pinched Ivey’s sleeve with two fingers, "Hey!" Seeing Ivey did not respond, she was slightly angry, and simply ran in front of Ivey, Zhang Open your arms and block your way, "Talking to you!" Although the words are a bit unreasonable, they are not loud, and they are very nice. They have a coquettish taste. It is still a bit of a spoiled voice from such a beautiful mouth. Somewhat exciting.

Among these people, Ivey was not included, he just silently stared at the beautiful woman in front of him, thinking of her miserable appearance that was scattered and muddy, and he was very embarrassed.

Or Ivey's eyes are uncomfortable, he is already dissatisfied with dog licking and will issue a dog licking declaration, but the girl stopped him.

"Do we know each other? I can see a lot from the look in your eyes, and five years ago, someone told me that I might experience some terrible things in the future. She didn't say it clearly, but just said vaguely, It may be very painful, unimaginable pain, the pain of crushing bones, there will be a lot of blood, and a lot of loss. When I meet a man who turns around, I may understand all this... Until now I think, probably I need a strange look..."

Ivey was planning to leave and no longer interact with the girl, but he was really interested in her rhetoric, so he asked:

"Who is the one who told you about this?"

"Well, this incident was also foreseen by her. She only made one request and can't reveal everything about her."

So Ivey became more interested~lightnovelpub.net~ and he said, "Would you like me to guess, don't mind if you guess it right or wrong..."

What surprised Ivy even more was that the girl showed a surprised look. She replied with a wry smile: "If I said that she even expected this, would you think I was lying to you and shitting? "

"No, so be it. Maybe it would be better if I didn't show up. Let's not live it..."

Ivey didn’t want to be entangled with her, turned and walked into the boundless sunshine. At the station, he started to sit in the teleportation array, a killer, when he was on a mission, he shouldn’t have been so high-profile, but now, it’s not. It's important, he just wants to "observe" some results.

Black cat or white cat, live cat or dead cat? this is a problem.

"Miss, let's go home soon, the master is waiting..." said the maid.

"Do you think I would believe it? For so many years, has he wanted to fulfill his responsibilities as a father? Did he think of me once, surpassing those resources, wealth, power, strength, etc.? What he thinks of is always Calculate, grab, go kill and set fire, instead of caring about your daughter!" The girl's face sank, her good mood was destroyed, and she walked out quickly, she suddenly wanted to pursue that figure, but she didn't know. What is attracting yourself.

Super Dimension Star Wizard

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