Undead Farm

Chapter 350: Lotus in the West Lake

Although the night does not want to have anything to do with Tang Xiaoxuan, this girl has nothing to do with his bad eyes. On the contrary, he still sticks a lot of people's light, so it is not good for him to stick to Tang Xiaoyu.

"I think there are at least tens of thousands of people waiting in line. How can there be hundreds of teams? How can the game end so soon? In fact, I have begun to wonder if I can finish the game before the finals..." The group of black people who are pressing.

According to Tang Xiaoxuan, although everyone can participate in the competition, but they must meet certain conditions to successfully register, otherwise no one can bear the cost of transmission.

What is even worse is that the more remote the team demands, the more expensive their transmission fees. For example, these people spend 700,000 gold coins on the night, and it is not necessary for the tour team to enter the southern Principality.

Even so, after the screening, the team still has a lot of scary. Even if the night is more casual, the finger will be scared by the transmission fee, so he wants to get some dwarfs to run the mine to dig the space gems for sale. ......

Tang Xiaoxuan smiled slightly and suddenly got to the ear of the night: "Of course it is impossible to play for so long, you will know later!"

"Awaiting? Is there any doorway inside?"


When several princes saw the two men biting their ears, they couldn’t help but woke up in an instant, and they walked on the night and walked forward.

"Time is coming, let's take him to sign, you will come back!"

The violent princes punched and kicked all the way, and all the entrants of the road were selected, and the contestants were all dare to speak out. After all, this group of people followed a bunch of fierce kingdom guards.

If you don't want to live, you can try it, but it's obvious that you are interested in it.

"Who is the prince who is holding the prince? What crimes did he commit to be seen on the streets?" One contestant said with gloating.

"Do you want to use the prince to carry the street? I think he is more likely to be the lover of these five princes. Think about their sad reminder name. Now I am definitely looking for a junior!"

"Hey?! Do you mean backs... or pick one? I can't even wipe this, can you get down to X with Tang Fatie?"

"Cough! You didn't see that guy is still a little handsome? Then again, how many people want to have this opportunity in order to be honored and prosperous! This is a direct struggle for a hundred years! ”

"Oh, unfortunately, unfortunately no one can understand my subtle beauty, it is really a pearl!"

"Oh... no, you see how they got there. The queue is really strong. Shouldn't they want to hold their boyfriend?" one contestant asked worriedly.

"Oh! Ignorance!"

The contestant who seemed to understand everything glared at him with contempt.

"Even if you want to hold it, you don't look at what kind of game it is. Can he still let everyone not fight without falling?! I think his team will disappear after two rounds!

And you don't have to worry, they are just a stimulus, just play! The happiness of the rich is not something we can penetrate. ”

"This way, you have a good reason, don't know where your friends are staying? If there is a relationship tonight..."

The two men had no chance to stay for the time being. After the signing of the heads and the lottery to announce the system, the third night finally understood the meaning of Tang Xiaoxuan’s words.

No wonder she said that the game will go very fast, it turns out that this is actually an uninterrupted wheel elimination battle!

All teams are divided into 4 large groups on average, and then the draws in the group determine the two-two matchup. The winning team will start the second round of draws and matches directly when all the teams in the first round are completed, until the team decides first, then The 4th group made the first semi-final and finally the final.

And this game system is only used for two days!

On the first day, I decided to make the semi-finals. The next day I decided to win the championship. It was impossible to play!

This means that you have to win at least five team battles on the first day of the line! Still almost the same non-stop!

Who can stand up to this? !

Sure enough, the participating teams suddenly got up after listening to the rules of the game.

What is this mad rule?

In order to improve efficiency, there are still many people who have not been able to decide the outcome after half an hour of war. The two teams will be defeated if the number is the same!

Is the king mad?

He doesn't know if this will make a big deal? Don't die a large group of people at that time?


Actually, when both sides killed more than ten people, both sides also lost? Are you trying to keep restraint when you let the team kill red eyes?

What about those mages? Do you want to use a staff to knock a sap?

But the rules are the rules. Everyone is treated the same as the contestants, so in addition to complaining a few words, there are not many people who really want to retire.

In fact, this rigorous rule is a great opportunity for the group of conscious and talented adventurers to come.

Once they can qualify in such a brutal competition, they represent their supreme strength, and the amount of gold is not too high. Even if they fail to win the final championship, they will be able to mix in the future. Up!

And this kind of opportunity to prove oneself is not so good to come across, naturally it’s hard to get enough to work hard~lightnovelpub.net~ The atmosphere suddenly becomes serious, and each team begins to look around with vigilance and evaluate Every opponent around.

After all, under this system, anyone can become an enemy!

"The grouping is completed. Now ask the people in the group to be a little farther away from the lake." A clear voice swayed in the ears of everyone. Everyone suddenly felt a shock and looked at the West Lake.

I saw the beautiful lakeside center. I didn’t know when she stood a beautiful woman, staring at it. She only seemed to stand on the ground, and she didn’t even have a foot.

"The Holy Waters! Is she actually to host the game?" everyone was shocked.

The ability to use a saint to serve them, the specifications of this game is not too high!

The Qingshui saints nodded after the people retreated 50 meters from the shore. They both shook their hands directly and held a half-point, and then they slammed:

"Water Wall, Wan He, open!"


As the Qingshui Saints showed their arms, only the tens of thousands of adult water-thickness water columns rushed straight from the lake surface. At the top of the water column, there was a water-ball condensed flower bud that slowly bloomed. After expanding into a lotus flower with a diameter of 100 meters, it stopped. Finally, a lotus pond formed by water was formed directly above the West Lake!

Looking at the crystal lotus pond reflected in the sun, everyone was shocked:

"This... is this the power of the Holy One? God, it is strong!"

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