Undead Farm

Chapter 142: Return to the surface

With a bang, the night frowned and his mouth frowned.


However, this did not surprise him.

If he can bite the world tree in one bite, how can this tree support a world?

Shake his head and try the tree roots again at night.

This time, it is biting constantly...

Hey, hey, he accepted the fact that his teeth were not good, and then turned his eyes to the original spider.

Of course, biting is impossible to bite.

Let's not say that the original spider can resist the skin of hundreds of epic strong, and even if he can bite, he will not dare to swear.

Otherwise, even if he is not bombarded by energy, he will be smashed into **** by the two savage spiders.

That's still the old rules,

Touch it!

Feel the faint high temperature behind him, and at the end of the night, he pointed out the tip of his finger and gently positioned the original spider's arm.

The touch is very soft, just like a girl's skin, and the information comes to his mind.

[Original Spider] This is a spider on the world tree. Later, it was drilled into the ground and walked through the world tree roots. After the &#% stoneware#¥......


At night, I scratched my head, and even the system deconstructed nothing more.

However, this information did not prompt him how to go out, so he went back to the night and looked at the weaving.

This awkward girl is obviously better than talking.

"I said weaving, how deep is it from the ground?"

Weaving shook his head and pointed at it: "My sister didn't let me leave here, she knew better than me."

Well, things are coming back.

Look at the cockroach still holding the back of his hand to look like him, and turn around at night and return to the road.

If there is no clue in the original spider, then he can only go to the place where they fell.

However, weaving and weaving is very intimate, knowing that he did not know the way, took him back to the big net of the whereabouts.

On the night of the night, he looked up and ignored the giant spiders who were patching the cobwebs. They looked through the big net.

I saw a black vortex hole at the top of the head, about two meters above the net.

"Is that hole not an exit?"


Weaving doesn't know why it's gone, after rushing back to God:

"I don't know this, but it seems to be thrown back when I get there."

At night, he scratched his head and pointed to the spider web: "Can you take me up?"

The weaving nodded, the lips were not sounded, and the two big spiders came over and fell in front of the night.

"Sit up and go."

Seeing that Bade’s head shook his head, he had to sigh and climb up the back of the spider, and naturally he had to touch it.

[Underground spiders] are spiders of hair. They like to live in a dry underground. They like to eat rodents. The ventral spinner can produce a lot of spider silk.

[Spiral spider silk] extremely tough spider silk, but not refractory.

"Okay, here, stop and stop!"

At night, he sat at the junction of the head and abdomen of the spider, and stood up in a trembling manner. Then he smashed the black vortex with a sword, and there was no reaction. It was no effect if he tried it with his hand.

After thinking about it, I took a deep breath at night and jumped up.

But only to listen to the slamming sound, he felt that his head was like a stone wall, slammed back and hung on the Internet.

Because of the instinct, several underground spiders would once again be able to sew around him, but fortunately they were prevented from weaving.

"Ah, are you okay?"

The night three shook his head.

It turns out that this black hole can only go out, or that his head can't pass.

"Bed, do you want to try it? You are a Mozu, maybe you can become?"

Bed looked at the big spiders and shook his head several times.

"No, no more!"

"okay then."

Sighed, the rescued night three turned down the spider web, and suddenly the brain flashed.

"Weaving, aren't you saying that you and your sister are hungry? When was the last time you ate?"

"Last? Don't remember, it's been a long time since..."

Yes, this weaving seems to be good to talk, but five sentences can ask four sentences and don't know. The rest of the sentence is not remembered...

The night was even more speechless.

"Three months ago!"

A cold voice rang from the back, and when I saw it at night, I couldn’t help but nod.

Tsundere, if she ignores her, she will naturally come together.

But it is not as good as it was decades ago, or else it will be a bit scratchy at night.

Calculating the time, three months ago, he saw the time when the Goblin camp was slaughtered.

"What did you eat three months ago? Where did you eat it? No, no, where are you hunting?" asked the night more nervously.

Although the underground world seems to be safe, it is too boring to hide here.

Moreover, depending on the situation, both 诛诛 and weaving and Bede belong to the living beings, and the living beings need to eat. They estimate that in the absence of food, they will not be able to accompany him for a long time.

That can be a tragedy.

I didn't answer, but I waved a spider and jumped straight up.

"Sister is taking us there!" Weaving and welcoming, and then called three spiders.

On the night of the third day, she frowned, and she would scare her face with a pale face. She was on her shoulder and shared a spider with her.

“Do you not like to study new species, how can these spiders not attract your interest?”

In the third night, I slowed down Bed’s fear and laughed.

"No, no! I am just, just after seeing the original spider, I feel that other spiders are of little value!" Bade closed his eyes.

"I have done it. I will talk about it later. If you get smaller, I should give you a milkmaid."

"You only drink milk, your whole family is drinking milk!"

Bedd kicked his foot, but accidentally turned over, and could not help but hold the hair of the night.

"Hey, let go, let go!"

"Not loose! I will fall off when I let go!"

"If you don't loose, I will become bald, let go! But I will hit your ass!"

"you dare?!"

I looked back at the two people who were bothering, the brows wrinkled, and the weaving and weaving came together.

"Sister~lightnovelpub.net~ They seem like we were young..."

"Like what it is! In the future, we will be less than their premise, do you know?" He sternly.

"Oh, I know my sister."


On the night of the night, I looked at my head and looked at the cave in front of me.

I saw the white bones on the ground, and I knew through the skull that the owners of those bones are Goblin!

This means that there is indeed a way to the outside world, not to the same time!

"Where did you get these Goblin?"

He glanced at him and pointed his finger at the top of his head.

I saw a familiar black vortex that was slowly turning over their heads.
