Undead Farm

Chapter 189: Brachial Arms: Osteoproliferation!

When the upper limit of the soul level of the night is raised to a certain level, some skills will be unlocked, such as the death ray at 100 o'clock, the undead card at 300 o'clock, and now his soul energy limit reaches 500 points, as he expected. That has a new skill:

[Bone armor] can reorganize the humeral dissimilation into armed, the intensity is equal to the strength of the tibia used, and it can also cost the soul to purify and enhance the density of the tibia.

"Armed? What is this skill?"

At night, he scratched his head. This explanation was so short that he couldn't figure it out, but when he was thinking, he suddenly found that the place he was scratching was a bit hard.

"Hey... is this the armor?"

Looking at the white bones that appeared on the back of his hand, he hurriedly opened his collar at night, and he was covered with a white bone-shaped exoskeleton, which was rough and hard.

This layer of exoskeleton armor is more concentrated with the attention of the night, and the coverage is larger. In the end, even the whole person can be covered, just like a layer of gypsum armor.

"Is this made up of bones in my body? Isn't that just a bunch of meat inside me?"

At night, I wiped my forehead, and I only touched a hard skull. I knocked it up and creaked. I just wanted to make a bitter smile, but I found that my expression had been fixed, and I couldn’t even laugh at it.

This feeling of becoming a crayfish is not good. If the bone is cut off, he can't break into a pile of meat.

Wait, crayfish?

At night, I was even more tempted and stared at my arm.

Soon the bones covered by his arm gradually deformed into a shrimp pliers under his imagination, and the tiger's mouth can still clamp the two.

Night three more: ...

"Can you play like this? Change the saw!"

The shrimp pliers quickly became a big saw, and this time it evoked the fun of the night.

"Change the hammer! Change the eggplant! Become a banana! Change Beide! Change..."

After some trials, I found out that my sacral arm was invincible in terms of deformation, as long as he could get the basics.

However, the more complex and finer the structure, the slower the deformation speed. Some larger ones will become a pocket version, which should be related to his lack of bones.

Thinking of this, the night of the night suddenly remembered the Boblin Brin, who had died from the poke.

"Can it be used if it is not an autologous bone?"

I thought it would be better to do it. In the night, I will hold the bones of the soul-fire dissipated in my hand, and my heart will move, and I will have a big bone sword on my right hand.

"Hey! Useful!"

With a glimpse, the bone sword brought a whistle.

"The sword is too big, and this pitted hole is a malnutrition at first glance. If you are against the sword, it is hard to estimate the head of the people..."

At night, I remembered that this sacral arm had a quintessential effect, so I immediately spent the soul energy and began to purify the giant sword.

I saw that with the infusion of his soul energy, the bone sword began to shrink gradually, and the edge fell down with a layer of gray and black fines. When the bone sword was reduced to the normal size, it stopped at night. It’s down.

The hand shook, the gray dust fell, and a white oily body with a bright and dense appearance appeared in the hands. At night, the local swordsman with his own swordsman chopped a knife, which actually sparked a spark.

"so hard!"

The night was the first one, and then the brow wrinkled.

"The more the quintessence can be absorbed by the soul, the more the soul can absorb it. If you can get a good sword, you will need a lot of soul energy."

Looking at the bone sword that is already two-thirds smaller than the beginning, the night is also disarmed from the bones. I want to see if the weapon is temporary or permanent. If it is permanent, maybe he will not lack the weapon in the future. And even a weapon workshop can be opened.

But as his body's exoskeleton gradually melted back into the body like melted ice and snow, the fine sword actually disappeared along with it.

[Your bones have been slightly strengthened. 】

Night three more: ...

"I just got together with a Goblin bone?"

The unbelievers of the night three again called the shin bones, the sword did not appear in his hands, but the naked eye can see that his bones are white and bright, and a lot thicker.

“Is this a bone enhancement or a bone hyperplasia?”

If it is the former, it’s better to say the latter...

Hey, at night, I am more worried that my body will not be able to get so many bones, will there be something strange like a bone spur...

However, under his control, the hand condensed into the bone sword again, which made him a little relieved.

"It seems that this sacral arm is equivalent to an orthopedic surgery, which can both strengthen my bones and also be used for defense and attack. Right! Since that is the old sword, isn't there no weakness?!"

The night is more happy in the heart, the old swordsmanship is good, but the burden on the bones is too amazing, he almost ruined himself last time.

This skeletal arming can obviously eliminate this weakness, and even if it can't bear it, it can be treated by absorbing bones.

That is to say, the injury like a fracture basically bids farewell to him...

"I just don't know if this can cure the old wounds." New 81 Chinese website updated the fastest mobile phone: https:/

Think of the foot of the ancient Gua's broken ~lightnovelpub.net~ night three more heartache.

This is the old hero who followed his own country. If it was not his own initial estimate, he would be slaughtered by Goblin.

So the night came to a hillside behind the farm, the old man was lying in the sun beside the curled black cow, but the beef ribs were soaring, it seems that the style is slightly strange.

"Old, basking? I will look at your feet." Night three more greetings.

Although Laogu was the undead soul he recovered, he could not speak, but he was still used to communicating with Lao Gu in normal communication, although he could not tell why he was doing this.

Maybe, is it more like a person?

Lao Gu looked up and saw the night three more, the palm of his hand patted next to him, indicating that he also lie down and sunbathe to promote calcium absorption, but no more milk can be received. Starting

"Oh, no, I just want to look at it."

Looking down, the old feet are well joined under the effect of too old recovery, but if you use force, it is estimated to be a little overhang.

Seeing this, the night is more about correcting the old ankles, but the hand just touched him and he thought of one thing.

What if the arm of the sacrum is armed with an old foot and is melted into his body? Isn't that changed by 瘸?

"No, this is definitely possible!" The more I missed the night, the more I felt lucky, but fortunately he did not do it.

"But the bones are not armed, I seem to have a similar skill called Tai Sui, which should be useful?"