Undead Farm

Chapter 349: I live in a pigsty?

"Is the reputation of the Tianwei Empire's strongest battle group not enough? I heard that Tianweidi will personally receive and reward the representatives of the four countries. The first member of all members can get a personal teaching opportunity from the Shenwei group!"

"The gods! The people inside are all holy people! Can this opportunity be bought with money?!"

The night is even more screaming, is the saint very cattle? The Seven Kingdoms of the South is not in front of him by a Zhu Lie!

However, this is obviously only in the heart, and the night is even more in front of Guo Minghui:

"Guo Da team, we are also a life of friendship, you tell me the truth, this is really not the Tang Wang in the communion?"

"Private hatred? You have a hatred with Tang Wang?" Guo Minghui was a little surprised.

"No, I mean, why do you have to specify me to participate? You see that I am here in the backcountry. I really can't do anything. You let me go where to get a hundred people to fight with those big guys? This is not for me. Death?!"

"Which is so exaggerated! You have to believe in yourself! Anyway, I have already conveyed it. You should not blame me. This friend did not remind you. If you are absent from work, the consequences of Tang Wang’s anger can not afford it!"

Guo Minghui’s voice suddenly became cold, and it was obviously not a little angry with the sense of honor in the night.

The meaning of his sentence is also to persuade the night three to dispel the idea of ​​a round of tour as a tourist team. It is not a joke to fight for the first four words!

"How dare I, I just wondered why Tang Wang believed me so much? How did he tell you at the time?" Night Three laughed.

"Just say that, but at that time, Tang Wang seemed to be very happy. Even the six princes wearing women's clothes passed him and he was not angry..."


Is the kind of happiness that is conspiring?

The night three sighed.

If there is a choice, he really does not want to participate in this selection of ghosts and hordes!

Let me not say that the reward is like a cloud to him. The time to toss is enough, and he also has self-knowledge.

Although his current strength is still acceptable, but he wants to compete with those rich family members is still a little lacking, especially the number limit of this game makes him a little embarrassed.

You said that if the number is a little less, bring a few of them with Laosha, Lao Gu and blood madness, plus your own BUG-level undead card book to make more than one play, and more rounds are still possible.

But the number of this one is not much, so it can just form the size of a small team. These undead in their hands are almost all warrior occupations. In case of encountering a mage group, they should not come to a fire ribs?

Unless you don’t want to face your face, it’s just five thousand undeads thrown in the past, but you can’t separate the guards in a few cities, and that’s too conspicuous. It’s inevitable that people will see the anomaly.

"What, the difficulty is really big?"

Guo Minghui saw the face change on the face of the night, and even the brows became wrinkled into a Sichuan word, which could not help but be soft.

"In fact, I also know your difficulties. The time is too tight. It is too late to summon people to work together. This kind of competition is too high. It will inevitably meet some people who are well prepared, but you can rest assured that Tang Wang will help. You arranged it..."

Guo Minghui said that he took out two small space rings.

"There is a hundred sets of armor that he has prepared for you. As for the weapons, you don't know what kind of weapons you need, so you can leave me a list later. I will help you prepare for the game... ..."

"Oh, there is this! Tang Wang is afraid that you can't find a good competitor, so I will give you a recruitment fund. I hope that you can recruit a team with an average strength above gold before the game, and it is best. There are more than five people in Platinum. This is the bottom line for the South China team. Do you understand what I mean?"

After that, Guo Minghui directly put the two space rings to the night three, and the third eyebrows picked up the eyebrows and explored the ring.

"I said it early! I promise to make every effort to become a representative of the South, to play the level of style and to win glory for our southern country!"

The bottom line?

That is obviously the highest level of opponents in this competition. It means that as long as the team strength of the night is more than that, plus the assistance of this huge pile of materials, the proper black-box operation!

Guo Minghui saw the more joyful look of the night, and glanced at him: "If I can say early, I can know your true thoughts. If you do, then you will be sent to you. You will hurry and prepare for it. I hope to see it in a month." Not the same, you are leaving!"

"Good to go!"

Looking at the back of Captain Guo, the face of the night was sinking again.

He rubbed the two rings and muttered to himself:

"It’s really a big hand. These tricks are enough for me. Can you say..."

The time of a month is not long. It is only until the night of the night that the matter has just been arranged and it is on the day of the game.

After spending an extravagant empire portal with a transfer fee of up to 700,000 gold coins, the night and the third line went directly to the venue:

On the outskirts of the main city of the southern Principality, not on the edge of the West Lake.

Speaking of this is not an interesting thing about the West Lake. It is said that because the Western King and the Southern Kings don’t look at each other, they each made a lake in their main city.

One is not west, and the other is not south.

But at night, I watched the lake and water color ~lightnovelpub.net~ the beautiful scenery of the 5A-level scenic spot, scratching the head and not figured out.

Is there no hatred? Isn’t it how ugly here? I also developed a scenic spot?

However, good scenery is also a good thing, at least they live comfortably, and nothing can ease the mood.

And because of some unknown reasons, their residences have already been arranged, and they don't have to be crowded with the crazy entrants and spectators in the airtight pig house, and they are happy before the game.

In addition to accompanying a few guys from Bede to go shopping for wallets every day, some of them are guilty, others are fine...

"To tell the truth, if I don't transfer it here by public payment, I really don't know the difference between the city and the city is so big!"

At night, I looked up and looked at the white brick high-rise building that was more than 30 meters high. The light inside the hall was seven meters high. The translucent magic light illuminates the whole building, not to mention the 24-hour hot water. The high-end restaurant is open all day, plus the personal service of the beauty waiter...

Think about the simple stone brick house in your home, the pigsty is not as good!

"This is just an ordinary hotel. The city center is more stylish, but it is farther away. After you finish the game, I will take you to my house to play well?"

A figure of a caper smiled beside the night, and it was Tang Xiaoyu who had a headache for him.

Behind them, the five Tang princes looked at the backs of the two men in a hurry, and when they had a big word, they pulled the sword and rushed to cut the meaning of the night.