Undead Farm

Chapter 333: Are you really undead?

I said goodbye to Ize, and I sat in a chair for a long time in the night.

He now has a total of about 200,000 gold coins, and a first-class transmission array needs 1,000 gold coins. If you want to cover the southern Principality, you don't think about it for a while, unless he can get more money.

"The money on the farm and the farm has already been collected. There will be no big income in at least three months. The championship city is also developing. In order to make big money in the future, the house cannot be sold cheaply, but it will continue to increase. Construction is equal to only going out..."

Flickering at night, I figured out my income.

"If you pass the toll, you have already achieved initial results. Although a businessman only receives 10 copper in one city, but a person can have several hundred gold coins in one month. After the road is spread wider and farther, this income is at least ten. Ten thousand, but not yet."

"If you look at it, it seems that there is nothing that can come to the money..."

Without money, the night's transmission array can't be carried out by inserting a map plan, and the undead transmission array is related to another plan that can make big money. This is equivalent to an infinite loop.

When I was guilty, I suddenly saw a "Tianwei Weekly" on the table at night, and my eyes suddenly brightened.

The gadgets made by the empire portal guards were very popular among the people. Many advertisements, gossips, and rumors were found on the top. On the night of the night, they also spent a lot of money on the advertisements and even posted a lot of sales advertisements. Still sprayed on the person and the person.

In his view, although this information is messy, it is very powerful as a public opinion tool, and the ability to absorb gold is naturally not bad. Then why does he not give this industry a pocket?

I thought of it, and I ran out when I shot the table at night.

The nearest space portal to this place is naturally Yi'an City, which is the future champion city. He only needs to take a second-level undead transmission array to arrive, which is very convenient.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Hong said that he had to follow, which was naturally rejected by the night.

"This transmission array is not the same as the general one. It can only transmit the undead, you can't get into the life!"

But Zhou Hong shook his head: "Don't try to know?"

"Try it, don't believe you ask Bade!" The night three flattened the mouth.

Bed's curious guy naturally wouldn't let go of the undead to send this mysterious device that relies on blood to generate power, but she finally couldn't pass it for three hours, only to resentfully A few words went with a red butt.

This also makes the night three more determined that the undead transmission array can only transmit the undead, even the bead that is tied with him will not work, Zhou Hong still said to try?

Zhou Hong glanced at the arm under his sleeve: "Try it."

"Try it, don't blame me when you are splashed with blood!"

On the night of the third wave, let the pig head butcher get a few barrels of blood back, shouting at Zhou Hong, standing at the bottom of the transmission crater:

"The last chance, I will ask again..."

"Don't grind."


With a bang, the red blood scorpion with temperature was covered by Zhou Hong. She did not use her own skills to resist, letting the blood basin and basin again. Seeing this night, she suddenly slammed her head.

"Well, the consumption of this transmission array is calculated according to the consumption of camouflage soul. She is not affected by my disguise. How much blood is needed? I don't know, she can't send it away. I am worried about what to do... ”

Because the night three is more pissed, the pig head has a lot of blood this time. When he was in a daze, the pig head butcher poured all the blood down, almost filling the whole blood pool.

To know that this is a secondary transmission array, do not look at the blood pit is only a few meters deep, but in fact it is only a visual effect, the blood that can be loaded is also calculated in tons, which makes the night three more distressed.

But when he thought about whether or not to give extra blood to the blood to send to Bede to eat, the transmission burst suddenly flashed, blood and Zhou Hong disappeared into the pit.


After rubbing his eyes and confirming that he had no eyes on it, the night of the night made the pig butcher pick up a few more blood, and then jumped into the transmission array.

The red-blooded red mansions disappeared, and the night three turned around. I saw Zhou Hongzheng standing on the side of the pit and looking at his own hands. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"Are you sure that you are not a dead soul?" The third night climbed into the pit and glanced at Zhou Hong strangely.

For the first time, the Undead Transfer Array can send live people, he has to be curious.

"I don't know. But it seems that the deadness in my body is getting more and more good. Maybe when I really die, I really will become a dead soul."

Zhou Hong's sleeves were neat, and she saw a horrible black blood line on her neck.

"What kind of poison is this, can actually make you become like this, who said that who gave you the poison?" asked the night three more strangely.

"Don't ask, I just don't know." It seems that she noticed the night's gaze. Zhou Hong raised the collar slightly, but still could not cover her neck.


Watched around the night, the transmission line is an absolute restricted area. At present, there are only a group of undead guards, but here is Yi'an City, and there are many stall vendors around.

I saw him go out for a while and then ran back ~ lightnovelpub.net~ toward Zhou Hong is to stretch out a hand, a sky blue silk scarf in his hand:

"The roadside is casual [buy], not a high-end goods, you will use it."

Zhou Hong looked up and looked up. He reached out and slowly tied his neck and nodded. "Thank you, I like it very much."

"That's good!"

Nodded, the two thought about each other, and could not find anything to say at the moment, both of them silently walked out of the transmission array.

At this time, there are very few people wandering in the city. Most of them are the hard work of carrying goods. They are pushing the car hard and hard. From time to time, one or two businessmen gather in the teahouse and talk about the market everywhere.

At this time, Yi'an City is the largest city closest to Tianman collar. The transportation properties in all directions make the merchants everywhere gather here.

They bought and sold high-quality goods in the north and south of the country, and they also made profits by paying off the shortage of goods in various places, which provided a lot of contributions to the development of various places.

Tian Man’s big fat is naturally the biggest hot spot at present, but the average small businessman does not necessarily have the capital to go, so they simply hold a group here, temporarily merge the caravans, and resist the road by the scale of a big business group. Bandit.

When arriving at Tianman collar, more goods can make it easier for them to find the buyer, so it is only in the night that they can see so many businessmen in the city, which indirectly promotes the business of teahouses and restaurant hostels.

Walking, the night three came back and shouted.

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