Undead Farm

Chapter 255: Spiritual effect

"How can it be!"

Jin Mu Nai exclaimed.

The water vapor mixed with the fire, and the surrounding area was blushing, but the golden light of the fireflies was still pierced.

Then the golden light is turned into two light spots, and the water column and the oil column are gradually separated. Only the archbishop is white, one finger and one finger.

Jinguang whirls around his fingers, like a naughty elf, but this is the golden light that will stop the torrent that can break the house!

"Look, the light seems to be spinning fast!" A wizard who also refined the light system blinked and stunned.

Light can not be controlled like the elements of water gold stone, straight and straight is their characteristics, but in the hands of the Archbishop, the lightning light that only uses a little energy to drive out can burst out of this power!

The light spot rotates with a faint arc, but the speed is like the most powerful vortex in history, dispelling the surrounding water vapor, and as the Archbishop's hand slowly lifts up, the water column is gradually falling away like a nemesis. .

Finally, the Archbishop exchanged his hands and strokes, and drawn an arc in the air. The two water columns turned their direction and turned to the left and right. Only then the flame was extinguished. The water column and the oil column were also in Jin Mu Nai. The source of energy was lost under the fault and it disappeared.

"How do you do it?" Jin Mu asked with a big mouth.

From beginning to end, the Archbishop really only used energy that did not exceed the level of the Black Iron. Only a Ray of Light broke the hedging rain cannon of his Platinum Magic Guide.

The Archbishop took back the golden light and smiled slightly: "Spiritual power."

Mental strength? !

Everyone at the scene did not understand.

Only after listening to physical strength, mana and even magic, the mental power is generally only the attributes that are needed to summon or control the profession. How can it provide combat effectiveness?

"I must have heard that the priests of our church need to be rehabilitated for three years after they join the ranks, and every level of promotion must at least once again practice the rules of one year, in order to cultivate spiritual strength." The Archbishop saw everyone puzzled, smile explained Road.

Cleaning, that is, not carrying, can not accept other people's gifts, can only rely on themselves to wander outside for three years, in the past, everyone thought that this is just the St. Silver Church to get rid of the new Mawei, but did not expect this really It is a training method.

In this case, those monks are not self-mating, they have mocked people for so many years in vain?

“And mental power is the only way to control the spells in addition to building a better spell model.”

"In other words, as long as the mental power is sufficient, any of your spells can be attached to a precise state. Even at the highest stage, you can directly cross the spell. The spell is released only by the spirit, and the released spells can follow. You change your mind."

"This is actually the reason why most of the big magician's spells can be instant. However, because this method is not as good as orthodox, it can build a three-stage spell to master the spell structure. Therefore, in order to prevent most people from going astray, this is a mistake. The method is not disclosed."

"So the bronze boy is using this method to instantly send 100,000 spells? Energy can be summoned by the sacrifice of the beast, but where does the spiritual power come from?" Someone asked.

"Where is the mental power coming?"

The Archbishop whispered and suddenly eased his robes.

“The Archbishop?” Qingshui could not bear it, but was stopped by the Archbishop.

"It's okay, it's a nickname. It's good to use my example to help the night heroes prove that the white is white."

After that, the robes were solved, revealing the upper body of the red fruit.


I saw that the archbishop's lean upper body was full of scars, and many of them even kept blood and pus.

Those scars have knife cuts, axe sticks, gun stamps, sword sticks, beast bites, fires...

Even the left arm is significantly shorter than the right hand. From that horrible suture, it should have been broken, not to mention the scars distributed in the heart and belly.

Which one is not a fatal injury that will be criticized by ordinary people?

Did the Archbishop actually stand up?

"Three years of priesthood, three years of priests, five years of bishops, ten years of archbishops, this twenty-one years of hard work has trained my mentality to this point, but even I have not been able to reach the night hero. The level of mental power is really embarrassing."

On the night of the third day, the Archbishop nodded to himself and could not help but face his face and arched his hand.

"The Archbishop has won the prize, and the younger generation is just a little luck."

"You don't have to be humble, I won't win the prize." The Archbishop waved.

“The only way to know the improvement in mental strength is to:”

Seeing everyone's ears, the Archbishop looked at the scars on his body:

"I can't bear the ordinary people, the pain is not painful, the ordinary people do not hurt, often enter a state of physical death, will collapse!"

"I don't know what the night brothers have experienced to have this kind of spiritual power. It is the truth that spiritual cultivation cannot be taken for granted.

His mana is no less, and he can quickly practice by absorbing a large amount of elemental crystals, but his mental power wants to improve quickly, only to torture himself to death! ”

"I, is to enter the magic abyss and the demon inside to fight all the year round, this can be a small success, he ... you think about what he wants to eat better than me?!"


Everyone sucked a cold breath.

What is the devil?

That is second only to the Emperor, the strength of the Devils is stronger than the general Saint!

The way the archbishop’s experience is actually looking for them to fight?

No wonder some of his wounds can't be healed. It turned out to be the result of the magical attack!

Even the most restrained magical light did not cure his wounds. I can imagine how high the intensity of these magical spirits is, how fierce his opponents are!

Then follow the thoughts of the Archbishop, this is called the night three more can not endure the pain of the soul collapse every day, the pain of burning a knife, to the death of the pro-death?

this is not……

Ok~lightnovelpub.net~ It sounds more and more like a metamorphosis of eating and drinking.

But is it because he is so perverted that he can be so strong?

"I want to do too..."

A fat mage who stuck in the bottleneck for a long time thought about it and immediately shook his head.

He can't stand it when he is hungry. He has the will to become a god.

"They are abnormal, I am a normal person, can't compare it..."

Jin Mu Nai swayed and watched the hundreds of summoned beasts gather together in the night, and there was a thick unwillingness in his heart:

"Is it really strong? Can you really do whatever you want?"

The Archbishop put on his robes and looked at him even more.
