Undead Farm

Chapter 316: Dwarf 3 silly

Noon nodded at night. In the holy stone continent, as long as there are mountains, there are the group of bearded dwarves. They prefer to dig through the ground. They almost regard all the mountains as their own territory, so they also occupy the world. All minerals.

If a plain iron ore was discovered on the plains of the Orcs, it would not be too much to say that the dwarves monopolized all the metals.

Yu Dafu continued: "The dwarf's fortress is generally divided into three layers. The surface layer is used for the residence of the combatants and the reception, the second floor belongs to the palace floor of the royal family, and the third floor is the forge room, but under this There is also a layer of fortress foundation, which is the place of the masons."

"Where the rewards are dark, there are almost only stone walls and dirt except for the piles. Some dwarves who live in distress can only fall there and live."

“Poor people?” asked the night.

"It is not that ← people are lazy to do and can not afford to pay rent, but also because the development of new technology results in bankruptcy, but most of them are drinking too much money, have to go to the mud to discuss life, after all, there is no need Pay the rent and the temperature of the furnace can be passed there."

The night is even more embarrassing, this is really to drink no room!

"So what do you mean by these masons?"

Yu Dafu shook his head: "The kind of person is a minority after all, we can hardly touch it, but if you want to get a lot of metal or weapons, the lack of money can be more talkative than the proud dwarf aristocrats. After all, they I also live there, as long as I give a little introduction fee, we can still get what we want."

"This way..."

At night, he nodded even more. Before passing a short artificial craftsman's stall, he wanted to see the dwarf's handcuffs, but he was persuaded by the other party's broken rules to pick up.

If you don't give it to you, the price he asks is a thousand gold coins. In the identification of the items in the night, it is just a bad quality, and it is just in the pit!

Thinking of this, the night three stepped into the three dwarfs in the clinking glasses.


A brown beard looked up at the night, and some impatiently waved his hand:

"Sell it out, sell it! No goods, don't affect us drinking! Hehe..."

"sold out?"

At night, I glanced around the three people. I saw a few inconspicuous indentations on the ground. It looked like some heavy weapons, and I couldn’t help but nod.

"So if I want to order?"

"Say no... wait, order? Do you want to order?"

The three dwarfs held their own small oak cups and looked at the night three in a suspicious manner. Then they had a happy face and drank a ale of beer in the cup. After a good wine cellar, this Only then stood up.

"What kind of goods does the boss want to order? The original mine, the ingot or the weapon tool, as long as you open it, we can definitely help you! We are the great Snow Mountain dwarf, the heart is as pure as snow, promises to never regret like an avalanche! ”

The brown beard said that he had pulled out a badge and rubbed it, proudly hanging on his chest.

I glanced at the night, which was a snow-white hexagonal badge that looked a bit like a snowflake, but the middle pattern was a burning hammer.

"Hey? The last time you hanged is not the badge of Tianjianfeng? How has it changed?" Yu Dafu poked the road.

The brown-bearded man smiled awkwardly and licked his big hand:

"That's just a small business skill. The boss doesn't care. I will be true this time!"

"I don't care where you come from, I just want to know if you can provide enough quality weapons."

The night three wrinkled, and who later told him that the dwarves were honest and honest, like a stone, he was the first to object.

"Is the weapon? Do you know what kind of weapon the boss wants? Is it a sword or a firearm? Or is it..."

The brown-bearded **** looked at the mysterious secret and pretended to be very cautious, but in fact he had no one here, even if it was blocked by the pighead guards of the night.

"We can also get the dwarf tanks and aircraft!"

At night, I raised my eyebrows and picked them up. I was surprised.

Dwarf tanks and aircraft can be regarded as the unique products of dwarf engineering, and they are the big killers for home travel and siege.

But in the same way, this kind of thing is also an absolute tube product, just like the military horse of Tianwei, it is forbidden to circulate. As long as it is discovered, it is the big sin of decapitation!

Before the son of the personal lord spent a lot of money smuggling a part of a tank back, and then hired more than 30 dwarf engineers assembled, he drove the dwarf tank to the street.

The prestige is prestige. I heard that dozens of civilians and hundreds of houses were killed on the spot. In order to prevent diplomatic incidents, this guy was beheaded in the street and recovered in the territory.

And those smuggled and assembled dwarves were found by the bills left by the pothole guys. Finally, they all grabbed the dwarf bastion, and burned the red parts one by one in the face of everyone. The bodies were thrown into the furnace.

Now in front of him, these three guys who are ugly, seemingly desperate, actually say that they can get dwarf tanks and aircraft?

"Do you really?" asked me at night.

"Of course it is true!" Brown beard patted the chest, but the expression of seeing the night three seems to be a bit serious, thinking about it and finally added a sentence:

"But it's not a complete tank and aircraft. I can only give you the main gun of the tank and the firearm system of the aircraft. But it is a special product that I have carefully improved, even if you use it, there will be no trouble!"

"As far as energy systems, mechanical systems and armor are concerned, I have no choice. After all, that is not our specialty."

On the night of the night, the six pig heads blocked all the sights outside and looked at the brown beard:

"Why do I believe in you? This badge can't convince me~lightnovelpub.net~ The brown beard has blown his beard and wiped the badge again: "I swear by the reputation of my firearms master, I said All are true, do not believe they can testify! ”

When he said that he kicked the two dwarfs who were still in a daze, the two men hurriedly raised their short hands and patted their chests:

"Well, I swear by the reputation of my ammunition expert, what he said is true!"

"I, I am the same, oh no, I swear by the reputation of my mechanical apprentice, they are all true!"

The two were covered in coal ash, the hair beard curled like a fire, and the other one was wearing a pair of thick glasses, screaming with a red face.

It was only when his voice just fell, he was knocked at the brown beard: "What apprentice, you are a mechanical expert now! I said!"

Night three more: ... novel novels of the undead farm chapter 316 chapter three dwarf three silly website: https://