Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 863: Dog blood plot


   Those "careful" are jumping excitedly, the blood of the seven gods flows slowly, the blood drives various colors, and the colors correspond to various functions. The functions come one after another, and the "enemy" opposite Ivey has completely surrendered.

Ivey is not satisfied, and has not measured the true power of the mask, because the opposing defense depth is too low, even if the strength is retained, the simulated opponent was killed in a few moments... Everyone will only think this thing is strong, but Not necessarily understand that it is strong in those aspects...

   In fact, the judges and opponents know it.

The opponent has completely abstained, and Ivey has succeeded. Even if it is not the full version, the power shown only can no longer be defeated by his best effort. The judges, even more straightforward, what does an alchemy work with an artifact level mean? , These old guys know better than anyone else.

   "16 to 8 knockout advancer, Ivy Rud."

   The announcement sound, ruthless.

   The off-field competition is even more ruthless.

  Many dealers accidentally turned into crops and were harvested by others. Many people are desperate, many are crazy.

   The most incredible of these is Xiao Hui. She opened the pair of previously charming and now bewildered eyes, and bit and bit her hands as if it were a delicious pig's feet. Then she smiled happily, and smiled when she faced Ah Xin who was about to go crazy, "How about it? I didn't expect it? Actually I didn't expect it... This is dramatic, isn't it? God is probably an old-fashioned plot design. Master, he likes dog blood, I can't help it..."

   At this moment, the beautiful little girl guarded by the will of heaven is still asleep, showing no sign of waking up. The difference is that there is a beam of light all over her body, which repels anyone except herself.

"Now, I'm going to take her away. She's probably a spinner in my life. I don't know whether this is good or bad, but after all, change is always more interesting than plain, isn't it? It's so plain. Life, I have had enough...especially..."

   Xiao Hui's current state of mind is a bit excited, and he hasn't noticed Xiao Lan's expression at all. The eyes are blackened and there are signs of blackening...

"You, especially you, Xiaolan, you are too stupid. I haven't seen yet that Ah Xin actually came from the empire that never sets in the sun... Don't worry about such a son-in-law... I heard that he once left behind A two-month-old child, go to play all over the world, um, and then..." Then she couldn’t go on. She wanted to speed her good friend, that exquisite self-interested man, who didn’t love her at all, but just used She is just for fun... But Xiao Hui's throat is gurgling non-stop, the expression on her face, with horror, looks at the sharp blade protruding from her chest... The blood is red and white. Clothes...the original purity has been tarnished, like their friendship, like their love. In short, this is a tragic story.

   "Hey, what's the matter with you, you are crazy, idiot!" A Xin was a little hysterical, he roared angrily, and questioned the girl with the sharp blade.

"I must kill her, because I know that you are about to abandon me and pursue her, right? I know, I always knew..." She muttered to herself, her arms trembling, as if she could no longer hold it. Handle knife.

  嗤! The knife left the girl's body. It was sharp and relaxed, just like cutting into tender cheese...

   Xiaohui tilted and fell to the ground with blood on the floor. All she can do is just open her eyes and look at this absurd world.

   "You are crazy, what are you going to do?"

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

   A few slapped fans on Xiao Lan's face, and Xiao Lan was thrown aside from a distance.

   "You crazy woman, you broke my big business!"

   He shook Xiao Hui vigorously, "Wake up, wake up, you can't die, quickly transfer the ownership of that girl to me, hurry up..."


The roar finally stopped, and the world suddenly became very quiet. A Xin's hand was trembling, and he touched the ice cone in fear. It was so cold, just like what he is feeling in his heart now, just like the feeling in the hearts of the two girls .

   An ice cone penetrated his heart. The frozen ice cone temporarily prevented the blood from splashing, but death was already counting down.

   Perplexity, fear, anger... I don't know how many complex emotions are intertwined, and it is destined to be the face of the Oscar actor, and this information is solidified at this moment. Ah Xin died, his death was ordinary.

   "I knew you would choose her to leave me, and I knew it would be like this... Look, you leave me now and go to secretly try again? Hahahaha..."

Xiao Lan is completely crazy. What is commendable is that such a crazy woman is still very quick and precise when shooting the ice cone... She is born with quality, and she has a boundless future, but she is ruined by an inexplicable man. The most ridiculous thing is not how good this man is, just because his skin is different from them. He is a superior Celestial Dragon, nothing more.

   This inexplicable world is still running~lightnovelpub.net~ It is rare for a person to understand another person's thoughts, only Xiao Hui's godless eyes, still watching this absurd world.

  Life is never fair.

   Even if they are the same human beings, there will be skin tones, high and low. Ah Xin, who fell in a pool of blood, is the best white man, while the crazy little woman is a standard Muyang dog...

   Not far from them, the mysterious girl, because she lost the last trace of bondage, was completely wrapped and assimilated by the rules of the world...is slowly disappearing, leaving nothing behind.

  If you have someone you know, you will probably recognize her beautiful face at the last moment. This is what Ivey is looking for: Haley.

   The game continues. The opponent's strength is stronger.

   8 into 4, theme: life and control.

   Ivey was in a daze, this subject is so fierce, do you control other people's lives? Such alchemical items may be more suitable for the undead.

   Hmm, but because everyone thinks so, the battle for alchemy items in the undead system will be more intense... Ivey's mind flashed, if he can get the Lord of the Rings from the undead lord Sauron, the champion will probably be stable.

   However, the mask Ivey made last time is actually fine. As a single-person blood refining soul refining alchemy work, it has exceeded people's cognition. But it is not enough to describe their true capabilities. In fact, they are used on the surface of the Battlestar, and through continuous expansion, they can support various functions such as fortress deformation, surface coating coverage, mimicry deception, and mental deterrence.