Undead Farm

Chapter 205: Pig attack 0

After pulling out the unlucky ones, the night asked: "How deep is the inside, where is it going?"

A man covered in dirt was crying and sullen: "I don't know, but it must be deep, even the lanterns."

Horse light?

That is a rare product. Is the pig head used to hang this kind of tunnel?

Looking at the shacks outside the paste, I don’t know how much soil is used, which means that the tunnel must be very long. Where will it lead?

It is impossible for the Orc to let the pig heads cross the border. Otherwise, it is to expand the war, then only...


"All the squadrons of the Third Army should pay attention to it. I am the head of the Third Army Corps, Liao Ming. Now the steel back collar is suddenly attacked by the pig head. The situation is urgent. Please come back immediately! Please come back immediately!"


I heard the sound of the small conch, and I saw my eyes at night.

Did the pig head directly attack the human base camp?

I think that the troops in the base camp that have not yet been reorganized have encountered the long-prepared pig heads, and they are still in a state of sneak attack. If they don’t want to know, they will definitely become a pot of porridge, otherwise the head of the army will not immediately let them back.

I took another look at the black hole, and finally did not dare to go down at night.

Although it is very likely that you can directly touch the rear of the pig head along this hole, why should he take this risk?

In the unlikely event that the pig man set up an ambush in the tunnel, or if he just entered, he was blocked by the new pig man? I have to know that I have just lost five scouts!

Moreover, this is not his war.

"Go, retreat!"

At night, he waved his hand and immediately began to retire with a panicked crowd.

At this time, one minute and one second are racing against life. Since the duo people started to do it, it is definitely to launch a general attack. If you don’t think about it, you will have a group of new duo people chasing it.

They must join the big forces as soon as possible so that they can have a chance.

In this moment of life and death, the night is no longer embarrassing, directly let the crocodile lizard carry all the people back together, but fortunately the back of the crocodile lizard is large enough to hold down tightly.

"Fortunately, I didn't go to the tunnel, or the speed will definitely be something!"

In response to the whistling wind and the screams of the crocodile lizard on the back due to bumps, they finally caught up with the head of the army who was rushing back to defense.

"Free squadron? Come back so fast? What are those?"

Liao Ming, the head of the army, glanced at the group of crocodile lizards, and his eyes flashed a bit, but Guo Minghui blocked his gaze on the horse.

"Talk out of the matter!"

The night three greeted him and informed Guo Minghui of his discovery. The latter frowned.

"No wonder the rear will be attacked. These pig-headers are also a good hand, but how does the pig-hole technology of the mine-cage technology learn? This is so long, how do they find the right direction? And the horse lamp... ..."

Liao Ming waved his hand: "It is useless to calculate these things now. It is imperative that you immediately rush back to the steel back collar to form a sniper. All the sneak sneak attacks will be wiped out before the pig head troops arrive!"

"The first brigade is obeying!"

"In!" Guo Minghui bowed his head.

"I am going to requisition your mount of this squadron and send our heavy brigade back to the city as soon as possible, and execute it immediately!"


Guo Minghui looked at the night three more difficultly, while the night three eyes stunned. He nodded and turned to the ground without asking him.

"I am willing to serve the Principality, but I am a bit embarrassed about these mounts, and I am also asking the adults to be careful."

Liao Ming sneered aloud: "Do not worry, my soldiers are all elite, what rides can not control? The Principality will remember your contribution, step back to the big team, quickly ride, how much!"

Heavy infantry full equipment plus people can exceed the weight of five people, so Liao Ming also let a brigade heavy infantry climb the crocodile lizard, which obviously does not consider whether these mounts will be exhausted after running back to the city. The problem is.

But the crocodile lizard only has only 50 heads, and even if they work hard, these metal heavy infantry will only get a small team, that is, one hundred people, which will not help.

Coupled with the back scales of the crocodile lizard, the soldiers of these infantry sergeants could not sit still in the case of concentrating on the armor. The crocodile lizard fell a little while not taking a few steps, and suddenly it was a cry. .

This made Liao Ming's face black, and the idea of ​​requisitioning the night crocodile lizard lizard, and continued to urge the troops to rush to the steel back city.

Guo Minghui patted the shoulders of the night three: "The head of the army is not malicious, don't worry, let's go!"

The night shrugged more. In fact, this is not worthy of his stingy. People are only performing their duties. The key is that he is not qualified to be angry now.

The third legion has 10,000 regular troops, plus more than 20,000 affiliated troops. Apart from some squadrons that have been too far away from exploration, they have basically gathered outside the steelback city.

Listening to the shouting sounds in the city, and the high rise of the fire, the night three people think that those who have not yet returned are estimated to be unable to come back.

The pig head man is really playing this time!

It has been three hours since the notice of the attack was received, but the battle in the city is still fierce. The floating soul can be densely lit. It is conceivable that the number of opponents is quite a lot!

Liao Ming gathered the troops and immediately began to arrange orders.

"The light step of the brigade on the three stays two, heavy infantry rest in place to restore physical strength, the auxiliary army **** bow hand on the wall! Kill!"


Immediately after the command of the captains, they returned to their respective phalanxes and began to command. lightnovelpub.net~ Guo Minghui was the first light infantry commander. The instructions received were to go directly to the city for assistance, and the night is also attached as a subsidiary. Enter the city together.

"Open the gate! We are the third legion!"

Guo Minghui took the lead and shouted before the horse gate.

A few soldiers on the gate of the city saw a look: "The reinforcements are coming! Open the door! Open the door!"

As the city gate slowly opened, the night was a little behind, and he followed Guo Minghui and entered the battlefield.

After entering the city gate, the entrance is both an eight-meter-long crater. There are a large body of corpses scattered around the pit. There are humans and strong pig heads.

What is even more terrible is that the pig head is still charging from the pit to the outside, and it is necessary to seize the control of the gate from here and clear the obstacles for the troops entering the city.

On the night of the night, I saw a two-meter-high duo, black skin, black and thick mane, uneven teeth and drowning water. I grabbed a soldier and threw it into my mouth. Got the head.

The huge mace that squats with both hands is even more fierce. When it is rubbed, it will be blown into a broken arm and the wind will continue to splatter.

Seeing thousands of pig heads have killed the soldiers at the gates at the moment, and they will occupy the lower noose. Guo Minghui is angry and pulls the sword:

"Mother's! Kill me!"