Undead Farm

Chapter 321: Antitrust cooperation

Huo Wenyu has a literary name that does not match his style of appearance, but this passer-by, a young man in his twenties, has a big dream.

In the third few days, I know that this is an ideal person. Unlike other people who only complain about the unfairness of the world and then continue to innocent fantasy at night, he really puts into practical action.

Look at the people he gathered together. When you look at the state of mind, you know that the usual days have been very good.

Moreover, he is also a person who really said that he is not only his men to do heavy work, but even he himself has to play in person, it is indeed completely different from the people I have seen in the night.

But when it comes to the same concept, the night is a bit unpleasant.

His brothers are doing 007, the blessings are much more than the people of Huo Wenyu, and they will definitely be able to cast a good baby in the next life!

Huo Wenyu smiled and said: "The ideal is to talk about, after all, the same way can be the same, but what we want to talk about is actually cooperation."


Huo Wenyu nodded. "The younger brother of the night, but in a short period of time, from a defender to the actual control of the three-collar and four-city achievements, it is really admirable. But this also led to a big crisis. So I want to work with you and help you."

Frown at night.

The identity of the Shoulin is a long time ago, and there are not many people who know this. It seems that Huo Wenyu has done a lot of work for him!

"That's just that I have better luck. I don't know what the crisis Huo said?"

In the eyes of Huo Wenyu, the cold light flashed, and the index finger pointed to the sky: "Power!"

"You and I both start from the end, naturally know how much the hostile and powerful people are hostile to us. How can they look at the last small people who should have been fighting for their lives? They exist side by side, not only that, but also take half of the dishes on their table?"

"The night brother's recent movements are so big, the momentum is so strong, isn't he aware of some unreasonable peeping or temptation, or even a dark hand?"

At night, his eyes slightly stunned. He remembered the black men who had attacked Baiyan Village before. These guys have not been able to find identity.

The only informed Li Youcai seems to be afraid of something, not talking about it, until Yi'an City was incorporated into his territory, still did not dare to speak.

There is only one answer to this situation:

Li Weicai, the other party, can't afford it, and he can't afford it on the night!

This is in line with the characteristics of those people mentioned by Huo Wenyu. Is it true that those powers are jealous of themselves, so they sent a thug to destroy his industry?

"It seems to be there!" Huo Wenyu saw the night three more expressions dignified, could not help but sigh.

"In fact, I and I have already done countless attempts, but every time there is a slight improvement, they will be relentlessly suppressed by the dignitaries. In order not to let us earn a copper plate, they even want to suppress a gold coin. we!"

"You said, is such a person hated? Is it hateful?"

Seeing the night three more silent, Huo Wenyu tapped the table and sighed:

"We are like a group of homeless tramps who can't take root in the country, or they will not run this chaotic and dangerous place far and wide."

"After all, only filth can cover up the filth. Since we can't afford it, then we will build our own city in this uninhabited place. The dignitaries and civilians will not exist here. We will raise the ants in the ant city. This city is bound to build my ideals here..."

"Oh, I’m sorry to pull away." Huo Wenyu stopped short, and embarrassedly grinned.

"The night brother is a person who has received the power and viciousness. Naturally, he knows that it is inevitable that he wants to develop under their eyes. I want to talk to you about this cooperation. The purpose is to break the ruling position of the powerful!"

"Are they not monopolies? Don't you let us trade freely? Then we will not follow their intentions!"

Seeing Huo Wenyu talking and straightening up, the night is more in the heart,

Finally, the focus is on!

Sure enough, after swallowing his mouth, Huo Wenyu continued: "I heard that there is a large farm in the night brother industry, which can produce high quality and cheap crops, and even a livestock farm, which is home to many animals that have never been seen before. ,do not know……"

"This is true, but it is a fertile ground that was discovered by the whole forest into a fly ash. Otherwise, I can't plant anything, let alone raise animals, and I can't eat enough!"

"I don't know what is the high opinion of Huo Xiong?"

"High talk can't talk, just cooperation, yes, I want to talk to you about cooperation!" Huo Wenyu is right.

"Now the agricultural products of the Tianwei Empire are basically controlled by Putian District, but Putian District can only be radiated to some large cities. It is simply not available to some remote small places, even if there are traders who transport the fresh ones at no cost. Vegetables and other crops in the past, high costs will also lead to rising prices."

"This has caused the lower the price of the city, the lower the price, the more expensive the place is, the more expensive it is for many civilians. Some people can only eat wheat and eat food all the year round~lightnovelpub.net~nutrition I have to be thin and weak."

"Even so, they still have to pay taxes for the local dignitaries, in order to save a few small sums and eat some other food. I think this is really wrong, so I want to discuss things with you."

"You said." Nodded in the night.

Huo Wenyu’s eyes suddenly stared at the night’s eyes: “I don’t know if you are willing to contribute to the civilians who can’t afford other foods, and put the export food crops into the market at a cost price?”

"You want me to dump at a low price?" Flickered at night.

He was locked up before Li Youcai could only sell at 120% of the wholesale price of Putian District, in order to prevent someone from saying that he dumped at a low price.

But even so, his product price is still much lower than the price that was transported to the local market in Putian, so it will be sought after by people, and even their myth is that their food is more nutritious and better.

In fact, the seeds are the same, but his younger ones are more diligent. The corpse farm is also relatively quick to produce, and the cost is low. However, he is so careful and low-key that he is still warned by the Putian Management Center.

If Tang Xiaoyu had blocked him for a while, maybe his farm had been closed for a long time.

If he now lowers the price according to Huo Wenyu's statement and falls to the extent that it can break the market and cause price turmoil, then who can help him stop it?

But the most important thing is, what benefits does he have?

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