Undead Farm

Chapter 126: Finalize the distributor


On the third night, he interrupted the angry Aoyuan and pointed his finger at the outside.

"Okay, since you are not willing to accept this price, then please."

"Hey! You will regret it!"

Aoyuan saw Weng Ling suddenly walked in with a big hammer, and the body shook and left a sentence.

"The lord of Weng..."

"Well, have you talked about it? How are you standing?"

Weng Ling was just busy hiding to bake sweet potatoes, so it only appears now.

The three businessmen looked bitterly "too expensive, can't afford it..."

To be honest, their strength is just a small trader who is still decent.

The 10,000-dollar potato plus pepper is about 40 gold coins according to the purchase price of Putian District. Their psychological price is about 50 gold coins. When shipped back, they can sell 60-80 gold coins.

That is to say, this is their profit between 10-30 gold coins, it seems very few, but for them at least 25 profits!

What's more, these things are not for sale, the road is close, and it is almost white to make so much money in less than a week, otherwise they will not come here to run this.

After all, a farmer's monthly income is only about 30 silver, and he has to support a family, and 10 gold coins are enough for an ordinary family for two years.

"Is it expensive?"

At night, I buckled my fingers.

"I sell 100 gold in Tianshi City, but you are not!"

"Right, I will continue to have these goods in the future, and there will be more and more, and the variety will be more and more abundant..."

"What are you saying?"

Li Weicai looked at the night three more.

On the third night, he smiled. "Who can take this shipment, who will sell it to me later?"

Exclusive supply?

Li Weichang frowned and asked, "Dare to ask the night boss to make a few times a year, how much?"

“At least 24,000 kilograms per month, the heat and cold continue.”

At night, I figured out that there are currently 4 plots of 4 corpse farms, and 24,000 kilograms should be considered a very conservative figure, but the other party obviously does not think so.

Li Weicai’s three eyes widened. This production is similar to that of a small Putian area, and what did they hear?

The heat is constantly!

"Is there winter too?"

Chen Wu swallowed and swallowed.

On the night of the night, he smiled and nodded. "There is a constant heat and cold, and the supply is stable every month."


The three men looked at each other and Li Weicai got up and shook hands.

"Night boss, is this a lot of potatoes? But if the potatoes are stored for too long, the quality will be greatly reduced or even spoiled. In fact, there is no need to supply them slowly.

But I can also understand that the night boss doesn't want to supply too much to disrupt the market once, but we can think of other ways..."

At night, I waved my hand. "My goods are sold like this. As for how you sell me, how about? How? Who?"

Li Weicai’s eyes turned. “Can we join us three? You see that we belong to three cities, so it will be more convenient to distribute.”

"Li Ge!"

Xu Ping and Li Wu gratefully looked at Li Weicai.

They only have more than 30 gold coins in their bodies. Even if they want to eat alone, they have to borrow some money. It is a competition for Li Weicai, but he did not expect that he actually offered cooperation.

This is to give your profits to others!

Is it the rumor that the white-handed starter, the nickname of the plowing fortune, a profit-free guy who has not let go of the modified child?

Where do they know, how can Li Weicai be a good-hearted person, he just has his own difficulties.

At night, I knocked on the table and suddenly realized that I was a little too radical.

It is not wrong to choose a distributor with strong distribution, but he is just getting started. How can a big businessman with strength be able to afford his small business of dozens of gold coins?

Therefore, people who come here this time are estimated to be small business hawkers. It is still more difficult to eat his tens of thousands of pounds of goods per month, but if it is joint distribution...

"Okay, this batch of goods can be given to you."

"Thank you night boss!" The three people quickly handed over.

"But," the eyes turned around in the night.

"I still have three conditions."

The three men looked at each other and the expression on the face was embarrassing. There was such a face, and the most calm Li Weicai.

"Night boss, please."

Lift your fingers at night, slowly

"First, I have two money, I don't accept credit."

"It should be!"

"Second, every month must come to me to enter the goods once. If there is any absence, then our partnership will stop immediately, I will find a new distributor."

"This..." Li Weica frowned, but nodded.

"The survival of the fittest, understand."

"This is the third thing..."

The night three suddenly stood up.

"Third, your retail price must be uniform, and it can only be fixed 20% higher than the shipping price in Putian. It can't be high, not low."

Is it only 20% higher than the shipping price in Putian? And regardless of the far and near retail prices have to be unified?

If the price of potatoes in Putian District is 30 copper a pound, then the market will certainly sell more than 60 copper!

And the more away from Putian, the more expensive it is, and I have never heard of anyone who will unify the retail price!

What profit margins can there be? !

I heard the condition of the night three, Xu Ping immediately rushed

"This is not ok! The shipping price in Putian District is not expensive, but the retail price has been so high after the transportation fee. If we sell at this price, how much is not enough!"

"Yeah, and selling so cheaply, I am afraid that those things that can't get on the table under the damage of the big business interests will be difficult. This, do you agree with the night boss?"

Li Weicai also stared at the night and asked, straight.

If you really follow the conditions of the night three, don't say that you can't make money~lightnovelpub.net~ It is estimated that they will lose their lives.

As the saying goes, winning a bowl of rice is like killing a parent. What's more, they are not as simple as grabbing a bowl, but throwing a bowl of shabu-shabu!

"Why, are you afraid?" asked the night with a smile.

"As far as I know, as long as it is not lower than the price of the shipping price in Putian District, the Church of St. Silver and the Empire will not be in charge. Regardless of the official, are you afraid of personal management?"


Li Weicai knows that the night is stealing the concept.

It doesn't matter whether the official manager and the big private bosses want their lives to be clear, but his attitude is obviously not to pay attention to "this little thing."

"What price do you intend to supply to us?" Li Wei was blind.

"What price is in Putian District? What price do I have?"

"Impossible! Take the risk of being at most 20% profit! You will not do business at all! Leave a message!"

Xu Wu suddenly stood up and walked out with a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry, I can't make any money for this, and I will quit." Xu Ping also followed.

"What about you?" The third night looked at Li Weicai.

Li Weicai looked at the open doorway and looked at the night again. Suddenly his face was loose and he sat back.

"Night boss, do you pay me the first question about transportation costs?"
