Undead Farm

Chapter 303: Positive Gangster Assassin

The paladins watched a pig-headed person even buried by the magic mouse, but it still waved a big stick. It seems that the bite of the magic mouse is just scratching them and it is flawless.

The solution they solved was even more rude. Actually, they used the big stick to continually tap the brains of their companions. A magic mouse just hangs up and becomes a corpse. The efficiency is not known how many times higher than them. .

But the marvel is marvel, this wild method they can't learn, at least they can't do without the abuse.

Listen to the muffled sound of the wooden sticks on the forehead. If there is a stick on their heads, can’t the brain burst?

Ugh! The head of the pig head is really powerful!

But the stick is a stick after all. If you want to kill the magic mouse more efficiently, you have to rely on a knife. Those pig-headed knives who are carrying a simple knife are even more terrible!

Their knives are straightforward and simple:

Bite my hand? hack!

Biting my foot? hack!

Bite my pants? Oh, still!

Anyway, no matter where you bite, you will be finished!

The key is that they are not in chaos in such a chaotic situation, as if the sharp mouse teeth are not biting on them, just one thing makes them strange:

Why do the devils show a look after they bite a duo, and then rush to them?

Although the pigskin is thick, the pork is still delicious!

How can a rat be so picky? !

However, just because of the courageous rushing of the pigs and the paladins, just over 1,300 people have slashed a **** road in the torrent of the 200,000 squirrels, even as long as a few more steps. You can touch the black hand behind the scenes!

The four bishops who wanted to play each other looked at each other and nodded. They slammed directly on the ground to break the meat in the direction of Yang Qu.

"Yang Qu old child, come to life, oh oh!"

A bishop who had just rushed to the front of the Rat Hill had not finished, and was suddenly smashed into by a big hand sticking out of the rat. With a few screams, the remaining three bishops looked cold. Gathering a ball of light with both hands will smash the mouse!

"Things that are exposed to the tail! Get out!"


The broken meat of the mutant mouse is like a rag, but it is all over the sky, but the three eyes only glanced at it, and the scalp numbly back two steps.

"Strange, monster!"

I saw a bear with a bear's back, a wolf's fangs and claws, and the dog's bent-legged giant rat slowly walked out. Its distorted black hair was covered with blood and meat, and the source of these things came from The bishop he was foraging.

Let’s go, oh...

The chilling bones of the bones are filled with ears. The powerful bishop is like a chicken being eaten by everyone in the face of a lot of people. A broken eye is hung with a godless eye. It seems to be Do not understand the world.

"It's that guy! He is demonized!"

A bishop pointed horrified at the two-meter-high rat's abdomen, where a curly scar was noticeable and even saw the creeping intestines inside!

Plus the rich Mozu atmosphere, not who is the one to be demonized?


Weng Ling saw that the rat bandage wrapped around the abdomen was his own hand, leaving tears of despair in mourning.

Jeff, magic!

"Bed, can you save?"

On the night of the third day, looking back to Bede, Bede shook his head silently.

"If it is magicized in the state of pure magic, it may be able to recover by retreating, but now it is being filled by the old man who is called Yang Qu with a noisy inferior magic, forcing him to complete the magic quickly. (...

Bedton paused, and the expression looked at the demoted Jeff:

"Unfortunately, he could have been a pure Mozu, but now he can only be regarded as a demon animal. He has only the desire to kill and destroy in his life, and he has not saved it."

When Weng Ling heard it, his body shook a little and looked at the magic mouse who was waving a broken leg and constantly facing the human being.

My own master, is it really gone?

"Because you are enchanted, don't blame us for being rude, holy light cage!"


With the roar of the three bishops, a light spear suddenly condensed in the sky, and then went down to Jeff.

But Jeff was a rat tail, and those indestructible light spears were all flying by it. A spear even penetrated directly into the paladin's chest, and even the person with a belt was transparent.

"There are too many rats, don't keep your hands, go together!"

Every second is the Paladin and the pigheads who fought for the impact of the rats. The three didn't want to waste too much time on Jeff. They immediately held the three hands and one hand, and a huge beam of light went straight. Jeff hits.


Jeff's hands were blocked, and his body was swept back two or three meters by the light column of the essence. The stench of a burning light of the Holy Light slowly floated.

"Hey! The Mozu is the Mozu, the Holy Light is the most gram..."


A rattle, there is a headless dead body in place!

The remaining two bishops looked back in horror, but saw that Jeff had somehow came behind them, and now they are facing them.

"It is the head of the bishop of the king, the heart that is caught in the hand is..."

The two seemed to think of something, and looked down in amazement, and then Qi Qi rounded his eyes and fell down. The body was a huge blood hole!

"So fast!"

At night, he even blinked. As a bystander, he clearly captured the scene.

Najab suddenly burst into a short burst of time when he was trying to light the beam. lightnovelpub.net~ A direct blow to the three bishops at the speed of only one shadow.

This speed is only a little slower than his moonlight!

But looking at Jeff's free-knit body, obviously without the side effects of his moonlight, there is only one answer:

Strong body!

Bade's eyes are flooded: "Sure enough, the body of the Mozu is always the most powerful! Its strength and agility are all strengthened, especially the speed and reaction that the rats are good at!"

"Hey! If you don't want a way, you can kill all of us by an estimate!"

The Beder's crow was not closed yet, and Jeff threw the heart and his head to the side, and disappeared into the same place, and the paladin one after another began to be constantly attacked by him. .

A bang, a paladin was suddenly smashed into the pile of rats, and when he did not get up, he was bitten by the swarm of rats.

Awkwardly, another Paladin's head was thrown high, and the hot blood made a bright red in the air.

And the shadow of the shadow is extremely fast, even if the Paladins get together and defend each other, he can still find a chance to launch a fatal blow from behind, like a super-assist as a positive.

You know he wants to kill you, but you just can't stop him!

"How to do?!"


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