Undead Farm

Chapter 227: Post-war pig

"Clean the battlefield and treat the wounded! Five days later, the steel back city will be rewarded!"

The new order was issued, and everyone in the room could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.


Twenty-six thousand people went to the expedition. As a result, only 60,000 people lived to the end. The regular army did not even have 10,000 people. It shows how dangerous the situation was.

If the Archbishops finally arrived, it is estimated that the pig heads are now starting to lick their thighs in the knives.

Watching people bandaging each other, the injured ones began to circulate around the battlefield to see if there were serious wounded comrades, or to give the pig head who had not died.

But more people looked at the fleshy bodies on the ground with numbness. They were their former companions, relatives and friends, but now they can't find their bodies.

"The Archbishop!"

The commander was escorted by a group of soldiers to the archbishop.

"Well, General Ding worked hard, how was the casualty?" the Archbishop nodded.

A general in the red robe and silver armor looked bitter: "There are only 13,000 people left in the six legions. Except for the loss of the Masters, the other troops are almost unable to maintain the military system."

When a legion is completely destroyed, the legion will be delisted and never used. The new legion is established later, and the worst army in this war has only ten people left. Delisting.

"As for the affiliated army, the casualties are also very heavy. Most of them are due to the lack of resistance to the experience of the rushing to death under the charge of the pig and the wild boar, but the loss stabilized after the chaos, but it is also four The third..."

Speaking of this, General Ding took a look at the armor with resentment, and his eyes turned to the dwarf bearded man in the distance.

“Who is this mine technology passed to the pig head? This long-distance mine construction and positioning technology can't be created by the pig head!”

"You can't say that." The Qingshui sage suddenly plugged in.

"As far as I know, the taste of these pig heads is very amazing. Even if they are smelling the smell of underground food through a few meters of soil, I think they must use this feature to make a scent mark on the ground before they dig. Out of the tunnel.

As for who the mines teach them, I believe that the empire will investigate clearly, and it is still important to treat the wounded. ”

The suspicions of the Dwarf Principality are large, but even the Archbishops do not want to offend them in the absence of sufficient evidence. After all, the entire Ovi empire’s bulk ore and arms trade relies on dwarves.

Especially for firearms, it is a black technology that is unique to the holy stone continent. Unfortunately, it is too expensive. They have no money to afford in the southern duchy.

To know that the war really hits a word:


This time, since the battlefield is in the territory of the southern Principality, it can only be solved by the Principality of the South. The recruitment, training, and logistics support for weapons and equipment must all depend on themselves.

This alone has spent the past two years of taxation in the Principality of the South. Now it is necessary to add a super-war post-war pension. It can be said that the financial affairs of the Principality of the South can be estimated to be collapsed if it is not handled well.

In addition, this war is seriously underestimated the number of pig heads, which makes the outcome of the war difficult to see. At this time, if the Dwarf Principality is caused to cause diplomatic incidents, it will affect the authoritarian power of the entire Tianwei Empire.

Therefore, a few of the Archbishops can only temporarily lick their wounds, and the political affairs are handed over to professional people. Anyway, if they really want to fight, they will not be embarrassed.

"To the Archbishop, the rest of the pig head..."

"This is what you think, I am just a hitter. I don't ask the military." The Archbishop waved.

"Well, there is still something. After the pig man escaped, there are nearly 100,000 wild boars left. I want to distribute the wild boar as a survivor, but I am afraid that the following people are chilling and still want to Please ask the Archbishop to help."

The Archbishop had a trick to win the pig's head, and the prestige was full.

The Archbishop thought for a moment and nodded: "One person and one head, the rest will be distributed according to the number of kills. It is forbidden to divide according to the size of the official. The wild boar should also be **** and be careful to hurt the wild."

"Okay, I will arrange it!"

When I heard that there was a wild boar, some of the well-dressed people did not respond much, but the adventurers from the remote places like Lorraine and the ordinary soldiers in the army were much more happy.

After all, these wild boars have seven or eight hundred kilograms at one end. How can they leave five or six hundred kilograms of meat after peeling off the skin? According to the market price of one pound of beast meat, 60 copper is more than three gold coins!

If you count this, it can be a huge fortune, not to mention that it is pure wild pork, but it is not the kind of "small wild boar" that can only be impersonated in the forest.

Meat is mellow and solid, not to mention, a pig skin and pig teeth can also sell a lot of money, I heard that some large families also specialize in high prices to collect those huge wild boar whip wine, the bigger the more valuable!

So seven seven eight eight eight counted down, a wild boar can sell at least 5 gold!

And this is still alive!

Some people have already begun to collect those wild boars that have died. Although some of them are mixed with human blood and corpses, they are psychologically incompetent, but it is a fortune to sell them after making them.

For those officers, they all have one eye to close their eyes~lightnovelpub.net~The dead people are already dead, and the living people let them live well, anyway, compared with those who do not participate in the battle, these talents It is a comrade who has experienced life and death with himself.

孰 Relatives are clear at a glance.

But this has led to a problem, because most people are dealing with the bodies of the heavy boars, causing no other bodies on the battlefield to converge. In the weather just entering the autumn, it will lead to corruption and plague in a few days. This made General Ding somewhat guilty.

The survivors are already very tired, and they are forced to give up their own interests to converge on the corpse. This is sometimes difficult to open, but if the corpses are not solved, the steel back will not be long before the corpse will be filled, which will inevitably delay the pig heads behind. Plan, in case the other party is revived, is it not ridiculous?

At this time, the wild wind suddenly came to him with two young people.

"Ding General Mo Zhen, I brought you a big baby!"

When he said that he was wearing a pair of screaming sons behind him, he saw a white-faced man smiling at him.

"Lorraine led the deputy lord in the night and met Ding General."

"Lorraine collar? Big baby?" General Ding looked at the wild wind in an incomprehensible look.

Although this man is very handsome, but what is the relationship with the big baby, can you say...

"Hey! Wind St. is really good, and recommend it to me? Am I promised or promised?..."

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