Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 317: Facing the realm of darkness and chaos

within the line of defense.

Wordless, silent, only the atmosphere of the breeze blowing and the roar of the engine made the soldiers of the auxiliary troops who were either standing guard on guard or patrolling in a dignified mood.

In the face of violating the common sense of physics, it may be completely broken at any time, and the fissures of the demon army will be released. These "mortals" who fight side by side with wild wolves are not only not confused and fearful, but all of them are determined.

After all, the "good eldest brother" whom they respect and adore, and who is ready to face the darkness with them, is standing not far away.

At this moment, on the observation platform protruding from the defense line, there is a Primarch with a height of 4.9 meters after wearing the wolf king armor. It is also the "big brother" that the auxiliary army, wild wolves and wolf cubs look up to, Ruth.

Ruth's wolf king armor is also covered with small decorations in line with the Legion's style, such as the cloak of animal teeth, animal bones and beast fur, or it should be said that the Legion has this style because of his personal habits.

On the left and right waists were the "Frost Sword" and the "Frost Axe". These two divine weapons were forged by the **** of craftsman Hephaestus. Under the reflection of the afternoon sun, they shone with a cold blue light.

And Ruth...

But it is extremely rare to put away the generous smile that often hangs on his face, his expression is solemn, and he stares at the crack with a frown.

The alien space storm raged for nearly three hours.

During this time, he needs to schedule, organize, and defend, analyze which colony planet needs to be evacuated, how the mass evacuation is progressing, and the number of casualties is rising rapidly...

When the death toll exceeded 100 million, or even a billion, billions, Ruth only felt the heavy burden on his shoulders, more and more pressure made him breathless.

Although everything is the best decision to deal with the current situation, but behind the numbers is a living life, a living person...

Thinking of the deaths of billions of compatriots, Ruth felt more depressed and tired, and even missed the broken-mouthed Rogge, the taciturn John, the facially paralyzed Leon, and other brothers.

If there is Rogge to help him defend, Angron and him are in charge of sweeping, and Corax leads the dark crows to carry out a guerrilla attack, the number of casualties can definitely be controlled to the bottom.

But Ruth knew that every brother could not easily leave his post, otherwise it would only cause more casualties. .

Now, he and the troops he led must be at the forefront as bait. Only by "following" the expectations and plans of the evil gods and demons can the gods and gods be drawn out of the different space.


Ruth took a deep breath, regained his mind, and led a few Glory Guards, whom he called "Alpha Wolf", turned away from the viewing platform, and walked through the trenches of the front line to patrol.

By the time they reach the area under the responsibility of the UNSC 214th Airborne Division...

"Sir, won't you be afraid?"


Ruth stopped and turned slightly to the left.

It turned out to be a young soldier who unfolded his helmet and questioned him, and the soldier's face looked familiar.

Looking at the identification number of the soldier's left breastplate, and the name of "Lin Hong", Ruth instantly remembered the scene of twelve years ago, when he followed his father's instructions and personally wore the medals to the two children.

And this Lin Hong is most likely the eldest son of Lin Shunsheng.

Unexpectedly, the child chose to follow in his father's footsteps and became a UNSC soldier, and was also an airborne soldier.

Immediately, Ruth did not point out Lin Hong's identity, nor did he mention Lin Shunsheng, who had already sacrificed, but once again showed a bold smile:

"Hahaha! Fear is the instinct of living creatures. Do you think I will be afraid?"

Speaking, Ruth pointed his right hand to Lin Hong's chest, and continued: "But every accumulation of strength, courage, and confidence in your soul comes from looking directly at your fear again and again.

And the source of strength, courage and confidence...

Soldier, you are already standing here, do you need me to help you explain the source? Hahaha, raise my guard, those ugly things may strike again at any time! "

After receiving the confusion and encouragement from the Primarch, and hearing the reminder from the Primarch, Lin Hong and a group of soldiers who were onlookers saluted:

"Yes, sir!"


Ruth also raised his hand in return.

Putting down his hand, he led a few alpha wolves out of here and continued to patrol the line of defense.




Hearing the violent sound similar to glass breaking, Ruth turned his attention to the crack before anyone else.

I saw that the distorted space was completely unable to maintain stability, reflecting the surrounding scene, like the fragments of a mirror sliding down one by one, causing the gap to collapse and expand rapidly.

