Undead Farm

Chapter 110: Summon VS summons!

From the paper point of view, Tianshiling's players have a high realm and a good professional ratio, and there are talented players like Liao Hai and Aoyuan, but they have been dragged by a group of black iron and trainees. Flat.

And people basically win the game of abstaining, like contempt for opponents.

This is not only a surprise to the audience in the stands, but even Xu Muzhi's three notaries are a little bit confusing.

Although the realm does not fully represent the power gap, is this too outrageous?

And look at who is Loren’s collar here?

By the luck and a crazy beast to win the beastmaster, relying on super armor to kill the knight, a sword will kill and then smash the old man, the power of the pseudo-independence, and this Summoner who does not call...

Play? !

If Xu Muzhi saw the talent of Weng Ling who resisted the storm blade, he didn't want to watch it.

But fortunately, only the last game is left, and you can be free immediately.

On the third night, I was lying on a table in front of thousands of spectators, letting the beautiful Bede squat and press his ankle for half an hour, and the final game finally began.

The other party’s appearance is the lord of the Tianshi collar.

Shi Dagang!

"Be careful, although Tianshiling has lost a lot of games in the previous title competitions like us, Shi Dagang's record is no defeat!"

Weng Ling yelled at the night of standing up. As the only person who did not win in Lorraine, she could only inform her teammates of the information she knew.

It is a pity that she only knows a little bit. This is only known when she was listening to her childhood girlfriends.

“Nothing beats?”

The night of the night is even more embarrassing, which means that Shi Dagang is at least a fierce one-for-one. After all, it’s not a loser...

It seems that as a lord, you have to have two brushes to do it.

"If you can't beat it, give up, I won't blame you." Weng Ling looked serious.

In her opinion, since this game has hit this situation, and it is still dead, then Shi Dagang will certainly not stay, and the night of the killing swordsmanship has been exposed more easily.

In case the other party also swears, maybe he will be in danger of life, and Lorraine’s meaning to him obviously has no life to be high. She does not want the night to be more dangerous.

After all, from the beginning, this battle only belonged to her.

"Give up?"

On the night of the third day, I looked back and looked at the audience who had stood up in the stands and began to cheer their lords. They shook their heads.

How can Weng Ling understand his difficulties as a dead soul?

After leaving the Lorraine collar, he can continue to rely on camouflage to mix, but lost the capital that he worked hard to build, he will never be able to rise again.

Maybe one day, he will be discovered because of the lack of soul power, and then become a street mouse that everyone calls, so that he can hide from Tibet’s fearful life.

On the night of the night, I reached out to the palm of my hand and looked at the soft sun shining on it. Then I clenched my fists as if I was grasping my own destiny.

"I don't have time to go out and go around. You remember, Lorraine is my home, my home, and I am desperate for my family..."

"worth it!"

"And, if you don't know how to know, he won't lose, I won't win?"

On the night of the night, he turned his head back to Weng Ling, revealing his white teeth, and turned his head to the arena.

"This guy..." Weng Ling whispered, but his eyes were soft and soft.

Behind her, Bede smirked and put on his gloves, then glanced at Shavin Cheng, who shuddered and turned his face to the side.

"The last game, the two sides are in place!" Xu Muzhi shouted.

"Lorraine summoned the teacher, and the night was three."

"Tianshi collar summoner, Shi Dagang."

Shi Dagang arched his hand against the night, and his face was smiling, and there was no shelf for the lord.

He is also a summoner?

The brows of the night three wrinkled.

I did not expect that this man wearing a gray suit in front of him would actually be this profession, he thought that the other party is a warrior!

"The strategy is good, who can say that the summoner can't be close combat, right?" Shi Dagang put two steel gloves on his hand and smiled.

At night, I glanced at the two sets of gloves. I saw a strange purple in the face of the fist, just like the color of drinking blood.

It’s a hard battle!

Without a reply, Xu Muzhi directly began to announce the start of the game.

In an instant, Shi Dagang swooped away toward the night, and the night was even more...


"Ha! It is really afraid of our stone lord, actually began to escape, how, just the sword is not very cattle? Come again!"

"He doesn't want to be afraid of being hammered by our stone lords. It seems to be a bit clever."

"Smart, fart, in front of the stone lord, have you seen someone who has successfully escaped?"

"Also, it seems that this time we can still win the last!"

No matter how ridiculous the audience is, the night three did not have a strong contact with Shi Dagang.


Everyone has shown that they are good at playing melee. They only have two strokes of tricks, and they don’t want to sneak into it.

Fortunately, although Shi Dagang's speed is good, but for the night of the windy step, it is still a half point, he simply can't catch up.

Shi Dagang also quickly discovered this problem, and seeing it is no longer chasing the night of the night and running around the circle ~lightnovelpub.net~ but standing in the same place began to condense.


The eyes of the Tianshiling defeated were hot, and they showed mercy and gloating on the night.

Of course, the latter is obviously the most, and it accounts for 99%. The rest is purely humanitarian.

I saw Shi Dagang's two palms together, and then slammed toward the ground, and the ground slammed him out of a blood-red contract.

The mysterious runes on the array continued to turn, and then a huge red meat ball five meters high was drilled out of the circle, and the speed was very fast, and it was too late to stop until the night.

"The blood is too old!"

"Is this the summoning beast?" Lei Daren suddenly squeezed his chin.

"Thunder adults know that this blood is too old?" Liu Feifei asked to raise her eyebrows.

As a church administrator, although Xu Muzhi is her direct supervisor, she is more willing to tie up the empire of the empire, from time to time to want to express their sense of existence.

"Well, I have seen it once." Lei Daren looked at the field, his eyes were not placed on Liu Feifei.

"Speaking of it, Tianshi collar is the pastor of Liu, you are not as good as you explain to Lei Daren. What is the reason for this blood?" Xu Muzhi smiled.

Liu Feifei nodded and pointed to the field. "This blood is too old, and Lorraine can tell that the kid has lost!"
