Undead Farm

Chapter 314: Rich civilians?

"This is the heavenly collar? The change is really big!"

At night, I looked at the wooden houses built by the original steel back collars. I looked at them in a dense manner, and all kinds of orcs and humans shuttled back and forth inside, and could not help but sigh.

The original walls were all demolished, and the meaning of neutral land is that there is no official responsibility for management, and anyone can occupy the land here.

Under this premise, nature has attracted many long-term businessmen to come here, and even some small forces leaders and thieves have come to settle here.

After all, in the early days when the order has not yet been established, whoever comes early will be able to take up a good place and the benefits will be greater in the future.

Of course, no matter how many naive corpses are buried in the dark corners, the stability on the bright side should be consistently maintained. Otherwise, the two empires and the empire will be disgusted with the control of the hands. This rare extraterrestrial land will be gone.

"Boss, are you here?"

It was not long before the night of the night, and Yu Dafu was excited to find it.

There are places where there are interests, there are nights and three more, this day will lead him naturally will not let go, Yu Dafu is his spokesperson placed here.

Although he was only a sprinter before, but it was quite good to complete several tasks, and the task of the place was given to him at night. It seems that the effect is good, otherwise it will not be discovered until he just arrived. .

"Well, where is the place? Let's talk to a quiet place." No. 3 nodded.

Since he entered the Tian Man collar, he has a small group of small tails with various eyes. He does not want to talk about business in front of these people.

"Okay, the boss is coming with me!"

Yu Dafu nodded, and a group of guards in armor behind him helped him out a road, and with the night three came to a stone house with a hundred squares, which is completely different from other sturdy wooden houses.

"It seems that you are developing here is not bad! You should talk to me first about specific things!" Drinking a hot tea, nodded to Yu Dafu on the night.

Yu Dafu took out a map and spread it on the table:

"Returning to the boss, now Tianran has four cities in the city. It is estimated that it will be completed in the spring of next year. By that time, the basic forces of Tianman collar will be stabilized, instead of just a group of scattered soldiers, there is no big trade. ""

"Four cities? Who is so big to build a city?" The night is even more strange.

Building a city is not an easy task. Don't look at the fact that he now has four cities, but he has taken all his homes and sold them. It is estimated that no one can be built.

A large amount of building materials is a huge investment, coupled with the labor costs of construction, designers, etc., there is no tens of millions of gold coins is not to build a city.

But now there are actually four cities under construction, which can't help but draw his attention.

"I have found out the masters of these four cities, namely Ai Xier, the daughter of the fox empire, the Sparks of the Seventh State of the Dwarf Federation, Syracuse, the second son of the Southern Principal, and the last one... ..."

Xu Dafu swallowed his mouth: "People Huo Wenyu."

"People?" Frown frowned at night.

The other three city owners are the second generation of children who are backed by big trees. This is no problem.

Instead, he wouldn’t really put such a big piece of cake without intervening, but it’s a bit ugly to shoot directly, so they all exchanged tacitly with a child to come to the contemporary speaker. In this context, take out enough There is no accident in the capital construction.

This place happens to be the junction of humans and orcs. Although the dwarf is a little farther away, no one can say anything in the neutral position. It is strange that the man named Huo Wenyu.

A civilian, where did he come from so much money and courage to build a city in this unscrupulous land?

"Well, in the first time when the news came out, the Adventure Association released a lot of bounty missions to trace his information, but no matter how he checked, he could not find his background, so everyone called him as the civilian status he claimed. He, but..."

"But what?" asked me at night.

"But Huo Wenyu's hand is very extraordinary. The current known information shows that he has two thousand adventurers guarding the gold level. The leader is the guardian leader of the eight kings, from different races. ”

"Right, he even sent people to ask the day before yesterday, wanting our ancient orcs, let us open a price."

I even ordered a table at night, and my eyes were slightly blurred.

The ancient orc was the Haodell who awakened the blood. Before that, many forces and even the Orcs came to ask if they could sell them. This was naturally rejected by him.

But even this Huo Wenyu is actually interested in this, it seems that Haodell is quite delicious.

"We don't participate in the construction of the city. You can only grab a good piece in the central free trade zone. If you have the manpower, I will leave you two teams. If you don't have enough, you will hire an adventurer. This is the work budget. All right."

A bag of gold coins was thrown out, and the night continued: "Also, I mainly want to purchase a batch of iron ingots and weapons this time. Since even the dwarves have come here, why don't you take me to see?"

"it is good!"

Yu Dafu nodded and waved to let the guards follow. After all, it was still very messy, but it was blocked by the night.

Zhou Hong is here, and there are few people who can move him.

However, the Tiantian collar now has some wild meanings. Although the flow of people is very large, some small tourists who are walking are running for luck.

They have low capital and low volume, and they are doing small business of one or two gold coins. They do not have any advantage in purchasing.

But it is also with them that people around here can get goods from other places and supplement the deficiencies of various territories, which are indispensable people.

In addition, there are some relatively large caravans, those wooden houses and stone houses are also built by them ~lightnovelpub.net~ is to try to occupy as much land as possible, the business is not so eager to do.

Only those small and medium-sized caravans have a lot of goods to trade on hand. They are not in the starting stage, and they have no financial and human resources to compete for land. It is their focus to do business. Yu Dafu takes the night to find them. It is this kind of person.

"Now the four cities are under construction. The place we go to is the central free trade zone of Tianman. It is a place where anyone can do business here, but because of this, law and order and price are more chaotic, some strengths. People who are not enough don’t dare to enter."

Yu Dafu rode the crocodile lizard and walked for three hours with the night, pointing to a place like the bazaar in front.

"Just like the soil under our feet, it is estimated that there are not dozens of buried bodies and one hundred. The boss is still careful when he goes in."

At noon on the night, he nodded, and slowly walked into the market under the watchful eyes of a few big men with their arms leaning against the sun.

(The novel of the novel, the 314 rich chapter of the latest chapter of the novel Undead Farm? Website: https://