Undead Farm

Chapter 244: Sitting in a new world

Under the torture of oil and needles, Ize's film work was finally finished.

At night, I wiped a sweat and looked at the strange lines on my arm. How to see how it was like a sticker, the childish stickman.

"This is what you said about the space film?" Night three eyes more sharply looked at Ize on the side.

He always felt that he was being fooled.

Not to mention this strange style of painting, even this he was weakened by more than half of the painful feelings can almost be unable to resist the film process, replaced by other people can not pull the knife to cut people?

Ysawa gasped for two breaths: "Don't look at this strange road, it's useful anyway. When you go in, this texture will become a light film to protect you from the tears. But you can really stand it and admire it. !"

On the night of the third day, the eyebrows shook: "Don't pull this, there is nothing, let's go!"

Yize nodded and pointed his finger at the crack of the different dimension. Through the sleeves on the night, he found that his arm was also densely covered with the film, and his heart could not help balance.

After all, Ize is not as painful as he is, but it also proves that the other party is really a monk.

"Bed is willing to narrow himself down to study new species. Ize can endure this kind of pain in order to study space spells. It seems that it is not a family that does not enter, ah! It really is a natural pair of mentoring!"

Shaking his head and seeing Ize into the black whirlpool that slowly turned like a water surface, so he reached out and reached in.

I only felt black in front of me, and then I noticed that the film on my arm began to expand, and a translucent dome was placed around him.

The stickman on the round hood continually twisted his body, like a big god, while the outer cover was a high-speed rotation, or a large vortex of black or white or blue or red plates.

"That is the turbulent flow of the Dimension. In addition to the space, it also contains certain rules of time. If you encounter the basics, you will die without a whole body. Only the film that I posted can avoid them. But it is said that if you are lucky, you can pass these chaos. Flow into another world, do you want to try?"

At night, I was even more white.

Who will try to touch this dead thing!

But this film is really amazing, like a slippery muddy, bypassing the dense dangerous vortex, and finally explored a huge black hole.

When the eyes were bright, I found myself falling on a very flat grass.

"When it is, this is the original world of the old age, but only the grass is left after the reorganization." Yize shook his clothes.

"The size is about a hundred kilometers or so. Although it is not big, it is enough as a training ground. You can also transform the terrain according to your own needs. Oh, I almost forgot..."

Ize took a look at the head and pointed a little at the khaki jewel in his hand. A large square plane of a table floated into the air.

"This space has not yet bound the will, only bound with a will, the world can change and develop as he imagined, just like the Tai Ou can do, do you want to try?"

Looking at the light picture at night, I looked at Ize with a meaningful look: "You are not bound?"

Ize spread the staller: "I think, but I can look down on a space mage, but as a summoner who can summon so many brothers, the mental power should be enough, it should not be the will of the world. Shock into a fool."

"Should?" The night was even darker.

This kind of thing that is very dangerous to listen to should not be able to convince him to take risks. He still has a good life to die, but he does not want to be stupid.

[Bind it, you are fine, hehe! 】

Bai Jinbao suddenly spoke again, and the voice was surprisingly mild.

It must be known that since the last night of the night to block the Archbishop's Holy Light detection, it has not retired for all of his black hair, so he has been smashing him for three days!


He still can't drive out this noisy cat. God knows what he has done wrong and is subject to this sin.

[As long as you bind here, I will come out, hehe! 】



Yi Ze looked at the face of the night with a stern look and changed his face. In the end, he even bite his head and directly hit his head in the light picture...

"Hey, how do you know how to bind?"

However, at night, he could not hear his words. He only felt that his head was faint, his body was light, and he began to drift slowly toward the sky.

Looking down, Ize is constantly swaying at the familiar body and panicking.

"I am floating?" The night is a little more.

"Hey, good luck! This feeling... the original binding is this!"

In the perception of the night three, one inch and one centimeter in the grass in the ground can clearly appear in his mind, but then a huge wave of air suddenly came to him.

[Open your mouth, swallow it! 】

What is coming is the wave of the world's will. After the death of the Taisui Devil, this wave of thought will re-condense into a living body with the passage of time. At this moment, I feel that I want to be merged. Naturally, I am unwilling to launch a counterattack. .

However, there is only one way to attack it, that is, to attack the will of the night three, as long as he can't stand it, he will become a fool, and he will be swallowed up to become a nourishment to promote the evolution of the other party~lightnovelpub.net~ It is a pity that this is also a kind of mental attack. The aura of the mind immediately blocked the wave of the will, and the third night, after getting the prompt of Bai Jinbao, subconsciously opened his mouth and sucked toward the air wave.

"Cool, no taste at all..."

Only the instinct of the world's will, the waves of the world, simply don't know what happened, only to continue to impact the night three, and as the result continues to smoke as the night three, the air waves become smaller and smaller, and finally become directly A light smoke dissipated between heaven and earth.


I patted the belly that was swelled and chilly, and suddenly I saw it on the night. I looked at the land under my feet.

He feels that the world seems to be able to begin to change with his mind.

One hand, a grass on the edge of a high rise, turned into a mountain shaped like Bede, a dozen hits, somewhere the grass sag, and then the water flow came out...

However, I only got a bit of it, and I had to stop playing at night.

One reason is that this thing actually consumes his soul energy. The bigger the terrain changes, the more it consumes. The second reason is...

That Ize actually thought that he was fainted, and he was going to give him artificial respiration in front of his body!

"My first kiss!"

On the third night, she mourned her thoughts and returned to her body. When she opened her eyes, she slammed the red lips in front of her.


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