Undead Farm

Chapter 259: Eaten by the duck

"Hey! Thank you only? Do you know how many people can't ask for this opportunity, you actually dare to dislike?!" The wind and the wind blow the beard, and there is a big mistake that will make you look like you.

On the night of the night, I was bitter, pointing to the group of people who were huddled in front of Keno:

"You see me, this is not too busy to go! Lorraine is a poor place, so many people point to me to eat, not to mention the pig heads have a large amount of food, if I leave, who cares about them!"

"You don't say this is okay, I will come to the air! How do you get so many pig heads? Are you not doing anything on the battlefield or knocking the sap to kidnap the pig head?"

Before letting the night three take away the two hundred sows, even if it is a good boy, today he actually gave him a few hundred. How did this guy do it?

"Cough! This is a trade secret. I have the right not to explain it?" The night was lower and the head was a bit sloppy.

Sure enough, the mad cloud saw him squatting and straightened his waist: "You have the right not to explain, I still have the right to pull you directly to cut the head! Say! Do you do so many dude people?!"

At night, I pointed my finger at the road: "Well, do you not see it? Fast and good."


"I have done it," the Archbishop waved.

"Since it is a summoned beast, let him go with him, but you have to remember the size. The dude has been ordered to be destroyed by the prince. The pigs in your hands must not be multiplied. Yes, you have a total of How many pig heads are there? We have a case."

At night, I was more embarrassed to touch my head: "Ah? Recording, isn't it necessary?"

"Of course it is necessary!" The Archbishop’s eyes groaned.

"Not much, it will be one or two thousand."


The mad cloud winds up and **** a cold breath:

"How much, how many? One or two thousand? The traffickers are not as ferocious as you are?! Are you a summoner or a slave trader, why are you so skilled?!"

Shimizu patted the shoulders of the raging wind and pointed to the Goblin who stood on one side, and the latter suddenly realized.

No wonder this guy will use Goblin as a summoning beast. It seems that there is a criminal record!

It is well known that Goblin, which has fallen into the human society, is basically only a slave. The third night is more skilled and the gods are not knowing how to kidnap thousands of pig heads. It is definitely related to this.

Did he really do this before?

"You have too many points. It is better to do this. You will kill all the pigs in your hand and summon the beasts. I will give you some compensation on behalf of the king. Can you see this?" The Archbishop frowned.

"The Archbishop, you"

On the night of the night, I suddenly wiped my eyes. When I looked up, my eyes were filled with crystal tears. His loving eyes looked at the silent pig-head workers, and they were eloquent:

"The Archbishop, have you forgotten that I am a summoner? Which of the qualified summoners is not treating their own summoned beasts as if they were their own children? Archbishop, let me kill them, that is not Is it equal to letting me kill my own children?!"

After that, with a drop of tears down his cheeks, the night was thicker and he sighed deeply:

"But before the identity of the summoner, I was a member of the Tianwei Empire. For the safety of the empire, I am willing to destroy all the summoned beasts in my hands! Even then my summoner may be destroyed. I can't move forward again after that!"

"Keno, take the knife! Today I have to send them one by one! Let my heart hurt with their bodies!"

When the words were finished, Keno’s eyeballs stood on one side, and they grabbed a simple knife from the sly sergeant Brin, and struggled step by step to the night, while walking and following the tears. Full face.

"Master! Since the world is so prejudiced to the pig head, we must also prejudice our Goblin, please ask the master to kill us together! There is no place in the world, then let me and my brethren take the first step and go to **** to open the master. A **** road!

I don't believe that the world can make us live together. Can we stop us from meeting? ! ”

"Please take the owner to complete!"

After saying this, Kainuo just dragged the knife to the front of the night, and slammed his one leg and slashed.

Then I heard a bang, and all the pigs and Goblin around were all smashed down!

One by one, bowing down, no expression, all right is death!

"A good night, the charm is so great! Is this the secret that he can make so many summoning beasts?"

A summoner looked back and glanced at the slumbering cannibal duck behind him, his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

"It must be like this! As long as you are full of love for the summoned beast, you can manipulate them with the least amount of mental power! Ah duck, I am wrong! I should not be so harsh on you, come, hold one"

Chew and chew

"Hey, life, ducks are eating people!"

Of course, when more people saw that Keno and the hundreds of pig heads collectively pleaded for death, most of them were shocked inside and their noses were sour.

What is the spirit of this?

A tearful loved one for the sake of the country’s righteousness, for this reason, risking the devil, and thus the risk of calling the teacher a journey,

A group is a summoning beast that is willing to go to death without dragging the owner!

Are their prejudice against the duo and Goblin really too deep? Is it really impossible for this group of people with such high consciousness to survive in the world?

They ~lightnovelpub.net~ still people?

"Hey! So touched! The Archbishops don't want to kill them, are they good? Their hearts are good!"

A young girl suddenly broke away from the arms of women and ran to the archbishop and cried:

"The big brother who has grown bigger is coming to help us collect garbage every day. I am not afraid of being dirty and not tired. I am bullied by the adults and not murderous!"

"And the coma, Coco, who looked at the fierce with an axe, often helped my mother to run the bad guys who owed the debt! There is still"

Thinking of the big brother and the second brother have been killed, the little girl can no longer resist, crying twice and fainted.

The Archbishop reached out and took a relief to her, and sighed softly.

"Yeah! These pig-head workers are so obedient, they should not be evil, even if they want to kill them when they do bad things! Are you so powerful, are you doing this?"

"Right right, although I used to hate these Goblins before, but under the control of this night, it seems that I have never done anything bad, but it is much better than some people, at least to buy things. Give money!"

"Yeah, it’s lazy to be able to hold such a goblin. He should have no problem with the pig head. The Archbishop will consider it again?"

"Please ask the Archbishop to consider it again!"