Undead Farm

Chapter 348: King's secret order

"I didn't expect the finned fish to be used like this!" The night three looked at the animal skin and exclaimed.

Only two-finger-sized shark-finned fish have a small amount of meat, but the sales are not bad because of its meaty taste, but it is not this, but the other baby on the winged fish:

Dorsal fins!

Or, it is the dorsal fin of the squid.

It seems that due to the large amount of swallowing soil, the shark-winged fish king can digest the metal in the sediment and enrich it into his dorsal fin as a sharp weapon, but because of this temperament, the words are spit and the number is again Less, so I was not put in the heart by myself. I didn’t expect it to be thought of by Keno.

His approach is very simple, using the similar habits of the squid and the Goblin, directly dividing it into countless small ethnic groups, so that the squid will alienate a pterosaur in the intra-community competition, and then Then seal the fish king into the cans and send it to the livestock farm. Use the [rotted corral] to suppress the wildness of the creature, and directly turn it into a fat head fish that is stuffed in the jar and eats and waits for death.

And when they came out of the slaughterhouse, a hard-boned, metal-backed fin was reached.

However, there was still a problem. Because the metal components in the sediment and the feed were very mixed, the back fins of each of the shark fins were different and could not be used well. However, with the addition of the dwarf brothers today, I believe that The melting of these dorsal fins into metal ingots is only a trivial matter. For the night, it is just a matter of adding one thing to the feed list:


"Eat the soil can produce metal, baby!" Nodded in the night.

Although it is still not known how much the quality of this metal is produced, it is still very promising if it can be written by Keno, and it may not be possible for him to reach metal freedom in the future.

Of course, in addition to the dorsal fin of the kingfisher, there is one thing in the proposal of Keno that attracts the attention of the night.

"Maple sugar?"

At night, the eyelids trembled. I didn't expect that before the white sugar of Bede had been made, Goblin was the first to make something like maple syrup!

It’s a coincidence that Kuru’s tickles himself when he supervises the undead logging team, and then he doesn’t know if it’s a bad thing with the thief’s thief’s bad habits. The sap is a bit too sweet!

The next thing is very simple. After the skill of the undead chef, a bowl of sweet and crystal clear maple syrup is born.

The high-energy thing of sugar, whether it is for adventurers or nobles, is very popular, especially the unique sweetness of Maple, which will definitely be welcomed by those Kaizi!

"So when I first chose the tree species, I chose the right maple tree!"

Night three even boasted a bit, then the eyeballs turned, and instantly thought of a plan to make this sweet gadget into a big sale.

But before he finished, the horseshoe sound that he got was interrupted.

"Imperial war horse?!"

At night, I frowned and came to Baiyan New City. I saw three riders squatting back and forth in front of the pile of white stone walls. The head was an old acquaintance.

"Guo Da team? What kind of wind actually blows you?" The night three greeted.

"Ha ha ha! I just wondered, the person who pointed out the road clearly said that it was a village. As a result, it was a city when I saw it, and I didn't dare to go in for a long time!"

Guo Minghui saw the night three, and gave him a suffocating bear hug when he burst into laughter.

As a soldier, people who have saved their lives are naturally treated as brothers.

"Guo team is joking, you are a high-ranking job, where can you go in the southern duchy? Not to mention my little place, but look at you, are you coming to me for a special trip?"

Guo Minghui nodded. "I was looking for you this time. There is actually a king who wants to convey..."

"Wang Ling?" The night was even more surprised.

What did the king ask him? Is it that Tang Xiaoyu is noisy again?

But even then, will you not use Wang Ling?

"Oh, to be precise, it should be the secret of the king!"

Guo Minghui waved his hand, and the two knights looked behind him. They watched the sword and looked around. One of them was to insert the big sword in the hand toward the ground. A broken rune suddenly wrapped the four people together. Isolated from the outside world.

"Make the hood?"

Seeing the other side so cautious, the brows of the night are wrinkled deeper.

And Guo Minghui is staring straight at the eyes of the night three, one word and one sentence:

"Fangnan Gongwang Tang Wang's life, this time the peak battle group selection contest, please wait for the night and the territory to participate fully! Be brave!"

“Nothing?” The night was even more embarrassing.

"Well, no, just this sentence." Guo Minghui shrugged.

"No, I have never heard of this peak battle group selection. Why do I have to participate?"

He seems to smell something unknown.

Guo Minghui is a calm face: "You are more remote here, so the news will take some time to pass over. I just told you in advance so that you can prepare for it."

As for this peak battle group selection contest, literally, choose one of the strongest battle groups, just..."

"What is it?"

Guo Minghui smiled and said: "Forget it~lightnovelpub.net~ Look at your look, I will tell you about it!"

"The Peak Battle Group Selection Competition is the first competition of the group that was presided over and held by Tian Weidi. The participants can participate in any country as long as they belong to the four principalities of the southeast and the north, in order to ensure fairness and justice, all with a regular rank and a Principality. No one can participate in a formal position."

"The size of the battle group is limited to one hundred people. It is not limited to occupation. The competition method is a single elimination system until the winner is selected. After one month, the points are in the Principality, and the final point is in Tianwei City. The transfer fee of the participants shall be reimbursed by the Principality."

"I think Tang Wang specifically wants me to secretly let you participate. It should be that you are the seed of our southern Principality. You have to cheer!"

At night, I took a breather.

It turned out to be an empire-wide event, or a hundred-member team battle!

You need to know that this is not the five people in the land lease contest. When two hundred people get together and fight it, they are not so well controlled. Are they not afraid to kill people?

Even more strange is that the game time is actually a month later! What time is it so tight? And even the public fee transmission is willing, know that the cost of light must be at least tens of millions of gold coins!

Is it bad for him to have this money?

Thinking of this, the night is clearer:

"So, do you want to pay for it?"

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