Undead Farm

Chapter 140: Origin of the Undead - Primitive Spider

However, I found it for a long time at night, and I didn't find any other spiders. It is estimated that it was not necessarily burned by the violent cockroaches.

The surrounding rocky road is not high, about two or three meters, although there is no such thing as a torch, but the night can be seen clearly.

Because the two women named Zhu Zhu and weaving, one is like a red lantern, the other is like a purple moon, and all of them are faintly shining, enough to illuminate the way forward.

Soon they came to a spacious cave.

Looking at the scene in front of me, the night and Becker blinked in an instant:

"this is……"

I saw a huge pillar like a tree root, sitting on a huge beautiful woman, her whole body was entangled by layers of roots, only revealing half of her closed eyes.

In the encirclement of the roots, six long claws, like metal, are nailed to the ground, and in the middle is a tall, rounded object.

As it continues to undulate, the faint orange light shines like a breath.

On the night of the night, I walked two steps forward, but I accidentally fell down with the vines appearing under my feet. I slammed and suddenly seemed to smash something in my chest.

Two thick liquids stuck to him, and after standing up, he found that Yongzheng looked at him with anger.

The weaving and weaving squats in tears, gently stroking the mucus on the ground, a sad face.

"Be careful, idiot!"

At night, my mouth moved, but I didn't mean to say anything.

Because he found that not far from the foot is a dense elliptical scorpion, combined with the spider silk hanging above, the night three more instantly understand what these things are.

Spider eggs!


He looked up at the sleeping woman and took a cold breath.


When she saw that Bade’s eyes were shining, she had to rush forward, and she slammed her at night.


If the woman is a spider mother, then the weaving and weaving is estimated to be her daughter.

In the face of others to take the material of their mother, is this not to die or not to die? !

"Let me go, I just want to take a look!"

Bade learned to weave watery eyes, but she ignored her at night.

Really, what about him?

Take a look at your scalpel and dry up?

However, after Bade shrinks, it is also a girl's size, not too strong, one hand can pull.

Looking at the spider mother carefully, she found that some of the light blue fungi were growing near her arm at night, and it was a little strange.

"What's up with her?"

Why do we have a soul for weaving and weaving, and we will understand it at night when we see the spider.

They should be like the spiders, they are the descendants of the original spider!

And if it is true, all the undead must call the original spider:


It is said that in ancient times, there were beasts of blood and blood everywhere, even humans just learned to use tools, but the original spider was very active at that time.

She is like a **** of death walking in the world, where she continually spreads death, and many spiders continue to devour the soul.

Until a thousand days later, the original spider mother suddenly made a decision, and the family moved into the underground world and never lived on the ground.

Other creatures were able to breathe and once again pushed their broken civilizations forward, and after generations, the arrogant powers suddenly remembered this terrible creature.

In order to obtain the legendary undead power of the original spider mother, and become the real emperor of the world, one emperor began to search for her traces by excusing the excavation of the tomb.

With the spread of the news, even the folks began to dig up the graves. Actually, they were only looking for the original spiders to hide.

That is, at that time, one after another crypt spider nests were constantly discovered and then destroyed.

Even in order to show their own justice, the crypt spiders have been crowned one after another:

Eat human brain, steal children in the middle of the night, love to seduce men, and finally even the name of the spider is not left, and is called:

Crypt Devil!

But they are not demons, they are just spiders, so you will be mistaken for the night of the night to be so angry.

In this way, the original spider mother is not a saint.

After the children were continually being slaughtered, she finally appeared again. After killing hundreds of epic opponents alone, she left the last sentence and disappeared again.

And that sentence is:

Want to die? I am fulfilling you!

After this sentence, the first undead recovered...

After losing hundreds of epic powers at the same time, the various ethnic groups were badly wounded. Some races did not even have the legendary powerhouses. It was only in that war that the 90% of the strong people on the holy stone continent were killed. .

This naturally made the original spider mother's name, but the ruler did not want to keep this shameful history in the world. This matter was blocked by the blood, and the people could not know the truth of history.

What they know is that the world suddenly has a terrible creature called the undead.

They used to be their friends, relatives, and lovers, but now they are a rotten monster that will bite!

Of course, not all corpses will revert to the undead, otherwise the funeral has long been banned, but it is like a curse.

People cannot accurately control the law of the undead recovery. The only rule is:

As long as the corpse touches the ground, there is a very small chance that it will become a dead soul.

Similarly, there are also genus spiders in the undead, so it is not surprising that as a descendant of the spider mother, weaving and weaving will have a soul.

They can almost be regarded as the same source of brothers and sisters, but the crypt spider mainly inherits the physical characteristics of the original spider, while the undead mainly inherits the undead power of the original spider.

Therefore, the night three is now called the original spider mother, a mother is completely no problem.

At night, I looked at the huge woman and swallowed it.

"Is she a spider or an original spider?"

At night, I feel that I should not be so lucky~lightnovelpub.net~ I can fall to the original spider who has not been found for thousands of years.

After all, the difference between the original spider and the spider is still very large.

Although both can be awkward, the ability of future generations is vastly different, such as...

"I and weaving are the spiders. What do you think our mother is?"

He smiled and picked up his hands, and seemed to like to see the night three more surprised.

"The mother of the spider mother is naturally the original spider. Oh!"

On the night of the third night, I glanced at the sleeping woman more horrified, and looked back at the two women in front of me, only to find that they had a black spider on the back of the half fruit...

Undead Farm
