Undead Farm

Chapter 177: Griffin

The night three looked more pretentiously and nodded. "Are you only processed here?"

The shop owner, who was covered in sawdust, shook his head with a smile: "As long as there are some trees, we don't know what the guests want?"

"Oh? Anything?" The third night shook his eyebrows.

“Is there any bark leaves left after the logs are processed?”

"This... there are quite a few over there at the processing plant, but what do guests want to do with this garbage?" the owner asked.


The night was even more embarrassing, but I understood it with a little thought.

The material of the big leafhopper is relatively poor, only the peeled wood core part is still durable, and the remaining bark and leaves are generally treated as waste.

Some poor people are used to burn firewood, but the violent smoke is rarely tolerated, and the burning taste is more exciting, so it is no problem to say that it is rubbish.

"I just ask, it's okay."

After that, the night three even waved his hand and left the shop, riding the crocodile lizard directly toward the city government.

"Cut, it is a question that only asks not to buy, wastes my time!" The shopkeeper glanced at the back of the night, and then changed his smile to another guest who entered the store.


The gatekeeper of the city's main government was very reasonable. After seeing the crocodile lizard of the night, he consciously went to inform.

Soon, a glazed servant came to the hall with the third night.

"You are the night deputy lord? I didn't expect it to be so young, it was a hero who was a teenager!" After a man saw the night three in the main seat, he smiled with a smile.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, Yang Jialing, Pingcheng City, Yang Ping."

"Yangcheng is good!" The night is not humble and nodded.

"I think the city owner knows the purpose of my trip. I don't know where the materials are. I plan to start work tonight."

"Starting tonight?"

Yang Ping stunned, and the servant whispered to him.

"Can you be a night deputy city owner? Are you alone? How do you start work?"

On the third night, she shrugged her shoulders and waved her hand. Twenty 20 construction workers with wooden helmets and carrying shovel hammers appeared in the hall.

"As everyone knows, I am a summoner."

"Haha, wonderful! I really saw the first time someone used the summoning beast to be a coolie. The night deputy lord made it easy!" Yang Ping laughed.

Although the tone is good, the meaning in the words seems to be less friendly.

1000 gold coins to let others repair the road is not a good deal, not to mention a place where a bird does not pull, so he can be a lot of ridicule.

If it weren’t for the promise of double returning wages if it couldn’t be completed on time, he would not necessarily pay.

"I have to earn a bit of hard work, and I have nothing to do with the Yangcheng master who has a big family. We still have to pay some time!"

Yang Ping looked at the goblin of the dwarfs and nodded.

"This is no problem. Don't stay over the night, the deputy lord still remembers our agreement?"

"Of course, I can't fix it in three months, and the wages are doubled!" No. 3 nodded.

"Ha ha ha, OK! Yang Feng, with the night deputy lord to lead the building materials!"

The servant who was called Yang Feng nodded and went to the warehouse with the night.

The warehouse has long piled up the gravel to be used for paving, and even the board has it. It seems that Yang Ping did not have him at this level, but he was not responsible for the animal power and manpower for transportation. After all, these are included in the wages.

However, it is hard not to fall into the night. He directly asked the crocodile lizard that he had been riding to pull the car and went straight to the gate of the city. Then he fell to the ground and the construction workers began to work.

The clear road of the Qing Road, the stone paving stones, and soon these 20 Goblin 吸引 attracted the attention of pedestrians, and people were constantly watching.

"I don't go home in the big night, my wife is surrounded here to see you?"

"Hey! You still don't know? I heard that Lorraine has a two-headed city owner who bet with our city owners to build a gravel road from Pingcheng to Baiyan Village for three months. Everyone is watching the fun!"

"Three months? Just kidding! Although this paving work is not difficult, but it is also a bit technical, the general hard work can not do it, right, how many people? How many hundred or one thousand?"

"Do you know if you don't see it? But it is said that there are only 20, or Goblin!"

"20? Goblin? Hahaha, is this going to laugh at me? Don't say three months, I will not be able to finish it for three years. Isn't that lost? No, I have to Squeeze in and have a look!"

When the leisurely effort of the idler finally squeezed into the front, it was even more difficult to bear, and laughed loudly.

"This is called paving? Is this a broken road? Look at them all doing the tricks, digging the road and sprinkling the stones are uneven, shaving!"

I saw that the group of Goblin widened the dirt road, and carried the gravel directly in the middle, but did not spread it. What is even more funny is that their speed is so slow that people can’t help but want to help. They are one.

Are these Goblin come funny?

Take a trip and actually grab a stone with your hand, then slowly throw it into the middle of the road and then walk back and take it back. Even if there is a Goblin throwing it, you don’t throw it. How to get it back, this is how to get it back. The posture of grinding the foreign workers has refreshed people's cognition.

I have seen lazy ~lightnovelpub.net~ I have seen stupid, but they have never seen it and are lazy and stupid to work so seriously!

A group of serious expressions on the face of Goblin’s face,

Kissing mother!

Who is this uncle who invited? I have to laugh at the dead!

But these residents laughed happily, but Yang Ping got the news but he couldn’t smile.

"What exactly does he want to do? Send money or play me?"

Yang Feng shook his head: "I don't understand the subordinates, but his expression is very serious. Those Goblin...hey, very serious."

"What's the use of serious! Do you think this way can repair the road in three months?" Yang Ping said.

If the night is more honest, he can rest assured, but suddenly he is so uncomfortable.

Isn’t this guy a bad idea, or is it not time to accept it?

"No! You have to hurry to call him. I have to ask him what he is going to do. If he wants to break the contract, he will break the contract. He has done my way to kill him!"

The stone-plated Goblin milled the foreign workers, but the ones that dig the roadbed were not, but the speed was surprisingly fast, but in this way, a muddy road that was originally good was destroyed.

What’s even worse is that this big cut-off is the main road for his Pingcheng to Yi’an City to trade. If so, will he have to do less business?

Thinking of this, Yang Ping’s coat was rushing to the city gate in a hurry...