Undead Farm

Chapter 203: Randomly draw 1 lucky viewer

Just stepping through the woodland, there is only one piece of land left at the moment. On the night of the third day, the person with the free squadron followed Guo Minghui.

When he was actually marching, he saw the quality of the Imperial Army.

All the soldiers are in a queue under the speed of almost rushing. The left, middle, and right sides are covering each other. If they are in the middle and the back, they will immediately enter the combat state.

On the contrary, the quality of the affiliated army is much worse. It is clear that the weight of the equipment is not as heavy as that of the armor of the family. However, it is impossible to lift the speed. Only then will it become a line of sparse pull, running fast in front and running slow. behind.

However, Guo Minghui completely ignored this, and only let those people not interfere with the march of the regular army. Presumably, he basically did not report any hope to the affiliated army.

However, on the other side of the night, it was unexpected to everyone. Actually, like the second affiliated squadron, all the members kept up, especially his fifty-headed crocodile lizard was very bright. One ride sat on two or three Goblin. Others are followed by ash.

Even Hu Dahe and the madman both hanged behind with complicated eyes, and their expressions stopped.

However, when entering the woods that had not been felled, the marching speed slowed down. Guo Minghui frowned after touching the scouts in front, and then he felt a shock in his chest at night, and the sound of the sound rang.

"A 500-meter-long front finds a shack fortress, suspected of being an empty castle. The first affiliated squadron and the free squadron went to investigate!"

I received this one-way voice gadget from the sea. On the night of the night, I turned back to the people and gave orders. I followed them up.

The shack fortress is said to be a fortress. It is actually a mud house made of mud and weeds mixed with water. But because of the addition of their urine and feces, the strength of this building is not too bad. It's a bit difficult, not to mention the strong taste.

Covering the nose carefully surrounded the two-story shack fortress, the outer edge of the fort was filled with sharpened wooden spears, and the large shooting holes of the fists were facing the outside, as long as a small team of bows was arranged. With this, kill the enemy safely.

However, after the investigation, it was proved that the pig had already gone to the building, and only found a bonfire ash on the outside. At night, he pulled it a little and found a few thigh bones. It was human.

"These **** pigs!"

A small team leader came over and looked back and reported to Guo Minghui, and soon the new order was conveyed.

"The scouts determined that there were no pigs in the wild boar forest. All the troops immediately went through the forest, and the wild boar forest stood by for three kilometers!"

Upon hearing this order, Tang Xiaoxuan said strangely to the night three: "Do these pig-headers give up the front line?"

The night shrugged more: "If you change, do you stay here?"

"Oh, of course not! It is so close to the human city. Although the war here can prevent the invasion of the pig's territory, the human army is not so good. The only way to win is to use the strategic depth." We introduce deep into their territories and rely on truncating logistics and superior forces to raided our long line to gain advantage, but..."

Tang Xiaoxuan shook his head: "The heads of the pig heads are large, but they are not big enough to give them strategic space. This kind of war of consumption continues, and the logistics of the pig heads will definitely be exhausted before us. I think they should be concentrating their strength and preparing to have a conference with us!"

"Is it a battle to win?"

On the night of the night, I heard the faint woody fragrance in the air because of the slashing of the trees.

If the duo is really stupid enough to fight the human army that is in a good position, then there is no chance at all.

To know that human beings are the strongest in positional warfare, will those pigheads who have not undergone group combat training really make such a decision?

However, he is not good at strategy on the night. He only needs to ensure that he is not in danger.

The new orders were quickly implemented, relying on the information sent back by the scouts, and the speed of the marches once again returned to the unscrupulous level. After the wild boar forest, a vast grassland appeared in front of everyone.

"How good the land, these pig heads are really in the blessings do not know the blessing!" Tang Xiaoyu whispered.

This piece of grassland is a fertile soil that is completely unaffected by natural disasters. The muddy black soil is thick and the texture is loose. The ordinary weeds grow to a height of half a person.

Moreover, the terrain is very suitable for planting, but the pig head people do not produce at all. Here, muddy mud pits are dug out everywhere as a place for rolling and splashing. From time to time, one or two towering fortresses can be seen, but the investigation remains the same. It is empty and there is no pig.

"Play grass, slow forward!"

Although there was a scouting investigation, Guo Minghui began to be cautious after the wild boar forest.

The terrain here is too gradual. Once the pig heads ambush in the grass and are not scouted and found to attack them, the highly mobile pig heads will inevitably cause great casualties.

But it turns out that these duo people seem to have completely evacuated.

As Guo Minghui's orders were continuously released, they pushed forward three kilometers and five kilometers in the night, until they advanced nearly 50 kilometers.

At this time ~lightnovelpub.net~ other brigades were also opened to other directions. The ten corps of the Third Legion is like an open fan, which is divided into ten directions to radiate the area of ​​this piece.

As for the reason for stopping, I know from Guo Minghui’s frowning brow.

They have a regular army and ancillary army of 3,500 people. If they go further, they will stay away from the rest of the brigade. If they can't guard each other, they will be easily eaten by the enemy.

However, if you do not continue to explore, you will not be able to find the other party's main task, so you can't end the war quickly.

What does this mean for the emperors of other empires?

The first empire of the sacred stone mainland has even been stunned by a pig man. Is this the first question to be asked?

Tianwei does so much money export every year to earn their money. Should it be lower?

Do their special products enter the Tianwei Empire without paying such a heavy trade tax?

So the position of the First Empire is not so good. When you sit up, you have to let the following people know what to expect.

Therefore, this battle is only a quick fix, and it must be a big victory to end the hearts of these people.

Then, there seems to be only one way left in front of the Third Army:

Stationed in place, and then sent small units to step out on the mines, trying to find the other party's main force to start a decisive battle immediately.

Then the free squadron at night was very fortunate to have taken this task.