Undead Farm

Chapter 262: Goblin's grasslands

"Condition? Night boss you said, as long as it is not too harsh, I agree!" Li Wei was happy.

Now the popularity of Lorraine's agricultural products has even surpassed that of Putian District. It opened up the market among the middle and low-level citizens with good quality and low price. Now, as long as the goods are basically not sold, even selling them can have a lot of profits.

To this end, there are even some retail oxen that sit on the ground, and it is conceivable how hot it is.

Take the cucumber as an example. Because the crop requires a lot of water and fertile soil, the farmers get all the cucumbers with big thumb, and they have to sell 25 copper.

The middle-grade cucumber produced in Putian District is three fingers thick, 60 copper one, the top grade cucumber is 150 copper, the special product has no price, it is said to reach the point of 10 silver, only some big lords Can afford it.

However, the middle-class cucumber of Lorraine is not only thicker and longer than that of Putian, but the price is only 30 copper. It is only 120 of the wholesale price in Putian.

If other wholesalers sell and sell at this price, they will not have as much cheap transportation as Lorraine’s collar. Now, the number of crocodile lizards that can only be stalked by Lorraine is still small, and the radiation range is small. Point money, but not necessarily after that.

Li Weicai has taken a fancy to this point, so he has to supply more goods with the night, and the money is not only earned much, but also a lot of contacts, although the latter is his real purpose.

"The condition is one,"

At night, he lay back and lie down, and he waved his hand and took out a thing. The local slammed on the floor.

"Can you recognize this body?"

Lying on the ground, it was one of the black people who sneaked into Baiyan Village. That time, the old and the old Dust were almost dead, and this was also a problem that plagued the night.

The people who were looking for trouble in Lorraine were burned to ash. Only a few of the remaining bodies in Baiyan Village were completely frozen and brought back to Lorraine. These people seem to be and are not exploring the Tianshi. Same group.

According to the information currently available, those of Tianshi are the spies of the killer organization. The mission is to explore the cracks in the outer dimension of Tianshi City, for the sake of intelligence.

However, the nature of Baiyan Village is actually the purpose of killing and destroying the village. This nature is different.

Li Weicai glanced at the body that was frozen into a popsicle. His face was white and green. The empty eyes and the facial features distorted by fear were very scary. He shook and shook his head:

"This person is wearing a general black dress, his face is also very strange, and the small is not recognized."

"What about that?" The third night grinned and found a few complete bodies.

Without exception, all are ice corpses that are frozen into sticks, maintaining a twisted posture in death.

"This..." Li Wei took a look and bowed his head.

"I still don't recognize it."

"Really?" The third night knocked on the table and stared at Li Weicai's expression. After a long time, he nodded.

"Forget it, Li brother is doing business, don't recognize these robbers is justifiable, so, the supply to you is raised to 5 tons per month, the type is random, no more, I still have the same The conditions, can you?"

"Can you! Thank you, night boss!" Li Wei nodded.

After sending away Li Weicai, Keno stood on one side and came together: "Adult, this person is a bit strange."

"Oh, where is it strange?" Night three laughed.

Keno nodded and pointed to the bodies: "The average person sees the body is nothing more than two expressions, scared and careless, and this Li Wei was obviously shocked when he saw the first body, but he could carefully observe the body behind. The latter are more calm, which explains..."

"He recognizes these bodies!"

"Although his acting is very high, the response is also in line with his identity, but the first reaction has exposed a lot of things, adults, do you want to..." Keno asked Li Weicai in the direction of departure.

At night, I waved my hand: "No, Li Weicai can't be stupid to participate in this matter. At most, he is a little-informed outsider. Even if I kill him, I won't get any valuable information when I use the ghost to occupy success. The clue.

But you said that if I put his identity as the sole agent of Lorraine, and this time, he will give him a message to improve his supply..."

Keno’s eyes lit up: “Then behind the scenes, the black hand must think that Li Weicai has exposed them. At this time, we will either launch another action against us or retaliate against Li Weicai. No matter which one we can let the clues re-emerge automatically...”

"The adults are really brilliant!"

On the night of the third night, I smiled and waved my hand: "The man who spoils this is still ruining you. You still have to learn. Li Weicai has just sent a ghost to follow. The defense of Lolland City, Baiyan Village and Tianshi City must also be urged. As long as the person behind the scenes dares to reach out again, I will definitely give them out!"

"Good! I will go to the notice!" Keno just wanted to go out, but was even called out by the night.

"It's all my deputy. Don't do anything yourself. Sometimes you should learn to distribute some things. Right, what about other Goblin?"

The third night asked more about the variant Goblin reproduction plan. At the beginning of the **** madness, the only ones that were caught by them were Ah Da A and Kulu and Hao Del, which were good talents. Other publics were In the test became a dead soul.

As for the mother, they are all assigned to Keno, hoping to produce some good Goblin after a half-year hard work~lightnovelpub.net~ After all, compared with humans, the third day is more willing to use these relatively "simple" Goblin to make up for the shortcomings of his undead to communicate.

Keno snorted and said with a smile: "That... With the help of Master Beder, there are already more than 70 little brothers Brin, but it takes half a month to get adult, and it will be measured at that time. Whether there is any variation, please wait for a while."

Goblin's reproductive speed and growth rate are very fast in the intellectual biology. After getting the help from Beder, it is multiplied, and the **** ratio and multiple birth rate are good.

It’s just that in the recent period, Kainuoguang has taught the group of younger brothers Brin to use up his mind. This is also the reason why the night of the night makes it more rest and lay down the right.

"This way, I am not in a hurry, you are a little bit yourself. Right, that Haodel..."

Keno's face changed and he said: "Haodell is currently familiar with his body under the guidance of Bede. It should be a member of the team after the winter, but I have an unclear request, but also an adult. Can be completed."

At night, I waved my hand: "Let's talk."

Keno nodded: "I think the variation of the Goblin breeding program for adults can be a little bit more. After all, compared with me, the blood of ancient orcs is stronger and more important."

"what do you mean?"

Keno has taken a heavy sigh: "Make all my wives all over Haodell..."