Undead Farm

Chapter 256: The pig head evolved - the pig's head wo


The Archbishop coughed and pulled the people who were shocked and doubtful about life back to reality.

"The mental strength is strong, although the magic can be manipulated and transformed as desired, but the law of the empire is above all else. Otherwise, the law will not be law, the country will not be a country, and we can live comfortably on this land. !"

Seeing the Archbishop’s words suddenly turned a little bit, and it became a bit more fierce. This somewhat desperate Yang Feng was like a drowning man who finally found a straw, and jumped up and shouted:

"Yes, yes! We Pingcheng has been paying taxes on time and in accordance with the law, but only detained one of his Goblin according to the agreement. As a result, he let his men swear, and adults, you have to be the master of us!"

"Yes? What is going on here?!"

The Archbishop changed the contract that he had when he was wearing clothes to the sky, and the white light flashed in his hand, and the words on the contract were all enlarged in the air.

"If you don't arrive, you will forcefully grab people, and you will take the lead in killing the other workers and guards, and the first to destroy the contract."

"Is it not you?!"

Everyone looked at the words on the contract, only to find out how much cheap Pingcheng got.

So little money to repair such a long road, the construction period is short, and the cost of default is so high, which is obviously bullying.

This is actually okay, one is willing to make a wish.

But when the time has not yet arrived, Yang Ping will rob people in advance for the ancient orcs, robbing people, and using soldiers to kill others.

Before the Archbishop came, everyone would not say anything because of their high status. After all, they usually do this often.

But when a more prominent person says that it is not right, it should be standing on which side. Everyone is a smart person and naturally need not say it.

"It seems that Pingcheng is not doing it authenticly!"

"Yeah, although people are honing their work, but it is enough to take the time to pay the liquidated damages according to the contract. What are you doing? What is it like to fight and kill?"

"I still kill people's workers. Even if the time is not enough, don't you let the people fight for a few meters?"

"Yeah, even if it is a breach of contract, you can't do it. Pingcheng's fault!"

"Yes, this is the fault of Pingcheng! This contract is too overbearing, not established!"

Seeing everyone, you screamed at Pingcheng, and Yang Feng didn’t know where the suddenness of the air suddenly straightened and shouted loudly:

"They dare to sign, they have to dare to recognize, the wages we gave early, do not allow us to stop the loss? Do you see that they did not want to pave the way, only three months to pave this, even if we wait It’s dark, are they finished? They will give him all the woods of Pingcheng if they are finished!”


On the night of the night, he suddenly made a snap.

"Ha?" Yang Feng turned back inexplicably and looked at the night three.

"I said the deal, the road was paved before dark, and the wood of Pingcheng was returned to me. I paid for the breach of contract, and it was paid ten times. Is it?"

After that, the two heavy boxes were smashed on the ground, and the lid was lightly glimpsed, and the golden light shook the eyes of everyone.

"Ah, gold coins! A lot of gold coins! I am going to die!" In the sound of swallowing, a thin and thin thief rolled his eyes and passed out.

"Cut, as for what..." The night three also secretly swallowed.

Although I watched hundreds of thousands of times every day, he couldn’t help but see every time he saw so many gold coins.

More money?


"In the beginning of the work of 1000 gold coins, double the breach of contract is two thousand. If I can't do this ten times, I will be ten times the liquidated damages. Here is 20,000. How about it? Isn't it cheap for you?"

At night, the lid was slammed and the money box was collected into the pigeon egg in the sigh of the crowd.

Some people who know the goods are suddenly more speechless. Compared with the two boxes, this thing is really valuable!

However, in view of the presence of Sansheng, the surname of the night seems to be a hard idea, and no one dares to show a bit of bad feelings.

"Twenty thousand? Are you sure?"

Yang Feng stunned for a long time before he returned to God. What time did he still gamble with him?

Not to mention that there are a few archbishops who support them and that they have to overcome this matter beforehand, but have actually increased their bets twice?

Is this child paper too much money to spend or is it painful to repair the mental brain?

The madness of the wind saw the night and the third, and the brow wrinkled, thinking that he had made the words of his last advice as a whisper, and could not help but screamed heavily.

"Since he wants to give you cheap, what are you not waiting for? Ah?! Rest assured, I will support you! No one dares to confess!"

“Really?” Yang Feng’s face was a joy.

And responding to him is a wind blade of the raging wind, squatting at his feet, splashing stones hit his knee thief.

"That's good! I will see where the kid is coming to say that he can complete the contract. Isn't it the 10,000 mu of forest land in Pingcheng? Come!"

As soon as the words were finished, everyone opened their mouths and watched the night three more laughter and happily recruited two hundred pig-headed helmets with shovel and wooden hammer.

"This guy, how many prisoners of war have you secretly collected on the battlefield?"

The mad cloud brows and looks at the Archbishop, but the Archbishop just shook his head and did not reveal anything.

After the pig-headed workers appeared, they began to frantically fill the gravel mountain piled up in the gate of the city into the iron box car pulled by the crocodile lizard.

With a big palm, the stones are scattered on the road by the two pig-head workers from the compartment with the crocodile lizard.

On the other car, a group of pig heads were hanging upside down, with a big wooden hammer in their hands.

They shouldered shoulders and squatted on the road. The quick and precise technique was not chaotic at the speed of the rushing car, plus the return of the next car, like a line, the last point Not perfect all solved.

Less than five minutes later, the pig-head workers disappeared into the public eye, and a spacious and flat stone road was filled with white on the muddy road.


The genius will be at night ~lightnovelpub.net~ two hours from the deadline, but the group of pig heads and crocodile lizards have all returned to Pingcheng, standing calmly.

"Get it!"

A ringing finger awakened everyone, and Yang Feng held his chin and looked at the night three on the side.

"You said, what are you doing? This way?"

"Or is it awkward? How long have you forgotten?" Night three more white eyes.

"No, this is where it is? This time is not enough to run back and forth. You actually said that the road is repaired? Can the crocodile lizard run like this? Are these pigs so tired? Or do you think that you can take a short break? Lie to us?"

"And, if you suddenly get so many people to build roads, is it a breach of contract?"

The night of the night refers to the contract that still hangs in the sky:

"There is no stipulation on the number of people. Also, if you believe it or not, it doesn't matter, I won it!"
