Undead Farm

Chapter 248: Ghost hidden skills

"What do you want? Use lynching?"

Looking at the handsome and handsome 400-pound man's ghostly smile, the black-collar woman has a glimpse of her heart, but she still has a chest.

"It's useless, their mouths are very strict, they don't say anything, they should be dead..." Sha Wencheng whispered to the night.

"Dead?" On Wednesday, he smiled and shook his head, waving at the air next to the woman.

"Hey her!"

"Hey? What is the punishment? The instructor hasn't taught it, wait, who is he talking to? Hehe... what's going on? How suddenly it feels a bit cold..."

As the night tripled, the ghosts who looked down on one side slammed their heads one by one, and the empty eyes slammed directly at the woman.

Rain girl stares!

It was like watching a numb person who was beheaded. The ghost’s gaze glared at the woman, but the woman did not see anything except that she felt colder and colder.

But as time passed, her body began to tremble unconsciously, and her eyes began to look left and right in horror. A fearful panic became stronger in her mind.

"Who! Who is watching me?!"

"What the **** is going on? Did you see it? There are many people watching me! Who are they? What are they doing? Why do I feel that I am getting weaker, my mana! My strength! Is life pulling away? I Is it getting old? Hey, what happened?!"

"Who is it? Ah? Don't watch, I can't stand it! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Looking at his head in ten minutes from suspicion to anger, from anger to powerlessness, and then from the powerless to the desperate exhaustion, the other four black men looked at each other and sweated.

What is this means?

Even the most powerful and sturdy heads of their will in the same period have become like this, if they are replaced by them...

On the night of the third day, I saw that the woman's spirit was about to collapse, and satisfactorily let the ghost stop eating.

This kind of invisible attack that directly disintegrates the other's consciousness is simply appropriate for interrogation, that is, the fire is not well controlled.

Looking at the other's wet crotch, I laughed again and again at night:

"Do you have anything to tell me now?"


This man must be the devil!

The woman thought sadly, she didn’t know why she was like this. It felt like a mouse that got into the snake box, but she didn’t know how many snakes were licking herself, just knowing how they are. I can't run out if I struggle.

That feeling, she would rather die!

"Yes, there!"

"It’s a black robe man who hired us. The task is to investigate why the different dimensional cracks here will re-condense, who will control it, what to do...”

"Black robe man? Who is he?" asked me at night.

"We don't know this. We are only responsible for taking money. Others will not ask! Adults, I know, I will let you go!" The woman burst into tears and asked for mercy.

The night three shook his head: "You haven't said who you are?"

The woman groaned, the five senses twisted into a group, and trembled like an egg that would jump, but they bite their teeth and said nothing, seeing the night three more frowning and let the ghost open the hair again.

"Ah?! Don't look at me, we are, it's shadow..."

Let’s take a look. The woman’s head suddenly burst like a watermelon. The red and white spray was everywhere. After a while, the hands and feet twitched for a while and then they could no longer move.

"Prohibited? Not right..." The night was even more amazed.

After the woman died, she didn’t even have a soul!

This is actually a forbidden spell from the soul level!

As long as the woman wants to say something that she can't say, it will directly explode her soul and head, so that the other party will not use Soul.

"Good poisoning technique!" The third night licked his lips, this thing is too sharp, so he also wants to learn.

Thinking of this, he looked at the other four men who were gray.



The last four men also failed to escape the fate of their leader, and became the experimental product of the ability to experiment with ghosts in the night.

One of the four people became a fool, one became a madman, one scared the heart to stop dying on the spot, and one, huddled in a group and hugged his knees deeply.

In the end, he completely disintegrated and saw the ghost of his own, and then the soul was scared out and turned into a walking dead.

In other words, the body of the original place has no soul, just a body that will beat the heart, as the soul is absorbed directly into the soul energy by the night.

But then the ten quiet ghosts suddenly turned their eyes to the body and began to lean on the past unconsciously.

The night did not stop, and as a result, a ghost was actually slammed into the body, and then the man suddenly opened his eyes and stood up, and began to look at his hands in vain.

"Is it attached? Not right... it is a win!"

In layman's terms, it is the resurrection of the corpse. I didn't expect the ghost to have this kind of skill. No wonder it is necessary to take care of the dead!

However, the third night is more concerned about the benefits of the ghost after occupying the other body.

"Can you talk?" asked me at night.


A hoarse voice screamed out from the man's mouth. It seems that the ghost is too long to talk and some are uncomfortable.

"Is there any memory I have received?" I asked again at night 3.lightnovelpub.net~ If the human body represents hardware and the soul is like software, then most of the memory after the soul is unloaded remains in the hardware, the ghost After occupying the body, it should be able to call these data again.

In fact, the more accurate statement is that the body is a hard disk, which stores most of the applications, and if you want to run these programs, you have to call the data through the memory of the soul.

It happens that the ghost is this key software and memory.

But the ghost no longer spoke, but turned his eyes to the night three. As a blue light hit the eyebrows of the night three, he quickly accepted the memories of the men after finishing.

Although somewhat cumbersome and partially defective, this efficient sharing method allowed Key III to find key information sooner.

"Shadows? A killer organization?" Frown frowned at night.

The five dead men came from a killer organization called Ying You. All of them were orphans. The graduation ceremony was to kill the good friends who grew up with them.

Such cruel training allows them to put their lives and deaths out. It is the most terrible slain, and the most sought-after assassin by some powerful people.

There are only a handful of talents in the world who are qualified to live to know their existence. As for the five guys, they are a few peripheral interns, responsible for picking up small tasks that are not important.

Even so, if it’s not the case, it’s impossible to catch them at night...

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