Undead Farm

Chapter 313: Extrajudicial land: Heavenly collar

The last time I sat behind Zhou Hong made the night three more vivid. Unfortunately, although Zhou Hong met his requirements, he only started shortly and the two were silent.

"That... are we going to slow down?"

At night, I straightened my waist and tried to open the distance with Zhou Hong. I don’t know if this chicken is too acquainted or too ignorant.

"Just casual." Zhou Hong still has a dull tone, but the hands behind the night three are still not relaxed.


On the night of the third day, she shrugged her shoulders and pulled the reins, letting the pheasant of Sahuan change from ruthless madness to a small sprint, and it was slightly less shocking.

"It is not a matter of saying that you are with me every day. The death is not so sucking." Night three looked at the shallow snow on the side of the road, suddenly.

"How do you suck?"

At night, he scratched his head, which made him difficult to live.

He didn't know where Zhou Hong's body was coming from, although she said that she could neutralize this dead air to save her as long as she got the undead atmosphere of her body, but it is a bit too strong to combine this thing.

"I think about it again."

Sighed, the night was no longer talking about this topic, the two were silent for a while, but after passing through a harvested farmland, Zhou Hong suddenly opened:

"What are you doing now? Is it for your people to live? Just like that Goblin?"

"Family?" The night of the night was even more embarrassing, shaking his head.

"I don't have a tribe. Don't look at my family's excitement, but the real undead seems to be only one of me. Oh, Laosha doesn't count. He is actually a living person. His undead is my recovery. I don't have my own." awareness."

"Is it? Then you..."

The night shrugged more: "You may have been flying in the sky for a long time. I don't know much about the things on the ground. It is a mistake for the undead to appear on this holy stone continent. Individuals want to correct it, at least not want to see it."

"I want to be able to have the strength to make people have to admit that my existence is right when people are found to be a mistake."

On the night of the third day, I smiled and patted my big belly: "Does it sound very mysterious? Actually, all I am doing now is to secretly put my fists to practice and practice hard, and who will not let me live in the future. I will let anyone die, simple?"

Zhou Hong nodded: "The reason is simple, it can be difficult to do, and the enemy you have to face seems a bit more."

"More will be more, you can unite and unite. If you can't unite, you will be convinced. Anyway, you will not be afraid of debts. I am not afraid of people wearing shoes. I can't beat them. I am looking for a deep mountain to hide."

"If you don't say me, talk about you! One person supports a group, is it tired?"

On the night of the night, she looked at her eyes and looked at Zhou Hong. She saw her face being red when she was shining in the setting sun. It was like a red apple after being chilled.

She looked up at the sky and sighed: "I am not qualified to be tired as a patriarch. Sometimes I feel that I am not myself, this feeling..."

"I understand, live for others! Sometimes you don't want to be too stretched. You should eat well. You should laugh when you play. You don't know how many people in my territory say that you are big. Snowy mountains, so ice!"

Seeing Zhou Hong swearing at himself, I was more embarrassed to scratch my head at night: "Oh, I don't interrupt, you continue."

"Don't say it, hurry!"

Zhou Hong’s foot was awkward, and the pheasant suffered a pain again, and the wings were even more open, and he slid and slid up, and he stunned the neck of the pheasant. feather.

Since the last human-war battle, the pig-headers of the pig-headed territory have not escaped into the beastly empire or have been killed by the human adventure team. They have now become a neutral territory.

In fact, according to the original agreement, the pig head territory was to be recovered by the Beast Empire after the war, but because of the different voices inside the orc, there were tens of thousands of pig heads who escaped with their help. The beast empire.

This made the Emperor feel that he did not make a prior commitment, so he took the initiative to make concessions to the Tianwei Empire and gave up the pig head.

Tianweidi is also very familiar with it. He did not really accept this territory. Instead, he waved his hand and proposed to divide the steel back collar and the pig head territory into a neutral zone. :

Heavenly collar!

In addition to a small part of the privilege, both the human and the animal agreed.

After all, at a time when the relationship between the two communities is tense, a broad strategic buffer is very important, not to mention more than one exchange in trade.

Due to the vast territory, the metal deposits of the Beast Empire, especially iron ore and coal, are even more produced than the Dwarf Union. It is important to know that almost all metals in the Holy Stone continent are monopolized by dwarves, and only the Orcs. Here you can get a lot of cheap metal.

This is one of them. The second is because there are many small ethnic branches in the orc, and the carnivores and herbivores are naturally incompatible. In the process of conflict, there will naturally be some small beasts who have to become the vassals of others. .

The better thing is that it is a cannon fodder. It is a hard work to squeeze the value of the pivot. A little bit of intelligence is not open or even a low degree of openness will become a source of food or raw materials.

That is, fur, spices, meat and milk. In addition to self-digestion, the products of these involutions can now be exchanged with humans to obtain tools, spices and cheap wheat that are scarce of the Orcs.

After all, after the natural disasters of the undead, only the human sacred silver church can build the Putian area that can make the crops grow long. In addition, there are also improved wheat that can be planted wherever you are hungry.

However, although the Church of St. Silver has branches in all ethnic groups, this thing in Putian District was only established in the Tianwei Empire, and the seeds of wheat can only be properly germinated after being baptized by holy water. Otherwise, the smuggling guy has already solved this problem.

Right now, both sides can get what they want through this mutual trade zone, but the transportation problems still plague the two sides. On the third day, more than once, I saw all kinds of manpowered carts slowly on the muddy trails. The situation of moving.

Not to mention the low efficiency, the cost of labor, including the cost of preventing the robbery of the thieves is higher than the value of the goods, when the price rises to the human territory, it can be expected.

"Well, if you repair the road to the sky, you can estimate that the toll will be able to collect my cool." Night three looked at the people who pushed the car hard, could not help but think.

Although he earns a lot now, there are more places to spend money. Naturally, it is a place where you can make money. You must pay attention to it. It is definitely not because of his slamming.... The novel of the novel Undead Farm, Chapter 313, Land: Tian Manling website: https://