Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 997: Fishing diary

The scenery of Xishan Mountain is also beautiful.

This is Ivey's idea. After 520 minutes, his idea was verified. At this moment, he is leaning on a wicker chair to watch the sunset.

"Battlestar" has just landed on this planet, and many alchemy puppets have been dispatched to explore the ruins everywhere. The upgraded system of the magic chip made him feel at ease.

It's a pity that there are no beautiful women around.

Those girls, when they arrive at a new place, they have to go and see everywhere, probably this is the nature of girls. However, after all, they are very powerful girls, so there is no shopping, they are here to "walk around the planet"...

Yes, they are very interested in the unique existence of "planets", especially the terrestrial planets here, which are almost the same as the earth, um, and the continent of the gods... If you have to say the difference, it is probably more oxygen High, people breathe more comfortably...

Correspondingly, after exploration, this planet has not only civilization, but also creatures, but it is also spectacular. There are a lot of giant King Kong-like creatures, many dinosaur-like monsters, and mammoth giants... even the ancient apes are very tall.

The ultra-high concentration of oxygen supports their human bodies to act so recklessly, and the hugeness of their bodies means that the toughness of bones far exceeds the average level of the blue planet...

Ivey doesn’t know how much magic can kill them, especially his own magic, which is re-lit in this brand-new universe... This requires more testing. Lin and a few of them are shopping for Lord, test all kinds of magic by the way.

The intelligent alchemy puppet under the control of the magic chip is responsible for collecting and recording various data, which is what it is good at. In fact, if you count magic weapons, it can also cast some, but those are relatively large war output levels, Ivey doesn't want to engage in massacres here, he is just a passer-by.

Every planet suitable for life must have an atmosphere, maintain a stable temperature, have suitable autobiography and revolution, have various elements, and have sufficient energy and material exchange... Of course, the most important thing is that they must have all life. Source-stars.

No matter any star, once life is born in its ecological circle, Ivey in this circle habitually calls it the "sun".

He likes to say to the sun: "Hi, how are you?"

He called this the call of the wild.

Now that this beautiful star left a golden afterglow on the water, Ivey stood up and enjoyed almost the same, and started today's important task-fishing, right?

Different from the small blue planet, the marine life here has been better developed, the oxygen concentration is high, the water quality is also very special, and it seems to contain other liquids. The best thing is that the water contains high magic energy... This creates water creatures, which are different from the Fashen Continent and the blue planet.

The aquatic organisms here far surpass in quantity and quality, and some have even evolved certain wisdom.

Of course, the brain is the most energy-consuming organ, and the oxygen it needs cannot be provided by these guys who breathe on their gills, so wisdom stays at a limited level. Even so, it is much better...

However, this group of very intelligent guys have never thought about swimming around in the water all their lives. Someone would actually fish...

Yes, this world has not unlocked the corresponding skills, because under the law of the jungle, the most respected by everyone is that the big fist is the truth, and all kinds of weak and strong food are usually directly on the shirt, that is, just frontal.

Of course, there are still overlords in the water. Most of them are some mammals that breathe with their lungs, and their brains evolve quickly, and they can even sing some magic with their voices, which is very mysterious. Add a touch of color to this colorful world.

Ivey is just by the small river and will not encounter such a giant, but small is also relative, the same fish, three to five times larger than the earth, is like playing.

Moreover, their meat is delicious, and the calories per unit weight of the meat is more than ten times higher than that of ordinary fish. If you add magic factors, a small fish is enough for an adult man with a normal appetite to eat for a week...

Therefore, there is such a saying: fish junior, hold gold bricks; fish big five, match mother.

Yes, the actual meaning of this sentence is that if you can find a fish five years older than you, their huge size will be enough for you to eat for a lifetime, and it will be more effective than your mother.

It is these fish that Ivy wants to catch because he cares about the "age" of the fish. Although the system prompt is vague, it also clearly indicates that it seems that the "age" of the fish is related to the birth and death of this universe. It is said that a fish of a few years old has gone through several large-scale end of the universe.

So Ivey was patient, watching the sunset and waiting for the best time for fishing.

Of course, as one of the best chefs in the Fashen Continent, he is also somewhat curious about the taste of the fish itself.

The green bamboo poles feel more like a dog stick. However, this is a freshly baked alchemical product made by Ivey himself.

How can he find bamboo to make fishing rods? Besides, whether there are bamboo poles in this world, put it aside first, the most important thing is that, in terms of the size of these animals and plants, even if there is such a bamboo pole, he can't hold it.

The "bamboo poles" are very special ~lightnovelpub.net~ is made of silk threads that are glued together. These threads are actually law lines... The law trapped in this world is too different from the law of the gods, although It emerged with the sun and moon double shuttle, but it still couldn't be woven or glued together.

In the end, Ivey had no choice but to present some new laws of this world, weaving them into a net-like thing, netting the original laws, and filling them with special materials, using the exclusive experiments on the "Battlestar" Room, through high temperature and high pressure, like making magic diamonds, they are pressed into a thin bamboo pole. It is estimated that Ah Qing had such a bamboo pole back then, not to mention three thousand more armors, even 30 million more armors, it can still kill you.

Ivey carefully rubs the beautiful golden lines on the surface of the bamboo pole. These deep bone marrow guards make this bamboo pole not only a fishing tool, but also a very powerful alchemical weapon...Although it is not at the artifact level, it is not the same. far. This gave Ivey the almost mystery confidence in his craft.

A fishing line (not a **** wire) is tied to the head of the bamboo pole. This **** wire is not continuous. They are composed of one ring after another, but they are not interlocked... which makes them very loose in appearance...

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