Undead Farm

Chapter 304: Heavenly penalty

"Let the Paladins come back..." Xu Muzhi suddenly ordered.

"Ah? But now we can come back and we will have no chance anymore! You know what you are doing?" A bishop was surprised.

Snoring is not a family, it is a breath!

It’s easy to rush up, it’s not difficult to get back, but rushing back and rushing back is the old Shougong’s slamming, and the elite troops can’t play this operation!

Xu Muzhi now wants the paladin to give up the vitality that is hard to rush out. How could they be willing? !

But Xu Muzhi shook his head and his face was light: "Returning back, fighting defense, it is impossible to be broken one by one, the magical guy is fast and attacking, but as long as it is still the Mozu, it is definitely not possible. Holy Light, what we have to do now is not to let him continue to exert his physical strength, as to how to kill..."

Xu Muzhi shook his cloak: "I will launch a day penalty, and I will ask you when I am!"

"Heavenly punishment? Shepherd you..."

The bishops were shocked. Although the punishment of the heavens was not as exaggerated as the punishment of the gods, it was necessary to mobilize the bishops of the whole religion, but only the sacred powers of more than ten bishops could be launched.

The more the sacred force is mobilized, the stronger the power that can be exerted, and the faster the mobilization speed.

But this is not a small bishop can afford to live!

To know that the Archbishop can become an Archbishop, it is not only by a mouth and a seniority, it can rise up. It also represents a person's strong light, and only the most powerful of them have Qualifications to launch daily punishments and divine punishments.

After all, this is a collection of the power of a group of people on one person, as the person carrying and output is bound to be under great pressure.

It is like the voltage is not always the bigger the better, if it exceeds the tolerance of the electrical appliance, it will only burst into a slag.

No surprises!

"Shepherd, do you really want to punish the day? You know the consequences?!"

"Yeah, we are there twenty-five bishops, even if we only call the Holy Power of the ten bishops, your body can't bear it. Why don't we just rush to kill Yang Qu now?"

Xu Muzhi shook his head and pointed to the shadow of another paladin attack: "He has lost his mind, Yang Qu can't affect him when he is or not. My goal is to kill him, and Yang Qu... ”

Xu Muzhi suddenly glanced at the night of the night: "I believe someone will solve him."


"Okay! I have no intention of persuading, please, please!"

Xu Muzhi shouted, and then closed his eyes, the robes were windless and automatic, and all the bishops on the scene suddenly felt a distraction of the air, let them send the Holy Spirit.

"There is a holy force for all of us, and you are too hard to graze!"

The bishops yelled, and Xu Muzhi did not follow the minimum limit of ten people, but wanted someone at the place. This is really dead!

"Bishop adults, the defense can't stand up!"

At this time, there was a sudden riot in the paladin.

The bishops looked at the past and saw that as the number of mouths penetrated by the demon mouse became more and more, the defense line formed by the paladin and the pig head had gradually become unstable. As long as it was broken by the mutant mouse, everyone would die. !


A bishop sat down cross-legged, his body light lit up, and then merged into a thin line toward Xu Muzhi.

"Xu Xu, I still owe you three gold coins, you can't die, let me become Lao Lai!"

"And me, Lao Xu, the last time I loaned my wife's soy sauce, my family did not return, you have to withstand it!"

"Don't die, please!"

One after another, the bishop sat down, and the tiger cast his tears in tears.

None of them are idiots. At present, only in accordance with Xu Muzhi’s method can there be a chance, but sacrificed,

It is his own life.


Xu Muzhi's eyes glimpsed, and the sacred force that was about to explode made his pupils become golden white, shining with dazzling golden light.

I saw him reaching out to the sharp shadow of the shadow, and a golden light was printed on him. No matter how he moved, the golden light was like a fishing line that locked him tightly.

"Target lock, day penalty!"


A beam of light struck up and then became a purple thunder and slammed down.


A scream of panic, the light and shadow flashed, the mouse that Jeff became a singer was already settled by the thunder, and he struggled constantly in the impact of the light.

In the first time, the Holy Light made an efficient decomposition of the magic gas. A black gas seemed to escape from him, but it was just like the first snow, and the sun disappeared.

And Jeff's trembling body began to disintegrate, and the skin and fur were cracked like dry soil, especially the wounds in his abdomen were more obvious, making people wonder if the next second would explode directly. .

"Master!" Weng Ling looked at this scene with incompetence.

One side is like a master of a loved one, and the other is a bishop who uses life to perform justice.

She will never think that there will be a day when you both live and die...


Just as Weng’s inspiration and rationality were constantly struggling, Yang Qu’s cold voice suddenly came.

He watched the Jeff who was locked in the punishment of the day and kept vomiting blood. He smiled coldly: "Unfortunately, if this attack hits me, it will really bring me a lot of trouble~lightnovelpub.net~ But you have no chance!"

"The rat whistle!"

Yang Qu’s hand with a cane wave, all the mutant mice stopped acting, and one by one started to stand up, then opened the stinking mouth and began to mammoth against the sky:




Two sounds and three sounds!

Nearly 200,000 mutant squirrels rang through the world, and the frequency gradually began to become uniform.

"Not good! How could he attack the weapon with a magic sound?!" Bade suddenly frowned.

"Why, this sound has other effects besides noisy?" asked me back in the night.

"Well, although the magic of the mutant mice is too small to achieve the true magic sound effect, their principles are the same. By constantly coordinating the sound to resonate and then affect other people's minds, In the end, I can even shock people with earthquakes! It is a very powerful sound killing technique!"

Sure enough, as the whistling sound of the magic mouse became more and more unified, the night felt that the whole ground began to vibrate slightly, and even the hair on his body began to stand upright, and the mind was also sent to the heart. He defended against the attack.

"Ah! Don't call!"

A paladin suddenly blushes, licking his ears with one hand and slashing the big sword in his hand.

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