Undead Farm

Chapter 229: Charity performance to help the undead

"Who is this……"

At night, I glanced at the right hand of the old man. A pigeon-sized space gem was shining. The light should be worth 100,000 gold coins, and there is no price.

"Honorary Member of the Tianwei Imperial Masters Association, Vice President of the Space Masters Association, Head of the Truth Masters of the Southern Principality, Aston!"

The old man with a slash touched his short-handled staff and squinted at the night.

"As a result, you dare to rob the old man and I am an apprentice? Why do you rely on this face? Um?!"

"Ah, that adult, I..."

Wanmo just wanted to speak, but was interrupted by the old man.

"You don't learn well at a young age. It's not a bad thing to swindle abduction. It's a ruinous future! You can dare to teach this good jade? Can you teach? Hurry and tell this girl clearly, or don't blame me." polite!"

On the night of the night, he blinked and looked at the Wanmo, while Wanmo said with a grievance:

"Adults have said that this is not the case, I am willing!"

"What is voluntary?! You are young and easy to be deceived. I know more like a liar like him! Bronze teaches bronze, you don't want to think about what he can teach you! Listen to the old man, follow me today, I promise ten years. You can send you to the Imperial Masters for further study!"

On the night of the night, I saw that I couldn’t wait to eat his old man on the spot. I shrugged my shoulders at the demon. "Wan, if you are, you will have to follow him. I think he is not a liar with so many names." It’s not a bad thing to learn more."

"Adult, you, don't you want me..." Wanmo's eyes were red, and the tears flowed down.

The night is even bigger, and he knows what he wants. Although the old man has been yelling at him, he is really thinking about the future of Wanmo, plus the identity of others is indeed more It is suitable for teaching Wanmo, so he is not very angry.

As long as Wan Mo followed the master, not to mention the system of knowledge, the elemental crystal used for practice is certainly not lacking, did not see the pigeon eggs on the fingers of people?

But watching Wan Mo, it seems that it is ironic to be his own apprentice, but he is really not!

"You actually shed tears for this man! You see that you will only have a smoldering egg now, and it is still a flaming egg. Do you plan to use this trick for the rest of your life? There is no future for such a man, only Going to the Master's College will make you mature, understand?!" Aston angered.

"That, in fact, I think that if I only use the fire egg, my technology and mana can rise faster..."

"What do you think? I don't want you to think, I want me to think! Specializing in the fire of the egg is this kid to teach you? Hey! It really is a demon evil, today I put it here, if this kid can be used The spell of the level breaks my shield and I will follow you, I can give it to him! He does him!"

"Listen to me! I have let go of the spells more than the whole body of Mao Jia, you don't make mistakes!" Aston was heartbroken.

Even if the night is brighter, if you mention this, then he will not stay out of it.

"So, I want to try..."

"Try? Try something?" Aston didn't return to God for a while, but was still immersed in the pleasure of swindling the scammer to save the genius.

"Out of the shield, I want to try."

On the night of the night, I pointed to the pigeon eggs of the old man, reminding me.

Aston smashed, and the two scorpions of feelings actually took his words seriously?

Suddenly sneered: "A good liar who doesn't know how to be greedy and greedy with snakes and swallows! Well, since you are so obsessed with it, let me wake you up today! Come on!" New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile phone: https :/

In the end, the old man felt that he should rescue the genius of the Master of the Master and swear by the name of the Master Liar, so he waved his name to the Masters. After all, he had to eat more people to reach his insulting liar. Let Wanmo wake up for the purpose. Starting

By the way, it is also possible to spread his name at the same time.

Maybe after today, it is not necessary for his name to add a slash.

Soon, those who were still immersed in sorrow saw a lively look, and immediately surrounded them all over the place. They were afraid of occupying a powerful position, and some people even started to make a market.

"Buy to get away from the hand and get rid of it! Quasi-sacred space big magic guide on the bronze summoner! Missed this village, there is no developed life!"

"The big magic guide to bronze? I rub, this you dare to open! The younger admire, I press five gold coins to gamble the big magic guide to win!"

"Hey! You are pushing your wife's coffin into it? You are not afraid that he will run the road?"

"You don't know about it. This is the grandson of Feng Sheng, the famous singer! The others ran and he ran? I think he is doing charity, don't you vote?"

"I rub! vote! Who is not a pig man! I have ten silver coins!"

"Poor ghost, look at me, I press 1 gold!"

"The odds ratio is 1:100. It seems that you don't earn much. 10 gold coins will only earn 10 silver..."

"Stupid hat, even if you win without losing, even if you are one to ten thousand, I will be down. If you are one hundred to one hundred, you are still too small? You can't vote? If you don't vote, you will lend me money to vote!"

"I don't borrow, I will pay 100 gold!"

"Let it go, let me have a pig!"

"Big brother is amazing~lightnovelpub.net~ I didn't think of it! I also took a pig!"

At this time, the news received the night of the third, but opened the posture of the Aston, ran to the front of the mad super face and criticized:

"You are not afraid of being poked by people doing this? This is all the hard-earned money of others!"

The madman slammed his hand awkwardly. In fact, now that things are suddenly so big, he is a little panicked.

Originally, he was just fun to drink and drink, and the insider who learned from his grandfather naturally knew that his boss was not an ordinary person, and maybe he could make a small profit.

But there are so many people betting now, and all of them are under Aston.

If he wins, it’s okay to say that it’s nothing more than a grandfather’s bankruptcy. But if he loses, it’s not a deposit that has swept all the soldiers and adventurers. He can’t be killed by his grandfather.

"Or, I am withdrawing?"

"Withdrawal and withdrawal! The money has been collected. Do you want to go back? I tell you, I have to pay for this money and I will not withdraw! I am willing to gamble and lose anyone!" A big man angered.

"Right right! You bronzed up and finished playing, don't be here to affect everyone's fortune! Walk around!"

More people are waving their hands to the night and let him hurry to play.

"You really don't regret it?"

"Roll!" everyone screamed in unison.

The night shrugged and threw a bag of gold to the madness.

"I will buy a thousand dollars and buy myself to win."