Undead Farm

Chapter 226: Gan Lin Niang's Enze

The madness is full of joy and surprise.

The happy thing is that since my grandfather was present, this war should be at the end of the final, they don’t have to die!

What is shocking is when I have a grandfather with the pig head? Is it...


Not to mention the madness of the head being hammered by the pig head, all the human beings who saw the one-armed old man in the sky could not help but look up, and all shouted wildly:

"It's the wind holy! The wind is coming, we are saved!"

"Look, that wave is the holy water!"

"There is still the golden light, the Archbishop is here too!"

"Haha! We have saved! Kill! Kill these wicked pigs!"


Different from the human spirits with high morale, seeing the legendary powers appearing in the air, all the pig heads can't help but feel a pain.

Even if their pig emperor said they could not believe it, but this moment, it has been proved that their pig emperor has left them.

"Afraid, what are you afraid! We have more pigs! Only three of them can't look down on the big waves. Let's go together and destroy humans!"

"Destroy human beings and avenge the pig emperor!"

"Revenge for the pig emperor, kill!"

Only for a moment, the two sides of the game once again glared at each other.

In fact, there are still more than 200,000 pig heads living in the battlefield, but humans have only about 70,000 left, and the damage has reached an astonishing two-thirds. If it is normal, it will be defeated.

Only people know that even if they escape, they will be killed by this group of pigs, and they will not leave any prisoners, and they will only die in the end.

But now the gold medalist has arrived, even if the number is small, they are still courageous!

I saw the raging wind and glare, and put only one of the remaining hands in front of the lips, and bulged my belly.

An overwhelming small wind needle rushed toward the pig head like a rainstorm. The toothpick generally has a small number of wind needles of more than 100,000, and each one is still very accurately inserted into the eyes of the pig head.

In just one stroke, in addition to some of the pigs above the silver level can be spared, there are more than 50,000 pig heads directly licking their eyes, endlessly screaming, many pigs are directly smashed by the human body, planting Fall to the ground.

The Qingshui saints came by the waves, and waved their sleeves against the human heads around them. A huge rain cloud suddenly condensed, and then a cow's drizzle with green shimmer was bathed on humans. .

Everyone who drenched in the rain suddenly felt that his injury and physical strength were recovering rapidly. Even the Wanmo felt that his depleted mana began to spew again.

Legendary Spell: [The grace of Gan Lin Niang! 】

The most frightening thing is the Archbishop, who directly recruited a team of bishops to gather around him, and with the help of these bishops, the position facing the pig head is a double palm.

"Thousands of lightning!"

The bang is booming!

When the heavens and the earth were separated, they turned into black and white. For example, the thunder and lightning claws in **** slammed into the pig heads on the ground.

Although every lightning bolt is not very thick, it is impossible to kill those pig heads, but it is enough to make them paralyzed on the limbs and fall to the ground and stop convulsing.

What's more, the bishops behind him jointly launched the identifier attached to the human warrior, so that the archbishop's lightning strike would not hit his own people.

At this time, as long as they do not kill themselves to take down the soldiers, even if they hold the steel knife in this thunderbolt, it will be fine, just sticking the knife to the pig head on the ground.

And this is the power of the legendary Sansheng!

Just one person and one stroke, directly smashed nearly 100,000 pig heads, and the remaining more than 100,000 duo people finally got a panic in this situation.

Just three people, three people!

Why do you suddenly turn them into meat on the chopping board?

Is this still winning?

Can they still survive?

The pig head began to suspect, panic, and then did not know who under the leadership suddenly screamed and began to escape.

"This, I haven't had to fight!"

"I don't want to die, I still have an 18-year-old pig wife who is not lucky yet, I want to go home!"

"Don't run, you guys! Have you forgotten the teachings of our pigs?!"

"To stay with you, I will keep my pig life and pass on the ancestors, and continue the incense for our pigs! Don't stop me!"

"Idiot, how can humans let us go? The three people are already at the end of the battle, and we have 100,000 soldiers and 100,000 wild boars. These tens of thousands of human soldiers can't beat us, don't escape, come back soon!"

With a bang, the young pig head with a clear mind was wearing a sword at night, watching his unwilling eyes gradually lose their light and sighed softly.

"It's over, take a good sleep. Don't be a pig man in your next life."

After the night, I waved a trick and squeezed a position from the corpse space.

Looking at the old ancients, they quickly and quickly repaired the knife against the lost head of the ground, and nodded more satisfied at night.

According to this situation, the old people will soon get rid of the glory of the upgrade to kill the head, maybe even a few levels, and return to their peak state is not necessarily.

"Come on, old age! It's also legendary, look at people!"

The night three sighed and glanced at the slowly falling wind.

Although the spells they released in the end were not the kind of ruinous spells that were directly killed - lightnovelpub.net~ but the huge scope and terrible targeting were enough to change the outcome of a war.

The only thing that made him curious was that they couldn’t release a more lethal spell, or could they only use lethality to change the range?

There is also a warrior-type or single-killing legendary career, how much can it play a result of a war?

On the night of the night, I suddenly remembered Zhu Li’s dead ghost.

He is a typical warrior-type representative. If you don't care about the Seven Kingdoms of the South, it can be described as a general abuse. However, if you enter the battlefield, it is estimated that the killing efficiency is not as good as these legends.

"It seems that my undead troops should also consider taking some of the Master's career, or they will always use a knife to cut a knife."

At the end of the day, the last tribal man who was incapable of being insulted by lightning was wiped out by the old sword. The racial war involving almost one million lives finally stopped.

Although in the end there were nearly 80,000 pig heads who fled, but the human side did not mean to pursue it at all.

Losing the leader and the war, the group of pigs have been hunted for prey, and the hunting ground is their home. The humans can completely clean up and then clean up.

Fortunately, the night of the night when the soul can explode can only be relieved, otherwise he feels that between the exposure of his identity and the pain of the skull, he still chooses to recover the undead army and try to destroy the mouth...

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