Undead Farm

Chapter 158: Mysterious little yellow hair

"This voice?"

Tang Xiaoyan's brow wrinkled, and the adventurers who were on the side of the scene were actually in chaos, and they could not help but anger.

"Don't run around, or you will jump over your side when you are too old!"

"Don't run, it's coming here again!" An adventurer didn't even dare to look back when he lost his shoes. He fled and cried. 35xs

"What? Hey!"

Tang Xiaoxuan looked at the three huge meat **** rumbling and rolling, and after the collapse of the remaining half of the house, the brain suddenly fell into a blank.

What the hell!

Is it that their grandson who was besieged by their grandfather is their grandfather? How else would it be mad to save? !

But whether this is too old or not is their grandfather, all the adventurers present at the moment can't wait to call their father on the spot, just ask yourself not to be stared at by the big lady.

With a slamming sound, the five adventurers were directly besieged by them for a long time, and they were sitting in the body. The seven hunters of archery and archery were not able to escape, but they were too old to be rescued by the rumble. It was crushed into the stomach.

Then, the four big-year-olds gathered together and began to chase the adventurers who fled.

Tang Xiaoxuan's face was white, and this huge force crushed her in front of her brilliant command. It was also a cloud, but it also made her faintly understand why the old man had to let her a girl slap the sandbag in addition to the sand table...

Seeing that the adventurers who were swallowed were gradually melting, she suddenly bit his teeth, took off the bamboo tube at the waist, and then lifted it up and slammed...


"what is that?"

At night, he pointed to the conspicuous yellow smoke in the sky, and asked frowning.

"Fireworks? Adults, you are right, you see those adventurers are happy to put up the fireworks!" The night bee suddenly came over and looked at the ground.

"Is that fireworks?"

"Well, this thing is said to have been passed over by the dwarves. It is very rare. Generally, it will only be released when the festival is over, and they will use it even if it is used. It is definitely a happy break!"

"Hey... Didn't you see it when you just passed the age of too old?" asked me at night.

"That must be! Adults are so high-spirited, they definitely don't want to leave their names to let them grateful, so I have eliminated all the traces! But if the adults want them to know, I can run again..."

"No! No! You are doing very well! We will not mention it again after these trivial matters. Besides, now we have more important things to do, aren't we?"

On the night of the night, he pointed to the door of the city's main government, revealing a meaningful smile.

After a lot of hardships, they finally became the first adventurers to break into the city's capital.

Although this made them miss out on many opportunities to brush silver coins, as the night said, do you not progress into the tiger's hole?

Like the soul, he began to reflect on his own flaws, and the blood madness began to squat with a double knife to study how to maximize their strength.

Even the night bee was more clear about his career planning. Without a word, he skillfully opened the locked door.

"How are you so poor?"

At night, he took a look at the city government and frowned.

Although the Tianshi collar is not as high as their landlord, they are not as stagnant as the timber industry of Lorraine, as long as they are sure to find a lot of oil and water.

But looking at his old nest is like a big farmhouse. The furniture is so poor that he doesn't even have decorations.

Suddenly he was suspicious of running out of his own mind.

"Go in and see!"

On the night of the night, I walked over the hall to the backyard of the city's main house. I found that it had turned into a ruin, and a huge black crack was emitting a mysterious atmosphere. It looked like a 30-meter-wide eye.

In the empty "eyes", you can clearly see the green world that is full of vitality. If it is correct, this crack link is just the hometown of Tainan.

"It is actually a different dimension crack!" Wan Mo exclaimed.

But the first thing I found in the night was the small box of elemental crystal on the ground. He remembered that this thing was very expensive!

Without saying a word, I didn’t wait for the blood madness to react to the night and grabbed it in a few steps. I just wanted to pick up the box, but found a pale hand on the other side of the wooden box.


Looking up at the night, he found that he was a strange yellow-haired man who grabbed the box with him. His head was covered with an exaggerated goggles. The clothes on his body were very delicate. Unfortunately, the dirty skin of the right hand. Gloves broke this look.

"Who are you? How come you come here?!"

On the night of the third day, he added a force, and a few blood madmen were shocked to raise the weapon to surround the man.

It’s like seeing a ghost. They didn’t even notice how this man appeared here!

"You will let go first!"

"Why is it let me let go instead of you?" At night, I felt that the strength of the other side was stronger and frowned.

"Because it is my first come!" Huang Mao's man should be okay.

"Fart! I didn't have you when I came here! Besides, I have a witness, do you have it?"

At night, I glanced at a few **** mad people~lightnovelpub.net~ These guys are actually just like wood, but they don’t have any eyesight!

"Cut! Those are your teammates, naturally it is helping you!"

Looking up at the night, I looked at the yellow hair. "Do you want this?"

"Crap! Or I will play with you a man pulling the river?!" Huang Mao was anxious and laughing.

"Well, the box is for you, the crystal I took it away. Really, a little guy juice, actually clinging to a wooden box..."

On the night of the night, he said that he could quickly catch a single hand and hold all the crystals in the box in his arms. Then he loosened his hand and smashed his yellow eyes with big eyes and fell back.

"I am! I have never seen such a brazen man! You are actually yelling at me!"

The yellow-haired guy turned over and looked at the blood madness. Several people have already protected the night, and they can't help but anger.

In the third night, the elemental crystal is wrapped in a piece of cloth, and the eye is turned over.

"Where am I yelling at you? Do you want me to call the Imperial soldiers and let them judge the truth, is it true to me, or are you strangers who don’t even have a counting token?!"

Huang Mao's face is white, and there is no counting token on his body. If it is discovered by the Imperial soldiers, it will be called the contempt rule, and the military stick 20 will start to grow up...

An espionage crime can be put down, and regardless of the outcome, it is inevitable that some interception and interrogation will be necessary.

I thought that my face was seen by the night, and Xiao Huangmao tightened her eyebrows.

"Or, killing people?"