Immediately afterwards, the chaotic realm in the depths of the different space was directly exposed to Ruth and everyone, and the shattered crack was the bridge between the chaotic realm and the physical universe.

I saw that the sky in the Chaos Domain was filthy, with lightning and thunder, and it seemed that it was always shrouded in red and purple light.

Beneath this never-day sky, it is not a desolate and barren surface, but instead is full of orchards, manors, and "work" in the gardens, either with red fruit bodies or beautiful "men and women" wearing soft gauze. .

There is a huge building complex on the edge of the lake in the distance, and in the center of the building complex is a magnificent ancient Greek temple.

Of course, from the perspective of Ruth and everyone, it is impossible to intuitively see all kinds of "strange", "alternative", and "perverted" scenes in the field of mixing wheels.

Because an endless army of demons is constantly passing through the completely open rift, out of the realm of chaos, and into the land of Fenris.

The main body of the army is undoubtedly the servants of the fallen gods.

Although driven by the same instinctive desires, these loyal servants of the Olympian gods are still disciplined and know how to cooperate and cover each other.

In addition to these fallen servants, there are also countless distorted, twisted, or bloated, festering "pure" alien space creatures.

The **** trolls with huge bodies, flapping the wings behind them, fly with the phalanx formed by the servants of gods, and every time they flap their wings, they are swaying "blood mist" and "manic" around, "burning" Fenris cleans, Cloudless sky.

There are also snake-tailed people with purple complexion and a body that is much smaller than that of the **** trolls. At the same time, they have bisexual characteristics, and their body shape and appearance are also in line with human aesthetics. "Charming snake demon".

While twisting their bodies, these snake demons made enchanting movements to the soldiers standing in the line of defense, and at the same time released a pale pink "breath", trying their best to bewitch and seduce them.

"Woooo~ ah ah~!"

On the contrary, there are countless "little things", cheering and beating, running through and between the phalanx and the phalanx of the servants of God.

These "little things" are insignificant compared to trolls and snake demons, with light green, sticky bodies with various pustules.

If the servants don't pay attention when marching, they may smash and explode, and if they encounter bumps and potholes, they will deliberately fall and roll, which looks quite funny.

It seems that these alternative "spirits"..."dirty spirits" are really simple, treating marching as an outing, and following their instincts to play.


Any land that they have stepped on or walked on will be rapidly eroded, the green grass will quickly wither and rot, the soil will become muddy, and even the air will begin to emit light green "biogas", which quickly pollutes them. place.


Gu Xiang

Even with some experience in combat and psychological preparation in advance, when soldiers witness such a large army of demons with their own eyes, they will still feel shock, fear and hesitation.

The terrifying roar of the troll and the charming figure of the snake monster are all impacting the mind all the time.

"Oh! The chop suey finally dares to come out!"

However, Ruth showed disdain. He took down the Frost Sword in his left hand and held the Frost Axe high in his right hand. He unleashed the pure spiritual energy in his body, quickly covering the entire front, and shouted loudly:

"Soldiers! In front of you are a bunch of cowardly and cowardly creatures who have been defeated by desire! They are psionic-tainted garbage, driven by instinct to satisfy their own desires!

And we are protecting the family for the people! Warriors with Faith and Faith! For the relatives and children behind us, kill! kill! kill! "

"Ahh! Ahhh!"

Ruth's voice fell, and the wild wolf and wolf cub immediately issued their Legion's unique metal battle cry.

With the psionic shelter provided by Russ and the shocking power of the Primarch, the soldiers also followed along with the battle cry, and their morale climbed directly to the peak.

At this time...


The Destroyer and ten Gorgons adjusted the angle of the hulls, and then, the bow began to flash with light blue energy storage lights, and then...


The 25-ton and 35-ton tungsten iron alloy projectiles burst out almost silently, preventing the ground troops from being accidentally injured by "too loud", and at the same time exuding extremely dazzling and straight blue light ballistics in an instant. across the earth.

boom! boom!

In the end, the projectile was shot into the mixed wheel field through the rift, and "smashed" on the demon army that was assembling. Its kinetic energy impact suddenly produced a devastating effect.

The ground quickly rolled and collapsed, mercilessly swallowing the assembled demons, and even the entire Chaos Realm trembled.

"Boom! Boom!"

