Undead Farm

Chapter 319: Undercurrent

"Boss, I don't quite understand."

Looking at the three dwarfs who ran away from the fart, Yu Dafu had some doubts.

"Why do you believe them? You know that the biggest ones in the current masons are still scammers. They have already lost the glory of the dwarves. It is no different from the most despicable human beings. I am worried..."

I even shook my head at night: "I know your concerns. To tell the truth, thousands of gold coins are thrown out. I am also distressed, but I have recently needed a large number of high-quality weapons and metals. The production of civilian irons on the Principality is too small. The Orc craft is too bad, so I can only find the dwarf."

"As for the three guys..." The third night looked at the ghost of the closed-eye state and hung next to the three dwarves.

"Just when I gamble, I am afraid that the dwarves who dare to sell tanks are hard to find. It is natural, and they will pay a heavy price. You don't have to worry about this."

"Adult, when I talk a little more, the weapons in this trade zone are very popular, and you are also buying weapons at a heavy price. Is it necessary to start the war?" Yu Dafu asked.

However, there is no scolding fear. On the night of the night, I laughed. "Your eyes are very sharp, but the war is not yet temporary, but it may not be too flat recently."

Since the death of Zhu Lie, the quarrel within the Orcs has not stopped. According to Xu Muzhi, it seems that there has been a split inside.

One is the Zun sect, that is, listening to the words of the Emperor and the human beings, and peaceful development.

The other is the beastly sect. Everything is made up of the orc. It is a humiliation to compromise with human beings. It is a shame in shame to take the lead to show the good man to the human being.

However, after all, the emperor is a savage emperor. As the first person of the orc family, the prestige and power accumulated over the years are not subversive, unless the sects can find a person who dares to use the hard steel. The strong to defeat the sages of the Orc tradition.

That way, the sects of the sects can destroy all the foundations of the sectarians in one fell swoop, and they can complete the political alternation without much internal friction!

Unfortunately, they can't find such people.

Therefore, at present, the eternal empire of the beast is still peaceful, but the bottom is already a dark tide. The entry of a private pig head is one of the little moves of the sect.

Once this kind of provocation of the Emperor is repeated several times, in order to maintain his authority, what the Barbarian will do is not necessarily.

On the night of the night, I pointed to those people who came and went around and said to Yu Dafu: "You have been here for a while. Recently, I found out that the orcs are purchasing human food, the dwarves' weapons, but they have nothing. Something for sale?"

Yu Dafu thought for a moment, his eyes suddenly slammed: "Hey, it seems like this is true! Are you saying that they are in the military?"

Noon nodded at night: "So you don't understand the big business, but you understand too much. They are not doing small business here. They are coming to war money!"

"Humans and dwarves naturally want the orcs to be in a mess so that they can benefit from it. The orcs also know this, but the general trend is that they want to survive in the future catastrophe, then they have to be prepared from now, otherwise The dwarves who raised the price were already cut out by an axe."

"Then we buy equipment is to..."

Seeing Yu Dafu wrinkled his frown, and he even stroked his forehead at night: "You didn't guess wrong. Our territory is too close to the orc here, and it is a conventional buffer zone, regardless of the sacred and the sects. If you don’t fight, who wins and who wins, the situation on our side will be very tight.”

"If you are a thief, you will be robbed by the beast army. If we still have the mentality of waiting for the Principality to rescue everything, then it is not far from death!"

"You said, I need to arm my territory in advance to prevent accidents?"

Yu Dafu admired the arched hand: "The boss is far-sighted, but the small body is not aware of it, and he is deeply embarrassed."

"In its position, you don't have to look so far in this position. The boss is not so good. But when you are fine, it is not a bad thing to think about it. The business here will soon be Rely on you."

Yu Dafu’s eyes are bright: “The boss means you...”

"Get rich!" The night of the night, he waved his hand more slyly and looked stern.

"War of war money can be sent, we can't fall behind! Loland will supply all the food after half a month. Your mission is to take the line with the Beast City and sell all our products. Buy money for us to buy weapons and return to blood!"

"What about the other three cities?" Yu Dafu asked.

There are unique underground crops in the dwarf territory, and they do not use imported food. However, their wheat that is hobby to drink must be bought from the human side. This is a good sale.

On the other hand, people should pay attention to whether selling too much food to the Orcs here will lead to some hostile and powerful hostility. As for the civilian city owner, it is still unclear about the other party's purpose.

"This degree you grasp yourself, anyway, we are fair trade, really have to have a thorn to make trouble, you can not handle me."

"Good boss!" Yu Dafu nodded ~lightnovelpub.net~ and Zhou Hong, who was silent next to the night, looked at them both, a thoughtful look.

After the market night, there was no interest in the night. At present, the dwarves are coming to be profiteers. The human beings are sharing a piece of cake. The orcs are big heads and both are slaughtered.

The price is real and the reference is not great. And there are a lot of smart people who can come to this Nuggets. Like the kind of idiots with untimely goods, they don’t know where they are being pulled to bury them. It’s generally a bit of a stall. The embarrassing role of the matter.

Just like the three dwarfs, don't look at the cockroaches, but the blood on the big axe inserted behind you is not killing the chicken!

So in the last night, I only spent two hundred gold coins. I bought a glassware for Bade and I decided to go back, but there were more than a dozen plain-clothed guys blocking his way.

They all have short robes that have been changed into coarse cloth. They look very shabby in this winter, but the weapons on them are all bright steel products. At first glance, they are expensive, but they form a strong contrast. So that the night three can not help but think of a whole family to buy weapons, the result is only the odds of a pair of pants.

For the first bald-headed man with a strange tattoo, after carefully watching a few nights, he arched his hand and asked in a rough voice:

"Don't ask you, but Lord Lorraine is the deputy lord, night three night hero?"