It took a few seconds for the electromagnetic artillery array to launch a salvo and the earth torn apart before the soldiers heard the violent movement during the collision.

But the Chaos Domain is in a different space after all. The various damages caused by the salvo of the electromagnetic guns are restored in the blink of an eye, and the demons are still gathering and marching.

See here.

Instead of trying to destroy the source directly, the captains let the Destroyer and Gorgon's plasma secondary guns bombard the demonic army that had stepped into the surface of Fenris.

Frontline at the moment.

Armored units equipped with heavy artillery, such as mobile fortresses and siege tanks, also launched uninterrupted shelling.

Of course, the devil will not be indifferent.

They also released purple and green towards the warships and the front lines, like the psychic impact of a plasma cannon, which was also mixed with countless arrows full of psychic energy, attacking the human front line overwhelmingly.


Dozens of blood trolls even let out psionic roars, flapping their wings and rushing towards the Expulsor and Gorgon.

The whistling and explosion sounded simultaneously, and in an instant, the two sides officially started the war.

Demons have a psychic barrier, and humans also have an energy shield.

The **** trolls, who wanted to rely on brute force to destroy human battleships, were middle-level demons, but they were intercepted by fifty head wolf guards equipped with centurion biological exoskeletons, and they launched an alternative air battle above.

The **** troll wanted to tear through the centurion's "◇" diamond shield with its sharp claws, while the centurion used pulses, Gauss cannons, and a special power axe to try to split the troll's barrier.

Each carrier-based aircraft squadron will actively avoid the centurions and trolls in the battle, avoid the aftermath, and provide fire suppression for the ground forces.

And the ground...


"嘡! 嘡!"

"Die! Die chops!"

"Ahhh! For Fenris!"

The ground battle is even more intense, and it is also the main battlefield for the two sides to compete.

A total of 40,000 wild wolves and wolf cubs rushed out of the trenches without fear, armed with bolt guns, chainsaw swords, chainsaw axes and other weapons exclusive to Astartes, and used their giant bodies to form a front line to cover. The "mortal" comrades behind them.

This time, the Kriegs did not charge recklessly, but together with the Auxiliary Army and UNSC soldiers, they did their best to sprinkle ammunition to assist the Astartes in their fight against the demons.

View from above.

The demons gushed out of the fissures like a flood, and encountered the flood dams made up of Astartes and mortal warriors.

And as the demons continued to pour out of the fissures, the earth and sky were also corrupted, and gradually developed into the realm of chaos.

At the same time, portals appeared all over the surface of Fenris, and it can be said that the demons had taken the initiative at the beginning of the battle.


It wasn't that Astartes and mortal warriors formed a dam to try to block the demon army around the rift, but it was actually surrounded and suppressed by the demon army.

If the observation is made in the universe within the gravitational field of Fenris...

There are thirteen fissures with a diameter of more than 100 kilometers, allowing alien space creatures whose bodies are strong enough to compete with warships to "swam" to the physical universe and confront the human fleet deployed in low-Earth orbit.

Nearly 50 kilometers long, the looming "whale" just turned over and swayed, and then opened its **** mouth to swallow the two Gorgons.

There is also an "octopus" that is no less in size than a "whale", wrapping around and squeezing the human battleship with its tentacles spread over huge suckers.

Today's human naval fleets are the absolute overlords of the Orion Cantilever in terms of mobility, firepower and number, but they are passive and disadvantaged in the face of alien space creatures who really regard the universe as swimming in the ocean.

At this time, Fenris Star is gradually being shrouded in blood.

But Fenris did not fall.

On the surface of the crack, the front line set up by Ruth still stands. Even though the starlight has been blocked by the blood-colored clouds, the comrades beside him are constantly falling, but the morale is only rising and not falling, and there is no tendency to collapse at all.


"Pfft! Pfft!"

No matter what kind of demon, no matter how strong or weak, it was dismembered and torn apart by a "cyclone" that couldn't be seen clearly, and its flesh and blood flew.

I saw that in the melee, Ruth, who was struggling to wield the frost axe and frost sword, had long since left the front line, and even left the guards behind him far away, and single-handedly penetrated into the phalanx of demons and **** servants, and there was no "magic" that could compete with him. .

The existence of a Primarch who completely crushed the demons, coupled with the identification belief of protecting the people, was the source of the soldiers' courage to look directly at their fears, and their morale was still high.